Last Night’s Dreams of Trump


Yes, dreams plural.  I had three of them.  Back to back.

Recently there has been speculation as to whether Trump and his family are time traveler’s.  This is based on the release (now of all times which I find interesting) of books written over 100 years ago detailing the adventures of Baron Trump and his assistant Don who time travel to Russia among other places.  The other, The Last President, also has amazing synchronicities.  Here’s a video detailing it, as linked on my site awhile back.

For some reason, I have had dreams of every sitting president going back to Clinton.  I have been able to see who they really are behind their presidential persona.  You could even say I have the ability, in dream state, to read their energies.  I can do this to some degree in waking state but the ability is stronger in the astral state.  I was spot on with each president.  The only one I was not able to venture far into, for it was so dark it made me feel physically sick, was Clinton.  Surprised me at the time as I had been a long-time supporter.  Bush Junior was a little tyrant. Obama was pretty laid back and would rather be high and partying.  Some dark skeletons (that remained unknown to me at the time) in his closet that while considered “legal” left a dark spot on his character.

Then there has been Trump.  I have had numerous dreams of him already and while he can be hugely arrogant with an ego the size of Russia, he is brilliant.  A strategist.  Matter-of-fact type who gets down to business and doesn’t give a flying leap what anyone thinks of him.  He is either that ego-centric or truly free in that regard.  It can be liberating to watch at times.  I feel he is playing a game of chess where the winner takes down the deep state/shadow government.  That’s why he plays both sides and leaves many feeling perplexed and confused.

Just who the hell is this man?

I’ll tell you who he was in my dreams last night.  Again, there were 3 and each time I was surprised I was there to witness what I was seeing.  Why me?  Oh well, who knows.  It’s something I am able to do.  All I can do is share the experience.

The first dream it was he, Melania and myself.  I will tell you they aren’t what you call deeply in love.  Both know they are fulfilling a role though. That’s about all I got.  I was more focused on Trump.  All I was doing was observing.  Both knew I was there.  We were in a hotel room, Melania was sitting on a chair.  I was sitting on the bed on one end, Trump on the other.  Suddenly the bedspread turned into this sand-like liquid and began swirling clockwise.  The power on the outside was massive so I moved myself towards the center.  I knew something outside of the norm was happening so I let go of any questions.  Next thing I know I am transported into a totally different reality.  I look around ~ I’m back in the days of the Roman Empire.  I could see Caesar up in his marble chair and with him, Trump ~ gathering intel.  Observing.  Playing his part.  It was so wild ~ I could not believe what I was seeing.  There were others around. Lots of columns/pillars.  I remembered a quote I saw in a movie with Robert Redford, speaking about america’s economy and how we were seeing the next fall of the roman empire on american soil.  Very true words.

After watching this, I felt a quick movement motion and I am back in another hotel room with Trump.  This time I reached for his hand.  In past dreams I have done the same.  In each one his hand is unbelievably smooth – big and strong.  For whatever reason, this seems to be the thing I do.  As I touched his hand, there is a knock on the door.  He tells me it’s the CIA.  I asked him how he knows.  He says “I just do”.  I go to lock the door.  He starts to tell me it won’t do any good but instead says “take cover”, which I do.  Throw a metal cot in front of me.  He suddenly manifests a hand gun, opens the door and proceeds to take out all of the CIA agents ~ all armed and obviously there to take him out.

I remember thinking “How did he know who was there and that they were armed and were there to take him out?”  HOW DID HE KNOW?

Time travel.


And decades, possibly lifetimes of learning.  Learning to be the perfect strategist.  Playing both sides.  Playing all sides.  The master manipulator.

Isn’t that what is needed to totally take down this system of bullshit, run by psychopaths?

That’s who I would want.

But then again, that’s just me having these dream-state experiences that were far more than dreams.  Far more vivid and real and telling.  They were more like gifts.

I know this ~ the day I woke up after the elections I could feel the timeline change.  The one the controllers wanted, by putting in Hillary, had not panned out.  I could feel the new and it felt liberating.

Whether you like him or not, very little is remaining the same.

**Of note, as my mate pointed out, was this little tidbit from the news dated August 14, 3 days ago.  A UFO is clearly seen flying in front of the Capital. Obviously FOX news reporters didn’t see it for nothing was said.  Check it out here.**


Merlin ~ Avalon Returns Through The Solar Eclipse


Channeled message from Avalon:

Greetings my Brothers and Sisters!

I am so very pleased to speak with you at this time about the return of Avalon.  There are a group of us who have been working with people all around your earth in other dimensions to assist with the movement. 

I wish to speak of what I have communicated to this individual speaking. All that she has written above is correct, but it is also but a drop in the bucket!! I wish to speak to you of what Avalon IS to me and to this group.

Avalon has been one of the oldest cultures upon the earth.  We have been a part of the earth and indeed the Druids arose from our truth.  We are originally from off the earth.  We originate in a star system far from your own.  We chose to live upon earth because of the beauty and the water; plus the energies of peace. 

Warfare exists in all parts of the universe and this Earth, but it does not make it avibration we wish to live within.  That being said, we have always done whatever was needed to keep our peace in any of the stations that we inhabited around the universe. 

As I speak of Avalon it is with great respect and love.  In some cases we created them, in other cases they were here already; but the people of Avalon are very much aligned with the Fae, the Dragons, the Elementals and all animals of your environment.  We worked the earth for our food.  We revered all peoples and all beliefs because no one was better or worse than another.

During our times upon the earth we had countless experiences of becoming one with the earth.  We worked with the elements to assist with our crops.  We shifted into an animal if it was needed to create something.  We worked with metals transforming them to assist us in life. 

When the time came that we could no longer be disguised and we could no longer live our lives we had many discussions. One was that we could all ascend off the earth into a new location; in fact many did just that.  Another was that people could go inside of the earth because there were portals and pathways to do so.  What was finally decided was that we would remove the heart of Avalon and keep it safe in another dimension so that it could return when the time was right. Now is that time!

 Imagine if you will the discussions that took place!  Oh, I smile even now because they were fierce and immense.  But we of Avalon are very strong, we know our strengths, we know that of which we are capable! 

We did not have your linear time frame, so to try and acclimate we would say this was when Atlantis was well established and pushing the boarders.  There were many of what you call the ET’s who were working with them and we knew these species of what they are capable; this too is behind our decisions.

It truly did not take long, the actual removal.  There were many priestesses including the high priestess who worked with the land creating a separation. They worked deep into the ground with the assistance of the Fae and Elementals creating deep ravines. We spoke with every person.  We spoke with the animals and all species who occupied our space.  It was well known by all what was to come.  Some attempted to share this information with those who wanted to capture us; but they never found our location.

As Avalon was lifted, there were laser type beams that were directed at the earth from ships in the sky.  We were assisted by those you speak of as the Great White Brotherhood, the Arcturians and of course our home planet.  These lasers very precisely created the complete separation in the earth.  From there using many, many dragons, the levitating energies of the Druids, the energy of all our brothers and sisters in the ships; we lifted off from the earth.

We have been encapsulated in a dimension which has protected us from all.  We have watched the actions of the earth and we have participated through our people’s including the times of Camelot.  By then we were gone and only created a space where we could live and breathe which is why it was always in a mist. We did this because we thought that was the time of a shift that would create the balance and peace on earth which would allow us to return, but it was not the right time.   

We have deemed that now is the time to return to Earth. We have had a hologram of Avalon located in the space of England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Greenland and Iceland.  We are actually much larger than that, but that is our focus. We will place our island in the north Atlantic between Iceland, Greenland and Ireland. 

We believe that the grounding of the energy back into the earth will shift the energies into a greater balance.  We intend that this return with the total eclipse will cut through the hatred, the anger, the fear, the rage, the warfare that is so prevalent.  To those of you upon the earth; this may seem to be dominant.  To us we SEE that there are sooooo many, many, many of we the Avalonians present upon the earth.  We are all around with our energy of peace, love, acceptance and balance.

For this day of the eclipse, Monday, August 21, 2017 as you date your time upon the earth we will be seated again.  We will come in, in an invisible mode.  We bring our dragons to assist with the seating of the island.  Right now there is water, but the Island will appear.  You my beloved family can find it any time you seek to blend with us.  We will be primarily in the 7th dimension but over time will create alignments to the 5th.  We will not go below that level; in fact it will only be the high 5th dimension. 

We value the assistance of all.  If you will in your meditation, go into your heart and find through the central sun your alignment to us.  For many it is easily found since you are here already!! Please see us as returning, as balancing, as bringing forth the love, the joy, the magic, the truth of all that we are; for we are Avalon!

I thank you for joining with this exciting occasion realizing that all are of the earth and live as the earth; from here the balanced energy will emerge.   

I thank you for spending this time with me~~~

Merlin/ Morgan/ Brigid We are One

Whew!!  The emotion I felt during that channel was huge! As it separated, I felt tears and this is something I’ve tapped into half a dozen times already.  As it returns, I felt very protective.  But I realized as I was observing the earth and the return that this has been planned for a long time and there has been a hologram where this is going so I felt much more confident and secure. Found on

To read the article in its entirety, click here.

Latest Crop Circle ~ August 4, 2017


Beautiful.  Any ideas as to the meaning of this one?  I see a realm within a realm within a realm within a realm…all existing as One.  And perhaps… “beyond” our physical space/realms there is Source connected with it/us all, encircling it with a giant hug – totally protected.  I look at those half circles strategically placed though and have no ideas coming forth.


More Information Backing Up The Claim Trump Is A Timetraveler


Again, far too many coincidences…  What’s interesting is the fact that I have had several dreams of all president’s going back to Clinton.  Clinton I saw as a master manipulator and deceitful.  Creepy too.  Bush Junior ~ inside a simpleton, a little boy who needed to be kept in line by a strong female authority figure.  Kept in line meaning “look PROFESSIONAL”.  lol  Obama – laid back dude who would rather hang and party and engage in rather strange/lewd behaviors – not technically illegal – still rather twisted to most of us.  And now Trump.  I have had several dreams already and each one he has been absolutely honest, truly ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work – fixing what needs fixing – regardless of what anyone thinks of him.  I remember in one dream he had amazing hands – strong and really soft.  I felt nothing deceitful from him.  I know this – his presence is powerful and he projects the image this is what he is meant to do.  All along, even before he was elected, I have not seen him serving a full term.  Perhaps it’s because he will “disappear” (time travel)??  All I know is this is a HIGHLY unusual presidency.  Now also of intrigue and interest – the last book written by this same author who wrote about Baron Trump, his assistant Don, time traveling and living in Trump Castle – her last week written was called The Last President.  Perhaps Trump IS the last sitting president of this fading paradigm…  

Something Strange Is Going on with the Trump Family

19th Century Book Depicts A Time Traveling Character Named Baron Trump and His Assistant Don


Editor’s note:  You can’t make up this stuff.  The coincidences are far too many. This family has time-traveled.  


David Moye

The internet tends to trump things up, but even this boggles the mind: A series of books from the late 1800s depicts a character named Baron Trump.

Oh, and the boy is aided in his quest by a man named Don.

Reddit users have been discussing the books, along with a number of other Trump-related conspiracy theories.

The books are credited to Ingersoll Lockwood, a lawyer who dabbled in fantasy fiction.

Lockwood’s series of 19th-century children’s books includes: Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger; Extraordinary Experiences of Little Captain Doppelkop on the Shores of Bubbleland; Wonderful Deeds and Doings of Little Giant Boab and His Talking Raven Tabib; and Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey.

Screenshot of the cover of Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey, featured on the blog “Thoughts of Bibliomaven.”


Newsweek also wrote about the books, noting that the coincidences go beyond the lead character’s name ― which is just one letter off from the name of President Donald Trump’s youngest child, Barron.

In Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey, Baron is a wealthy young man living in a place called Castle Trump, but his real adventures begin when Don, the “Master of all Masters,” inspires him to travel to Russia, where he finds a portal that allows him to travel to other lands.

Continue reading here.

A Discussion of the Recent Crop Circle ~ July 18, 2017


Editor’s note:  I have a lot to say about this one.  First of all, it is important for you to look at this picture as often as you can.  You can view it here, in the video below or on the main page of my site.  I listened to this video and was blown away. Blown!  lol  (i hear george from seinfeld) I originally posted this crop circle picture here on the 19th, one week ago.  A lot has happened to me since that time.  First I have been in new classrooms.  Second, I keep feeling this process is really speeding up (and we are doing this with our INTENTIONS – they are therefore assisting – so keep intending beautiful Souls).  The most powerful…  Three days after posting this crop circle piece here, while in the shower, I saw a vision on the wall of a lion-being that I felt was from the Sirius system.  He was part lion, part human and he was beautiful.  He radiated old old ancient wisdom.  The kindness in his eyes and smile was a kindness I have yet to encounter from another human.  It was powerful, strong, solid and felt so protective.  I felt I knew him.  Throughout this year, I have also had visions of a short, stocky male being with the same hair as this being.  I feel he is my protector and I feel a very deep connection with him.  In July 2oo9, I had this telepathic encounter with a glowing white orb that called to me to come outside.  When I did, there it was, communicating with me.  I received an impression of who was inside.  They looked very human and the first thought I had (other than “MY FAMILY”) was “from the future”.  I’ve been thinking of this encounter a lot lately and, again after seeing this crop circle below, I had this thought the beings in that orb/craft I saw in 2009 were actually a mix – the humanoid/lioness appearance and they made themselves appear humanoid as to not frighten me (at the time such an appearance would have frightened me for I knew NOTHING about other races of beings other than the grays and reptiles).  I recently, just for fun, took a quiz on my true spirit animal. The result?  The Lion.  Anyway, listen to this amazing piece and you will understand why I was BLOWN away in a very wonderful way.  Enjoy!  And again, if you so resonate with the idea, look at this circle and see what happens.  And share any results if you so wish.  Much love!  

In5d’s Michelle Walling Discusses The Cley Hill Crop Circle With Sean Bond

Object Captured on Film Tonight ~ July 24, 2017


My mate was outside taking some shots of the sunset when he spotted something in the eastern sky.  He says it seemed as though it moved forward, stopped then went backwards.  He took a few shots before it disappeared.  I am uploading one of the shots and hopefully you can zoom in as that is the only way to spot it and my photo program will not let me save it as a zoomed picture.  It is due right of the wispy cloud on the upper left, where it comes to a point… over the house.

Levitating Rocks Photographed at Crystal Mine in Arkansas


Speaking of crystals…  Wow!

Paul Seaburn July 22, 2017

In what has to be the worst-kept paranormal secret since the 3-fingered mummies, a crystal mine that has been inexplicably closed for months is about to reopen so that the world can witness the strange phenomena which have been occurring so often since February that the owners shut the place down in May … mysterious orbs, unidentified lights, stones falling from the sky and rocks levitating. The closure was to allow experts and TV crews to come in and see the oddities for themselves and, of course, to make a reality show about the mine.

“Look, we know how this sounds, but we aren’t trying to pull anything over anyone. Not only have we seen things with our eyes, but we have cameras that have caught the different phenomena happening.”

Orville Murphy owns the Board Camp Crystal Mine near Mena, Arkansas, with his wife, Cheryl. The mine – discovered in 2008 and opened in 2012 — is described on their website as a day camp with an “actual native, virtually untapped crystal mine and public dig site” that is completely above ground and tree-covered so “rock-hounds can dig in the shade!” That’s pretty much what they and visitors found until February 2017 when strange things began to happen. After setting up a game cam and capturing photographs of what seemed to be levitating rocks, they posted a video.

This got the attention of MUFON ( Mutual U.F.O. Network) and the Travel Channel. After closing the camp in May to allow undisturbed access, MUFON investigated the phenomena, saw it for themselves, assured the Murphys that it was “undeniably scientifically unexplained” and will publish their findings in the November 2017 issue of the MUFON Journal.

“We were told that our reports were taken seriously because of physical evidence that we were able to show. MUFON says that 97% of reports are nothing, but 3% have something behind them. We fall into the 3% because we have credible physical evidence.”

That “physical evidence” will be shown in the Board Camp Crystal Mine’s segment on a 4-part Travel Channel mini-series called “Expedition Unknown: Hunt for Extraterrestrials,” hosted by adventurer Josh Gates and scheduled to be broadcast in October 2017. The Murphys are under a tight non-disclosure agreement but have given some press information and are reopening the camp on July 31, 2017, over two months before the show airs. Will they be able to keep things secret while keeping visitors interested in just hunting for non-floating crystals?

That’s only one of their dilemmas. The Murphys are devout Christians and were troubled by the anomalies happening at their camp. They feared being ridiculed or ostracized by others, not to mention the possibility that the mine might be possessed by unwanted spirits or aliens. Fortunately, they no longer feel that way.

“We found an article in my daily devotional by Billy Graham, titled ‘The Mysteries of God’ that provided us with the comfort we were looking for and we encourage others to read it online, who may feel troubled by our news. For years, people have been seeking the truth to such phenomena, and perhaps the happenings at Board Camp Crystal Mine can shed some extra light, because some of the phenomena may be linked to the energy in the crystals.”

It sounds like there’s something for everyone at the Board Camp Crystal Mine. For more on the levitating stones, you’ll have to pay a visit or wait for the mini-series.

Paul Seaburn is one of the most prolific writers at Mysterious Universe who has written for T.V. shows like “The Tonight Show”, “Politically Incorrect” and “Comic Strip Live”. He’s also written for sites like “New York Times”, “” and “Capitalist banter”. Paul adds a bit of comedy to each MU post he crafts. After all, the mysterious doesn’t always have to be serious.

Sourced from here.