Color The Archons GONE


This is the piece I referred to in my previous Gaia Portal piece.  Last night my child and I each had what we would normally call “nightmares” and yet there was really no fear there ~ not like in past dreams.  In my child’s dream she was easily able to take control and turn it into a pleasant dream ~ a first.  In my dream, I was drowning in a rather unusual, interesting mix of earth elements.  It was not pleasant at first (I have had drowning dreams throughout this life cycle and they have always left me feeling terrified).  At first I said “NO” ~ but then relaxed – which surprised and confused my brain which was like “what the HELL are you doing??!!”.  I was able to surrender and just observed the experience before I ended it. So we still have responsibility for our own thoughts but I feel it will now be much much easier to just be in our OWN space without outside influence from the spindly slime balls.  Also of interest ~ other people commenting are noticing the same thing w/their dreams.  Then reading today’s Gaia Portal I had to think “ok maybe there is truth in this…”   


For the first time in a long time… a million years?… there are no more archons in, on, or around the Planet Earth. The archons are GONE. They’d been forced away from the Earth and were hanging out around the moon — and were feeling surprisingly invincible — until they messed with some of the Meowracles’ dreams. So, we asked our higher order friends to intervene and… POOF. No more archons. (It was actually quite a battle, but still, it didn’t last long. The female archon was nasty, twice the size of the males. And they really did look like that above pic.)

Only now can we see and feel what it looks and feels like NOT to have some nasty ET species (that were BIG, scaling anywhere from 10 to 20 miles!) meddling with our consciousnesses and our energies. It will be interesting to see what happens. (The TWBs are all gone, too, banished to The Forbidden Zone.) This is serious cause for celebration, folks. The scourge is over.

PLEASE NOTE: If you’re going to claim on your own blogs/sites that the archons are gone, please credit us and our higher order friends. They did do us all a huge service, after all. We are forever in their debt.

Destroying The Illusion ~ Breaking Down Trumps “The Calm Before The Storm”


Overall I am in alignment with what Jordan is saying and appreciate his insight. Definitely agree some big arrests will be made public in the upcoming days which is going to shake those who have refused to see the people behind the curtain and their dark ways.  That is where the truth seekers will come in and help the newbies transition into the new journey of venturing down the rabbit hole. Remain focused inward, holding the light and know we are not alone in this chaotic beautiful mass change.  


10.8 – The Calm Before the Storm

Published on Oct 8, 2017

The Ground Crew: Straight From The Heart


Thanks to Robin for sending this my way.  I can relate to this one in a few places…  


Dear Ground Crew,

         First, I want to thank you for being the lightworkers that you are and for being dedicated to the planet and to the Ascension process. It’s taking everything that we’ve got right now to move into the light. Most everything on the planet appears to be insane. Nothing makes sense. Perhaps this has become nonsensical because we are in higher consciousness. We are looking at the world through different lenses. We are moving up the trajectory into the light. The last vestiges of the darkness are playing themselves out.

Many of us lightworkers have been attacked lately. The dark attacks can come through individuals. My definition of a dark attack is “a distraction.” Things that upset us, take us off of our focus for our work are examples. Sometimes these attacks make our brains race and we are unable to shut off. It’s like being plugged into an uncomfortable high frequency circuit.

Some lightworkers have experienced disturbing anger. Perhaps this is another dark attack? It’s an opportunity for us to do more inner work and to clear like there is no tomorrow. Uncertainty is rampant. Old issues that need to be cleared can feel as if they have a grip on you. Even though one has worked on themselves for their entire lives you can feel like these issues are insurmountable. It all is a matter of making new choices that are of a higher frequency and higher consciousness. Getting rid of the old core program issues is paramount. I have been helping a lot of my clients with these issues.

Many of us have experienced physical pain and health issues. Teacher, Jim Self, told us in a recent talk that our spiritual bodies are moving faster than our physical bodies. The physical body is having a challenging time adjusting to the higher spiritual energies. They get stuck in our bodies. This is a definite sign that a clearing is necessary. Once the emotional cause gets identified it can be released.

Have you noticed how much more sensitive you have become? You might be losing your preference for certain foods, drinks, or even supplements. Some of us are even allergic to things we used to be able to tolerate. Our nervous systems can feel like a razor’s edge. Some people could become untenable to be around. Sometimes I feel allergic to 3-D. How about you? The language that is used on the radio and mainstream media is like reading one of those rags at the checkout line at the grocery store. You might feel like burying your head after hearing what they say. The dark forces are trying to instill fear and lower consciousness every way they can. In addition, our sensitivity allows us to transparently view people and situations to glean the truth.

We have the utmost compassion for all involved with the catastrophe in Las Vegas on September 30th. Our hearts, love and prayers go to all involved. While we are still reeling and feeling overwhelmed from the recent earth changes in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, Florida, Houston, and Mexico and other places, this happened. For some of us who are intuitive the story doesn’t track. It seems surreal. We can’t figure out how this could have occurred. (In a way I think the light is getting smarter and the dark is getting dumber.) The story doesn’t seem to have any glue. Is it another one of those planned false flags to instill fear and to remove more rights? Are we blaming it on psychopaths? Is mental health in this country and abroad a natural disaster or an unnatural disaster? We’re certainly experiencing a plethora of narcissistic, sociopathic and even psychopathic behaviors from world leaders. Those who have all of the money think they can do whatever they want to do whenever they want to. When we start digging deeply we can feel the pain of the many people who have been injured as a result of such darkness. The planet and humanity are in pain. This is not the way our Creator intended life to be on the earth.

A couple of weeks ago I had a session with my teacher of many years, Archangel Gabriel. Karen Cook is a full-body channel. He has been with her since she was 2 ½ and she called him “Silver.” At the age of 35 part of his soul came into her body and then her soul took a rest. This has been going on for more than 30 years. I told Gabriel that I have observed some channels on the Internet who can usually see into the future, including a friend of mine. They were unable to see the energies in October. I asked him why. He remarked, “There is a total change of energies; they are chaotic and different. . . The East Coast is going through evolution on an individual basis. . . He said that we “are now in the fourth dimension and that Prime Source changed the fifth dimension to just be a pool of energy from which you can manifest.” He mentioned that we “could be going into the sixth dimension in October.” I asked him what the sixth dimension is like. He said “It is indescribable. And you can manifest easily in the sixth dimension.” Sounds pretty good to me.

With all of the massive earth changes recently, I also queried Gabriel if people were starting to get their lessons. He responded, “Very reluctantly.” He said, “This month is going to be strange, interesting and chaotic.” It’s only early October and one can feel it already.

A while ago I also remember Gabriel telling us that “people who are unbalanced will be having a hard time with these energies.” Please be careful when you are driving. It is getting worse at least where we are in the San Francisco Bay Area. Pay close attention to what you are doing and what others are doing.

Sourced from here.

Starseed Preparations/Training For Earth


so many things about this one resonate and pack a very strong emotional punch.  to begin with the eye of the tiger has been my “go to” song since i first heard it.  i have also had a strong draw to home “out there”.  i let that go earlier this year, shortly after i started this website actually.  i don’t know why really – i think i got tired of waiting for answers about who i am/where did i really come from.  but those desires came back strongly today.  first with this video and second, we have a little doll house with a doorbell that began going off by itself about 2 years ago – when i began the next step of my awakening journey.  i would walk into the kitchen and it would go off – always late evening – always when i was alone and the house was silent.  at the time something drew me to a video program that spoke of how our star families will find ways to communicate with us – sometimes they will literally knock on the door or ring our doorbell.  ok then.  heavy on my mind today is the experience i had 9 years ago where that beautiful white orb called me outside – greeted me by name.  i saw the being’s on board.  and for the first time since i can remember (likely in most of my lifetimes if past life memory has been accurate) – the feeling of homesickness was completely gone.  completely.  i broke down in tears, begging to go home with them but was left with the message “we will see you soon”.  at the time i was deeply depressed, feeling i had no further purpose (this was before i had my child) and if it was my time, i was willing to move on to my next experience.  that gave me hope to go on.  on my walk today i sent out a message to this family i feel a connection with. when i arrived home, i went to the sink to wash dishes.  the doorbell to the house went off – a first in over a year.

yeah.  deep breath followed that one.

truthful answers.  that’s all i want at the moment. truthful answers.

enjoy the video.  i know it will be powerful for some of you.

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UFO On Film ~ Caught In My Backyard (or “call them and they will come”)


Tonight around 8pm PST, my family and I were outside watching the night sky.  I announced “ok galactics, show me something!”  Minutes later, while in an office chair with my kiddo and mate, something told me to spin the chair around.  I did and there it was, big white orb, heading north.  My mate ran and got the binoculars and I honed in on it.  From what I saw it looked like a chevron-shaped object – a sideways “V”.  On film however it looks round.

We grabbed the camera and I took this footage.  It continued to head north until it literally faded from our view.

Ours?  Theirs?  Who ever knows, you know?  Until I DO know, well, enjoy what we saw.

More Time Traveling Intel/Info


Is this coincidence?  Hmmm….before I watched this one I had this insight come to me and I told my mate “is it possible one of the reasons we are having this mandela experience is because we have a time traveling individual in our midst?” My mate then pulls up this video…


Mandela Effect: Time Travel & Trump

Published on Oct 31, 2016