More Proof Of Trump Being a Time Traveler

On top of the books that were written over 150 years ago that detail the stories of the young boy Baron and his assistant Don, who lived in Castle Trump and time-traveled…  Now we have video evidence of Trump, in 2011, using the term “pizzagate” – a term that didn’t even come to fruition until October 2016.


Is This Proof Donald Trump Is a Time Traveler? Must See Too!

Published on Apr 2, 2017

Cosmic Factors Affecting Our Ascension: The List

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This lengthy update contains the key factors affecting our Ascension process at the moment. It is intended to provide some clarity on the cosmic events, effects of the last Gateway, and why Solar activity is so intense.

Apply hyperimensional logic to all of this; the cosmic perspective soothes the Ascending Soul.

Events and Effects of the August-September Unfoldments

Convergence of the Trinity Stargates

The Trinity Stargates opened the flows of direct Solar Cosmic Christ frequencies from Source. This is an ongoing Solar rewrite on a stellar, planetary and incarnate level. As the gates converged on Solaris (the SUN) during the eclipse, it altered its prismatic effect, which in turn will change the way form is projected on Gaia.

We use the SUN to project our consciousness into these denser realities. When the SUN received the Cosmic Trinity encodements from the stargate convergence, so did we. It is a vital step in projecting a more crystalline form via our DNA. It also effects Gaia’s expression in form, as well as Solaris. Increased Solar flare activity is supportive of this Solar-system-wide shift.

Related article: Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN

Entering the Galactic Hot Zone and Harmonic Barrier Release

Two key events are unfolding at the moment. We are traversing the vibrational edges of the Galactic geometric hot zone which creates dimensional-shifting, reality-expanding dynamics. Cosmic Stargates serve as a conduits to this area of space, threading light between higher and lower realities. These stargate flows ease our entry, so we aren’t hit with intensely higher light all at once. However, the initial effects on the SUN and our consciousness are evident since the eclipse.

The stepping down of frequencies by the Galactics will soon come to a close. We can see and feel the effect of this colossal Galactic geometric hot zone already. The Divine Will of photonic density is evident, and we just touched the vibrational edges of this area.

The second item of importance is the release of harmonic frequency barriers. These veils or layers of light (they look like vast radiant silk scarves to me, perhaps that’s where the veil terminology came from) were released with the eclipse alignment. There are several layers to these harmonic barriers, which create the illusion of separation between expressions of Self, planets, dimensions, etc.

We were able to glimpse through the barriers by accessing the Higher Realms. Now our consciousness must adjust to the sensation of their absence. The sensation of time acceleration (more events at a faster rate) will assist in speeding up this realization. Kindwhile, attune your consciousness and feel the freedom. Our thoughts and telepathic intentions travel much faster between dimensions.

Related article: Cosmic Steering Committee: Convergence of Stargates

Complete activation of the Crystalline Grid and New Earth Grid Systems

The Crystalline Grid is a sentient structure. It activated to full capacity during the August Gateway, creating pathways to the interuniversal, intergalactic, and interstellar Gateways. Thousands of crystalline pyramids, crystalline structures, temples, crystal beds and etheric geometries were activated – and continue to activate.

These ancient structures are encoded to activate in tandem with the crystalline grid to usher in the Primary Timeline experience and the Divine Christed HUman template. Another reason many of you feel Divine, blissy, changed, and in the midst of reformation. Some of these structures appear to be rising in visions; awakening to the clarion call of zero-point photonic demands.

Yes, this booting up affects the elementals, and the collective consciousness, which also affects the elementals. The interface of the Crystalline Grid, Stargates and Photonic density opens us to a LOT of information and light, which triggers DNA to align with the new realities. This opens us up to a fluid Now-moment experience of all expressions of Self, simultaneously merging and expanding into purer Source-awareness.

Related Article: Crystalline Grid Activation

Christed Crown Activation

Sacred geometries, symbols and brilliant light of the Christed Crown continue to expand since the eclipse passage. The traditional crown chakra is not applicable here. Crowns of light, which appear in many forms, are manifesting as expanding layers of crowns, and are also manifesting around the heart. This is True Divine HUman DNA bi-locating into our cellular structure and energy fields, and activating due to all of these cosmic factors.

Related article: The August Eclipse, Metaphoric and Mystical

Primary Timeline Access

All of these events; the Stargate convergence, entry into the Geometric Hot Zone, Harmonic barrier release and Christed Activations, are granting willing, heart-centered Souls access to the Primary Christed Timelines. Embodiment is key to a collective experience of the higher timelines, and we are fully supported by these cosmic events to create this en masse.

Primary Timelines are a very strong vibration; it does take focus and consistency to resonate with them. However, we are being blasted with influxes of pure photonic, Source-encoded, reality-shifting light. This enhances the lifting, raising sensations of Ascension; the pull of the high-heart and heart center.

With all of the cosmic factors converging in this Now, we have a Divine opportunity for complete transformation. Bifurcation of timelines will exponentially increase after the Equinox. Let the Light change you for the better. Decree your creation, create a new version of your Highest Self. Primary Timelines were created for creativity; the New Earth vibration of HUman Source-In-Carnate.

Galactic Life Review

A type of Galactic Life-review may present during this passage. The Gaia-bound version occurred in 2012 for many. Now we have a completion of expressions across timelines, dimensions and star systems. You might see this in lucid dream state or rapid-fire visions. It may get Universal depending on your journey.

This is a side-effect of the Photonic Light and release of the harmonic barrier; Higher Light gains momentum, organizing, sorting out, vibrationally merging the fractals of Self on a Universal scale. Non-linear visions of Galactic Selves, blending of personal timelines, and the familiar sense of closure or completion expands to the Galactic Level.

Stay flexible with your beliefs about what is possible, where you are going, or who you are. As we transcend archetypes and experience life without the vibrational roof, the illusion of the lower realities and what we created here will fade. The Primary Timelines provide launching pads to completely undefinable experiences.

September Intergration

The integration week influx of the Full Moon delivered Solar flares and massive amounts of plasma and crystalline frequencies, aimed at revealing and activating our awareness of the Now reality. You may sense this: We are experiencing the pure force of Divine Order and the Primary Timelines. And it is strong stuff.

Last SUNday’s announcement of incoming light arrived just hours before the latest X-flare (I only had time to post to social media before our Meditations began.) In my experience the consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting energies during our Unity Meditations were the strongest I have felt so far. Granted, I have been holding space and engaging in this activity for 17 months now, so my perspective is sensitive, however the undeniable alchemical merge was palpable.

New Earth Gateways: Gatekeeper Focus

Gatekeepers received the message to focus on New Earth Gateways this month. These pathways will allow prepared consciousness to experience Primary Christed Timelines, eventually leading to a complete merge of dimensional expressions; lower and Higher Selves expressing as One on the New Earth level.

The Equinox and Cosmic Trigger

Strong cosmic forces are in play right here, right now. The next weeks reveal that our reality choices – collective and personal – are being honored and amplified in a brand new way. Traditionally it had to do with magentics, vibrational match or mismatch. This month takes us into a higher comprehension of what it means to engage with Divine HUman evolution. If it is something I can define in words next month, so be it.

Upcoming Cosmic Events: Collective Participation and Focus

September 13-17: Gatekeeper Cosmic Stargate Interaction
SUNday September 17: Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm PT – Beaming from our live event in Sedona for the last meditation.
Tuesday September 19: New Moon at 10:30pmPT: Opening for the Equinox Gateway
Friday September 22: Equinox at 1:02pmPT
Saturday, September 23: Cosmic Trigger, Timeline Shift
SUNday, September 24: Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT

Divine Reflection: The Invisible Presence

Ascending Souls become Sacred reflections – mirrors of the Divine Light. Rather than the classic mirror dynamic, reflecting lessons and ego-mind-emotions of the lower levels, Divine HUmans may become clear, crystalline, pure prisms. This Solar aspect of the Solar Cosmic Christed HUman shows others the Divinity within themselves.

If you are able to hold that Divine Light with integrity and grace, as a neutral conduit of the Higher Levels, your DNA will vibrationally match the frequency of the New Earth expression. That is a passcode to the Gateways of New Earth and Primary Timeline experience. It is a fine intention for this sacred passage of our Ascension.

Blessings to all of us in these perspective-expanding moments in the Now.

In Love, Light and Service,

Sourced from here.

Mysteries of RH Negative Blood

as an rh- who has studied this for years, i came to the intuitive conclusion this past year that rh negatives are the pure blood – the original humans – prior to genetic alteration.  it is common sense to me – want to alter an otherwise brilliant, amazing species?  inject it with a protein from a “lower” life form.  this is mentioned briefly in the video, although it is followed up with the statement that there is no studies to prove the theory.  the truth of it all to be revealed shortly…


MORE THAN SHOCK!! The Mystery of Rh Negative Blood Belong to Alien lineage

Published on Jul 27, 2017

Guan Yin Message ~ September 20, 2017


I read this and think “hmm, yes, disclosure ~ now would be a good time.”


Important message from Guan Yin
September 10th, 2017
By Linda Li

Guan Yin says, dear heart, I am Guan Yin. I come today with important news. Humanity has come to an point that Divine is ready to tell the truth. The truth about Divine and the truth of humanity’s history. Yes, the time has come and we are ready. Besides that, Divine is also ready to let light workers and humanity know their existence on earth, and how their existence will influence the planet earth and humanity alike. It is time for the disclosure, period.
I love you dear heart, I am Guan Yin. In the next few days and weeks, Divine will work hard to make sure the disclosure happens. Not only to the light workers but also to humanity. the whole planet is on alert now for that, for the disclosure. We are ready. I hope you are ready too dear heart. Getting yourself ready is essential for Divine and getting humanity ready is what we are doing. So far so good. Yes, there are always souls who are barely ready, or not ready at all. That is unavoidable. We understand the risk, and we have informed those souls and they are ok with it. It is at soul level. So, even if they appear not ready, but at soul level, they know it is spiritual law, they need to follow the Divine plan, and they will follow. It is just that simple. If it is spiritual law, then all souls should respect and follow. There is no such thing as exception. In the face of Divine and spiritual law, all souls are equally treated and equally Apply themselves. No exceptions! So, that is the disclosure. Get yourself ready dear heart. It is coming.
Besides that, Divine is going to make sure that all who are involved in the disclosure, it doesn’t matter who you are, either you are a light worker or not, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you do your job. If you are tasked by Divine to disclose information Divine deemed necessary, you need to disclose, do your share of the entire plan. There are half dozen souls who have been tasked by Divine to make the disclosure. We have worked with them individually as well as collectively, and we deemed they are capable and they are ready. So, go ahead dear heart, if you are one of those souls who is supposed to make the announcement, Divine wants you to go ahead, do your job, make the announcement. Make the disclosure happen. Divine is ready. You are ready. Humanity is ready. This is Divine decree. Don’t take it lightly. It is a matter of breaking spiritual law. So, act on it and get the ball rolling.
Besides the souls who are being tasked for the disclosure. Divine also tasked few souls to play the sidekicks. Send confirmation messages around the globe. Let humanity know that you are the messager. The message you bring this time is the disclosure, global wide disclosure. I want these souls to hear me, global wide, not just the country you are in but all countries, global wide.
Dear heart, it is time. Divine and the company of heaven are so ready. We want to make it known. We want humanity to know that we are here, walking on earth, helping Gaia and humanity. It is enormously important that humanity know it by now so that humanity can have a chance to work on themselves and work on their ascension. It is a tremendous time, and it takes tremendous effort for humanity to ascend. Sooner or later, humanity will realize that we do them a favor by disclosing what is happening and how to ascend. It is time.
I love you dear heart. In the next few days and weeks, after the hurricane passes, Divine is going to make further announcements related to the leadership of the United States, and announcements related to the changes. More changes indeed are needed, desperately by Divine and the company of heaven. We are at a threshold and we are all on board this time. Divine and the company of heaven, we are all on board for these changes. Time has come. Immediate changes indeed. I am Guan Yin, I love you. So it is.

Gem Analysis: Black Obsidian, the Smoking Mirror


Editor’s note:  I have black obsidian in each room in my house.  I often carry one with me when I leave the house – if I am not wearing my necklace w/the stone.  


Gem analysis: Obsidian is a volcanic glass produced by rapidly cooled silicic lava. Due to the fact that obsidian is a hard volcanic material it was used to produce sharp instruments and ritual artifacts. Atzecs referred to this rock as the Black Mirror, Smoking Mirror or Even Shining Mirror and they associated with the god Tezcatlipoca. Tezcatlipoca is a god associated with North, Earth, cold and night sky. He is a frightnening God. His qualities were both negative as war, temptation and strife but also very positive as divination, magic and Beauty!

A stone of Power

whose name in fact means Smoking Mirror, Obsidian
His name itself means Smoking Mirror, an epithet used to describe the Obsidian. For Aztecs the stone itself is a manifestation of the God and an instrument to access his qualities! When dipicted Tezcatlipoca’s right foot is an Obsidian while sometimes the gem .
Obsidian is one of the most Earthly Stones, dark and mostly black is associated with the Element of Earth and its planet it Saturn, the lord of time. Therefore the powered day to practice with Obsidian is Saturday.
Obsidian’s association with Earth makes it a perfect insturment for Grounding rituals and Meditations.It helps us connect with our deeper selves our deeper feelings and insticts. Worshipers of the God Tezcatlipoca were sorcerers and warriors of the Aztecs.
The Smoking Mirror of Dr. John Dee,
Queen Elizabeth’s alchemist and sorcerer
An item that can be found in the British Museum
Aztecs used the black one to make sharp ritual instruments and Mirrors to be used as divination tools. The power of the Smoking Mirrors (as the Black divination Mirrors are usually called) was so famous that the alchemist and sorcerer of the Queen of England Elizabeth the First, Dr. John Dee used some for his work. The legend sais that the Angels appeared in the Mirror and instructed him. It was brought to the possesion of the Queen after the conquest of Mexico by Cortés between 1527 and 1530.
Were they Angels? Where they Demons? Just Spirits? No one really knows.

Magical Powers of Obsidian

But what we do know is that Smoking Mirrors is maybe the most powerful instruments of Divination ever created. This is mostly because of the freedom it provides to the Mage/Witch/Shaman who preforms scrying. We will post soon an article on Smoking Mirrors and how to use them for Divination and Also magic.

But lets take a deeper look now to the magical properties of Obsidian, the magical properties of the Smoking Mirror. Use Obsidian in:

* Grounding and Centering Rituals and Meditations
Protection (the obsidian is a projective stone and acts protectively absorbing magic)
* Alluring and charming Spells

Simple Grounding technique utilizing the Obsidian.

Take one in your hands and close your eyes.
Take a few breaths and exhale reminding yourself that with each breath your relax and your feel more secure.
Stay there with your eyes close for few minutes and repeat a mantra like “I am safe, I am powerful”.
Repeat the words till they make no sense. Keep breathing slowly, easily.
When you feel ready open your eyes.
Go and wash your obsidian with running water. Its quality of absorbing magic makes it a very handy tool but we have to cleanse it from negativity.
You can find more Gems and Enchanted Jewelry at love prices HERE!
Change Yourself, Change the World!
Discover, Play, Love!
Sourced from here.

The Crystalline Earth, The Old Earth and the New Power Returning! Part 1


Finally!!  A day in the field, alive, vivid and so informative.  I had three readings on my schedule, each and every one couldn’t be more different from the other.  There was one intense constant however, the love that came thru the field with each and every reading.  The for us, the love for Life, the love of the earth, it was so big, so encompassing, so….. total.  That is the purpose of all these energies, storms, earthquakes, its all intensifying the field of Love.  I’ll explain that more in the reading it came thru as I get to it.

Even tho I had my voice back and it held steady thru the entire day (into even now,) the moment I connected with each lovely lady, OMG the coughing.  My first connection created such a massive storm in my lungs and mouth that the intensity of cough saw my upper dentures (my lowers were still in the jar lol) fly right out of my mouth!!  Screw that, I kept them out until all the readings were done!! lol  Thank god I get my permanent implanted dentures installed next month!!

Wait a minute, I just got ahead of myself.  Before my readings started, I took a shower.  In my shower, I was begging for the ability to see and understand and keep my voice thru the day’s appointments. Until that moment, I had not seen one preview of what the field looks like at all.  In my shower, I was given a glimpse.  it was so beautiful, but very confusing too.


Throughout the entire earth were these new patterns of lines that reminded me of fishing line.  These clear lines were criss-crossing every which way, in no particular pattern that was recognizable.  Each and everyone of these fishing lines had little drips of clear fluid running down them.  At first I thought it looked like clear oil droplets, later, once I shared the vision on facebook, I was told they are liquid crystalline droplets.  

Throughout the entire earth were these new patterns of lines that reminded me of fishing line.  These clear lines were criss-crossing every which way, in no particular pattern that was recognizable.  Each and everyone of these fishing lines had little drips of clear fluid running down them.  At first I thought it looked like clear oil droplets, later, once I shared the vision on facebook, I was told they are liquid crystalline droplets.

Throughout the entire earth were these new patterns of lines that reminded me of fishing line.  These clear lines were criss-crossing every which way, in no particular pattern that was recognizable.  Each and everyone of these fishing lines had little drips of clear fluid running down them.  At first I thought it looked like clear oil droplets, later, once I shared the vision on facebook, I was told they are liquid crystalline droplets.

Imagine my surprise when I connected to my first lady and her ground looked like it was made of tons of aqua aura crystals.  Just the tops of the crystals emerging out of the ground, this amazing blue luminosity to them.  There was no dirt, just these cyrstals popping up thru her field.

aqua aura.jpg

Honestly, I didn’t even think aqua aura during her reading, only after it was finished and I started pondering it.  It was stated that these are all clear crystals with the blue luminosity reflecting off of them.

It was also explained that those who live on the “new plane of earth emerging” the ground is made of this energy system.  Powerful Source energy infused in the ground we live on, in the bodies we work from and the air we breath in.

In the last several years, anytime I seen the essence of Source/Creator/God in a reading, it always held this amazing blue color.  Gold in my readings always represent the highest source of spiritual energy I can see.  So connecting with the aqua aura crystal afterwards made perfect sense if we look at the spiritual qualities of the way its made: Aqua aura is created in a vacuum chamber from quartz crystals and gold vapour by vapour deposition. The quartz is heated to 871 °C (1600 °F) in a vacuum, and then gold vapor is added to the chamber. The gold atoms fuse to the crystal’s surface, which gives the crystal an iridescent metallic sheen.

So aqua aura is the closest visual we have of really understanding what we are made of and how.  Now our duty, and truly it is a duty, is to learn how to use this amazing power, that is the ground, that is us, that is the air we breath in and out.  Do not look to the properties of the actual aqua aura crystal, wayyyyyy to limiting!!!! 😉

It was also explained that the ground and air and her (our) bodies are still coming together in form.  In it’s fullness.  She asked many an amazing question, the replies blew our minds.  Most of which, I am going to save to share until tomorrow, otherwise I would be putting out a novella today.  The one thing I do want to say that came thru, there is no future that is set, yet.  It will not be set into a true form until we pass the equinox on the 22nd.

Many people are still deciding who they are day by day, minute by minute.  Just like the constantly shifting path of the hurricanes, so too, we are shifting back and forth with each conscious and unconscious decision we make.

I was so curious to see how my second lady was going to unfold in the field.  For many months now her team strongly suggested she find a way of of her current living situation for her and her baby girl.  She is living with a man who is not nice at all and fears for her life should she leave.  So the staying I completely understand, which is her choice.

Her reading opened up so drastically different from my first lady.  She was planted in the earth from her waist down.  From her waist up she was covered in the deepest, darkest dirt (mineral rich) that I had ever seen.  It covered her completely, save the whites of her eyes.

It was explained that she is completely grounded into the old earth that will be ceasing to exist over the next generation or two.  (It will take that long for all those still aligned with the old earth to leave/die off.)

However, she is not completely helpless or even dis-empowered.  Quite the opposite to our delight!!  Because her actions and her heart are pure and true, she is bestowed with all the elements of the earth to assist her in her desires and demands.  We all have fortified the old earth with much power and energy that is still available to those whose hearts work from love but their entanglements keep them grounded to the old earth.  This is not only the people we live with, or jobs we endure because we are afraid of not having enough money, but the series of thoughts that keep us there too.  None of that takes away from the love of the heart, which allows the power of earths elements to cooperate and work with those on the old earth.

She mentioned something about her baby daddy and instantly I seen him, as a loose root system floating above the ground.  No connected to anything, not formed as anything .  He really kinda looked like this:



We all know how powerful the elements of the earth are and I was stunned to hear her practice sessions with the elements once she reminded me that she lives in South Florida.  We all know there is a massive steam cleaner heading that way and the winds are a powerful force on earth.  She was instructed to use the winds of change that are coming, completely partner with them, and let them wrap their circulation around these flimsy roots and do what they can with them.  Not to tell them what or how… the wind is highly intelligent and very conscious.

Let me take this moment to tie in my last lady of the day.  Holy freakin shit batman!!  I really figured I would see either crystals or dirt… hell no!!  The moment I bent over to connect to her field, with the fastest of motion, something slithered under my deck and stopped just below my feet!!  The focus was not on the field itself, there was no field visual, it was all on this massive…. MASSIVE serpent that slithered under the deck.

It’s girth was easily the size of a softball, HUGE.  It had these scales, come to think of it, more reminiscent of the scales of a fish than a snake that were so iridescent in the sunlight.  The majority of the body were many shades of green.  The top of the head was the most beautiful red I had ever seen.  He lifted his head up so we could see what would be his throat area and the amazing blue… OMG, so stunningly beautiful!!

What he explained was that he was the power (and that is a word he is very very adamant on using) of the earth, what we would consider her Kundalini.  He is also my ladies power, her kundalini energy, partnered fully with the earth energy.  (The new earth as well as the old earth.)

He explained that is from the same serpent clan as the original serpent the fable of adam and eve sprung from.  (Just for the record, it is the serpent that called the story a fable.)  He explained that he and the clan (others like him) are very real and reside in another plane of existence, but are making their return as they partner with humans open to receive and harness the power of their existence.

My lady asked about dragons, is he related to dragons.  This is where information I had been waiting to understand came thru.  He explained that the dragons, lizards and such are part of the same Tribe, but he is of the serpent clan.

He never came out from under the deck and did explain why.  He was in my root chakra energy field, which was why his head was red.  He was using our ability to talk/communicate, which is why his throat was blue.  His scales will change color and frequency depending on what he is doing.

I found it kind of funny when she talked about magic and he quite sternly said he is not associated with magic but power.  Pure power!!  He even made us say it in a sentence to feel the difference in vibration.

I Am the power of the earth.  I Am the magic of the earth.  There really is a difference in feel and frequency.  He explained that it is the power of the earth that is doing deep and major house cleaning for the love of humanity.  The earthquake off the coast of Mexico, the series of hurricanes here in the USA, the storms brewing elsewhere and the more that is to come.

This is how the garden of eden 2.0 becomes restored, brought to life.  Any good mother will do deep house cleaning.  Any good (or hell, even bad) mothers will appreciate the children’s help with the cleaning.  But don’t stand in the way and block the broom, it must get done!  It WILL get done.

He also explained that the earthquakes that are taking place are digging up all the deeply seeded, very hidden dense energies and thoughts that have been buried.  The winds and the storms are transmuting it into pure energies for new in-powered use.

Now let me come back to my first lady for a moment.  She had asked so many wonderful mundane questions.  I have to say this especially since it was said back to her yesterday, we are living a mundane life spiritually.  Do not ever think for a moment, to ask about your personal life or the personal lives of others is not focusing on your spiritual path. IT IS your spiritual path.  It is all one and the same.

If we continue to separate our physical lives from our spiritual lives, we are going to see our spiritual lives bloom and our physical lives plummet.  What good is having spiritual attributes if you cannot afford to eat??

Before I close for today, I do want to include what I had seen of the last quarter of this year, after the equinox closes its door on our choice points.

Even tho there is no future to see until we cross the plane of the equinox, we were shown the temporary situation of the last quarter of this year for those who made it thru to the other side of the doorway onto the full crystalline earth.  It is one thing to align with the Source of All life within our hearts, it is a whole other ball of wax to live 24/7 as that.  In continuing unconditional love and non-judgement.  The powerful ramifications of even the slightest old ego thoughts can be catastrophic.  So the way I had seen this last quarter was like a large spiral that we will walk towards the middle.  I found a picture, had to laugh that it is at the Vatican, only, this is flat or even with earth, not going up or down.





At the center was a trap door.  If one could not hold the pure vibration of love consistently, the trap door opened and away they went.  I can only assume they went to the old earth, but the clarity of where was not revealed.

We cannot be in fear and love at the same time, not with the pure powers of Source energy in all we emit.

Let go of all fears and become a living, loving partner with the earth.

Big big ((((HUGZ))))) of Power United!!!!

Lisa Gawlas

Sourced from here.

Google Giving Us Some Disclosure On This Eclipse Day?


had to laugh…  seeing pics of others who, like us, captured ufo’s and other “paranormal” objects while viewing the eclipse.  also of interest, earlier today i had the thought that Nibiru actually moved the moon (magnetics), creating the eclipse, which (perhaps) explains why we were having another one in this region just 38 years later when back then we were told there would not be another one in our lifetime in this region.  

No automatic alt text available.


Solar Eclipse Capture ~ White Orb ~ Possible Nibiru Too?? ~ August 21, 2017


UPDATE:  Uploading another photo ~ one of the shots I took of the chemtrail also had several white orbs in the sky ~ that were not visible to the naked eye.  YAY for infrared on our digi cameras!  Anyway, this pic is at the bottom and the white orbs are on the upper left.  Will upload more if I find anything else.  I sure do wish and intend to have full vision capacities so I can see this stuff with my own eyes/brain.

Editor’s note ~ Ignore the date.  My camera was showing today at August 20 for some reason.  Time glitch?  lol  Pretty amazing experience.  I was surprised at the chills and strong emotions I felt.  You couldn’t hear the people all around cheering in the background.  Below the video are photos I took of a variety of things, including a white Orb we saw appear right at the totality.  It wasn’t the balloon we saw released by NASA (who was here for a presentation) as that had already drifted well due west – plus had an lime-green attachment at the bottom of the tether.  They released a bunch of balloons today to sent into the upper atmosphere to measure bacteria. Actually the balloons are releasing bacteria to simulate a mars-like environment.  Something like that.  Read about it yesterday.  I included a photo of the balloon.  I also included a photo of the bastards laying a chemtrail just minutes before the eclipse right at the position of the sun – after a totally clear morning. Coincidence?  Yeah, I think not.  Now I just noticed as I uploaded that chemtrail shot – check out that weird round reddish object off to the right. Did not see that when I took the shot.  WTH??  I know when people capture nibiru this is what she looks like.  Will send it off to a couple of folks for analysis.  Anyway when we saw the white object off to the right at first we thought “what’s that?  a star?”  But then when the totality was over, it remained and another appeared.  And they moved – slowly gaining in altitude until they winked out – one first then the other.  And for fun, the last one, our local squirrel who, during the lead up to the totality, went a little wild.  Caught him in a leaping move.  Anyway, check it all out and enjoy.  And share if you want!  Much love!  ♥  


Solar Eclipse ~ August 21, 2017 West Coast