They’re, Uh, Here?


Is this latest somehow different than the rest?  I don’t know.  This was passed along to me via e-mail so I am sharing for you to discern.  Yeah, I know, we’re all tired of the “D” word…

Andromedan Jaitan just sent this to his long lost (now found) love Martha







PS: The skies will soon be filled with guests. Ships have been spotted in the northern skies of Greece a couple of days ago.

We have electrical storms and a cable modem blow out (we had a backup).

They have been on the ground here for about a week where I am… so far unseen but definitely felt. The Yeti are also back guarding the premises.

Sourced from here.  

A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place And Is Still In Progress

By Diane Canfield

A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place and Is Still In Progress

Beloved Tribe of Light,

A dimensional Shift has occurred and we are now existing on a brand new timeline. What does this mean?

It means the Universe has catapulted us into a new state of consciousness, a new awareness. This has occurred because of the overflowing expanded consciousness that has taken place with the many beings of Earth. This occurred because of the overwhelming Love that now exists in the Earth Realm.

We have experienced Geo Magnetic Storms for the past 2 months almost continuously that have helped us achieve our new upgraded level of awareness. These storms help us to achieve upgraded DNA which then in turn builds the LIGHT Body which is needed to traverse the higher dimensions of light. Out of the last 60 days we have had 34 days of intense Geo storms.

The higher dimensions of light are based on Consciousness and the level of Awareness a being holds within themselves. As a being becomes one with their authentic self and in doing so merges with the Creator/Christ Consciousness we then become more crystalline and lighter in body, thought and awareness. This is what is needed to traverse the higher dimensions of awareness and Light.

This is how we evolve out of this 3D dimension in spurts and jumps that will lead us ultimately to the higher dimensions of light. Many beings  already exist in these dimensions. I have had in person contact with many races of ETs that already exist in these realms.  They are inter dimensional and travel between dimensions as we will be doing. There is a process involved in learning these techniques and this is why paranormal activities increase as we move dimensions. We are learning how to navigate these new realms.

Dimensional shifts can cause many issues while we are in the middle of them. These issues are physical, emotional and mental. While they occur there are also episodes of Bliss that also occur off and on. It is completely normal to feel bliss one day and then feel the effects of the shift the next day. This is how the Universe always implements new creations… it is done in waves.

Continue reading “A Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place And Is Still In Progress”

My Moldavite Stone Came


Image result for moldavite image

As out there as I go at times, by nature I am a very skeptical person. While I can let myself get carried away at times with fantastical ideas and visions, there is a solid voice within me that pulls me back and says “not until you can prove this, my dear.”

I have a variety of rocks and crystals throughout the house.  I wear particular stones and pendants for protection and the like.  However, I can say I have never physically “felt” anything in my body emanating from the stones/rocks I have.  Not that they don’t have their own energy, properties and uses.  I believe they do.

Then I ordered a Moldavite stone (which is actually a Tektite, which comes about when earthly/terrestrial rocks melt with high velocity meteorites and the like of extraterrestrial origin. A nice little marriage).

It arrived today.

One word:  Wow!

Now two:  Holy SHIT!

Continue reading “My Moldavite Stone Came”

Local Attractions Near The Strange Signal Emitting From Enshi, China


Editor’s note:  Trying to figure out what is behind this on-going frequency signal… Here’s a list of local attractions, as lifted from this site.  What are your thoughts?  I feel like I’m on a treasure hunt!  The first one has me intrigued as does their Grand Canyon…

 Site of Tangya Tusi Domain,  also known as the Tangya Tusi Ancient City is a world cultural site. It is the largest and best-preserved Tusi site in the ethnic minority regions of southwest China. It is a witness of the Tusi system, a hereditary political system put forward by feudal emperors in ancient China.

 Dashuijing Architecture Group is located 30 miles (48 kilometers) northwest of downtown Lichuan. It was the former residence of local Li family, a notable clan during the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911). Covering an area of 24,000 square yards (20,067 square meters), it consists of Manor of Li Family, Ancestral Temple, and Messuage of Li Gaiwu. Buildings there reflect both Tujia architectural features and western style.

 Enshi Grand Canyon, also called Mufu Grand Canyon, is about 40 miles from Enshi downtown. It is famous for Yunlong Ground Fissure, the cliffs on two sides of which are formed in two different periods, and Seven Star Village, where visitors can appreciate stones of various shapes. The local residents here are mainly Tu people, so you can also learn some interesting customs and culture of this ethnic group here.

 Qingjiang Chuangtan: Chuangtan refers to the section between the downtown Enshi to Fenshuihe Bridge of the Qingjiang River. Drifting along the river, there are forty-eight rapids in total, meanwhile, visitors can admire the beautiful scenery on the river banks and experience the folk customs of Tujia ethnic minority. After six hours drifting, they will be taken back to Enshi City by bus. Every April to October is the best time to visit Chuangtan.

 Yumu Village:Situated to the west of Lichuan City, the village is still inhabited by five hundred Tujia people. The gate building of the stockaded villages is constructed on a cliff. There are ten tombs of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and several other ancient buildings.

 Tenglong Cave is a cave group 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from downtown Lichuan. It consisted of a dry cave and a water cave. The Qingjiang River becomes an undercurrent while running though the cave. The dry and water caves are only separated by a wall. According to the on-site investigation by experts from home and abroad, Tenglong Cave is praised to be the largest karst cave in China.

Other Scenic Spots: Xingdoushan Nature Reserve

Has The Event Already Begun in Asia?

Editor’s note:  You know my thoughts on channeling so please use discernment, as always.  I am posting this because according to this piece, this “event” began on Sunday, which was the day the Schumann went off the charts as I mentioned in this piece and an unknown frequency began emitting out of China yesterday, the 19th (which I will be posting).  Plus there was a huge pulse of energy that came in on the 18th, which I reference here.  Put it all together and well, who knows, right?  I will tell you intuitively I have felt there will not be a WW3 played out on this planet (certainly not on the timeline I am intending and creating).  I recently had a dream as well where I saw the Solar Flash (which is likely part of the Event – perhaps the final piece) – and what it did to the skies and the people.  I wrote about it here.

Montague Keen via Veronica Keen – April 16, 2017

Sananda April 19, 2017

Montague Keen (channeled information)

This is an important message for you, my friends. The tables have turned and the Cabal now finds itself in difficulties. Two sets of ETs prevented the recent missile attack. This operation will be repeated over and over, no matter who fires the missile. Control has been taken out of the hands of the Cabal. They are quickly coming to realise that their game is over. They find themselves exposed for all to see. It has taken some time to achieve this, but their claws were everywhere, so we had to be thorough.

On Sunday 16th April 2017, the EVENT began in Asia. It was necessary to begin the process there. On Tuesday 18th, the Event extended all over the world. Be alert for all evidence of this, as the Cabal will do all in its dwindling power to prevent you observing it. Two leaders of the Zionists will be captured. They are responsible for all the death and destruction that is happening everywhere. The head of the snake must be removed first, then all will follow as it should. Work together to salvage whatever you can from the carnage left by the Cabal.

We, on this side of life, have had to work very hard to bring this about. There were only a few on Earth who could take on board what we were working towards. 2017 and 2018 will show clearly what our plans were, and continue to be for the future. Fear is being pushed on you by the Cabal through their TV and newspapers. You are being lied to. Do not believe their lies.

Continue reading “Has The Event Already Begun in Asia?”

Massive Disclosures In Babylon 5 TV Series

Editor’s note:  A most FASCINATING read.  Covers everything.  Truth is there when we seek it.  

Posted on

Out of all of the movies, television shows and other forms of media used to disclose various truths to the public this show has to be the crown jewel. It has almost everything. The solar flash, the operations to liberate Earth, the Cosmic Anomaly, the Jesuits, super soldiers, the Resistance, the Galactic Confederation, a secret space program, Blue Spheres, Ascended Beings, the Illuminati/Freemasons and much more as you are about to read.

I took 9 pages of notes and binge-watched 4 seasons of this show with 22 or 23 episodes for each season. I couldn’t believe how many dots were connected and how information-dense this show was with each passing episode. As you will see someone deep within-the-know was feeding the creator/writer of this show very high-up information and intel.

I found the easiest way to organize all this information would be to alphabetize it and organize everything by category. I have pictures and videos of everything that I thought was significant enough to record and document.

First I will provide a synopsis to the show to give the readers a baseline idea of what the story line is. The show takes place on a 5 mile-wide Earth-based and taxpayer-funded space station that acts as an intermediary for other E.T. races to come and create peaceful and diplomatic relations and trade, kind of like our moon.

It is located in a neutral area of space and acts as an officially recognized embassy by Earth and by the associated non-terrestrial beings who are referred to as ambassadors that are appointed to represent their governments. It is the result of a devastating Earth-Minbari war that took place in in the recent past.

  • Ascended Beings

Beings that call themselves the Vorlons use Organic Technology (the ships are alive) and exist inside encounter suits to contain/hide their true form. In one episode the being ambassador Kosh left his suit to save the captain of the crew and all of the beings that saw him saw their version of their religious leader; Jesus and so on.

Kosh once said he couldn’t leave his suit or else everyone would recognize him. This gives more credit to the idea that we create our realities and the higher beings identify with what we believe and take that form in order not to frighten us upon contact.

Continue reading here.

Cobra Update

Editor’s note:  Posting for the information on the missile strike in Syria.  Always question the official story…

COBRA’s Planetary Situation Update – April 7, 2017

Planetary Situation Update

April 7, 2017

THE PORTALClearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are intensively clearing the head of the Yaldabaoth entity with all plasma anomaly and plasma toplet bombs and all plasma scalar technologies of the Veil. Realizing that they are going to lose, the Chimera have stepped up the plasma attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are beyond brutal.

On Wednesday, the Light forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command have begun full force active removal of all plasma negativity near the surface of the planet. Every direct intervention of the Confederation forces inside the quarantine Earth provokes retaliation by the Chimera and they started first by trying to provoke nuclear exchange between USA and North Korea:

Although there was limited nuclear exchange on Wednesday in one of the underground bases, vaporizing a certain number of Dracos working for the Chimera, the Light forces do NOT allow nuclear exchange beyond the scope of mini nukes on the surface of the planet.

Realizing that they will not be allowed to go nuclear, the Chimera have resorted to trying to trigger a global war with conventional weapons.

Through the Archon and Jesuit network, they have pressured Trump to attack Syria:

Trump did this without approval from the Congress, which is a clear violation of the Constitution:

This military action helps the Archons in their attempt to retake Palmyra, a crucially important vortex point within the Syria pentagram:

The plan of the dark forces is to involve Turkey and Israel in the conflict, and expand it throughout the Middle East:

They are hoping of provoking Putin, but he is in contact with brilliant Pleiadian military strategists and most likely he will play it wisely, using diplomacy, international public opinion and military support to Syrian army rather that direct confrontation with the United States.

The international public is becoming more and more aware that the chemical gas attack in Idlib, which Trump used as a pretext to attack Syria, was a false flag:

Involving White Helmets.

Now Trump worshipers are finally beginning to sober up:

The Light forces will do whatever they can to limit the escalation of this military conflict as much as possible. Dragon sources have reconfirmed that this will be a short, intense but limited escalation. The Resistance is expecting the situation reaching its peak next Tuesday.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

PS. Just as I wanted to post this update and the next update which will be even more important, blogger went down for a few hours worldwide, delaying my post:

An interesting „coincidence“.

Victory of the Light!

Sourced from here. 

Eric Raines ~ Energy Update March 27, 2017: The False Light Matrix Has Been Destroyed

Editor’s note:  Such a beautiful, spot-on piece on the false light matrix. Completely resonate w/this one.  

Woman, Happiness, Sunrise, Silhouette

A very interesting development took place today around 12PM Pacific time. A massive false light matrix was extricated from the planetary surface, with connections to the moon, as well as Saturn being dissolved.

This false light matrix has been masquerading as benevolent ET/spiritual contact for millennia and is as old as the Soul Trap technology recycling the surface population back into incarnation after incarnation. The Earth’s moon is a natural satellite brought here from elsewhere, Technology was placed inside of the moon both physically and etherically, and the orbit was locked into a non rotating Lagrange point, locking the energy of the manipulated satellite into the Earth’s etheric and gravemetric/magnetic fields.

Once locked in place, an artificial vortex was induced, siphoning everything in the astral with the resonance of Source into this vast reincarnation machine. The result was if anyone on the surface of the planet died, their soul would not be able to escape this energetic vortex’s “gravity” and they would be pulled into controlled lower layers of the astral, where preconditioned religious beliefs would dictate into which simulation they were placed in.

After a period of rest, the persons “guides” would inform them that they have more lessons to learn, deeds undone and more things to accomplish planet-side, and the soul will blindly step into another incarnation. The only problem being that they are zapped with an extremely strong etheric, nuclear, and electric blast before they incarnate, thus forgetting everything they learned before stepping into the human experience again.

Once in amnesia, the Matrix programming creates more than enough trauma to slip the etheric implantation systems into the body, and the cycle of feeding begins anew until the person dies, reincarnates, is fed upon, dies, reincarnates, etc….

Here is the major difference today. With the removal of this false light matrix, the vortex is no longer operating. Let me repeat this. THE VORTEX IS NO LONGER OPERATING. People are dying every second around the planet, and instead of being pulled into this tunnel, they are finding the highest, cleanest levels of the astral and are receiving true healing. They are coming back in already.
The children that will be born from here on out are going to change the face of this planet energetically. This is a line in the sand. The dark is slipping faster than they ever have before, and now….now they cannot replenish the ranks of their “food”. We can come back in remembering much more, if not everything.

This does not even encompass what is happening with Saturn right now. Saturn is how the dark has locked us inside of time. Saturn is the loop in the endless flow of now. Saturn is how we even experience time like we do, instead of multi-dimensionally.

The machinery is still working, but the major timeline incursion abilities are no longer functional. The dark can no longer reach back into time and remove threats as they pop up in the now.

No longer will the next person to wake up and shatter the Matrix around them be eliminated by going and killing their parents 20 years before they were born. No longer will someone manifest their perfect reality, only to wake up completely disoriented from an incredibly vivid dream that they felt they were in for years. No longer will someone download how to develop a free energy device, only to have all of their work stolen seemingly from nowhere, with no clues or hints given to the world outside on what they were developing.

Channelers around the world are going to connect into their “guide” and find nothing, or actually find the entity they connected to begin with before being hijacked.

Men, women, and children across the planet are stepping into their divine right of freedom and personal sovereignty, but we still do not have enough. These developments are amazing, and they are nice to hear what is going on, but we do not have enough of the surface population turning on the light.

We came here to do this job. We came here completely blind, ignorant, and weak to remember the light, find it in ourselves, and spread it to the world around us.

YOU are part of this shift! When was the last time you sat in stillness and connected into you? When was the last time you stretched your body, letting it know through words and feelings, that you truly love and appreciate it for carrying you through this reality? When was the last time you turned off the phone, closed the computer, and sat in stillness with just your thoughts? When was the last time you had a question, and immediately thought about, “What does this person think about this?” without going into the stillness within and asking the most important question? “How do I feel about this?” When was the last time you trusted yourself?

The shift is coming. We ARE the shift. Go inside. Find the light. Turn it on and spread it out to the world. Shine through yourself, filling your body with pure golden waves of love. See humanity for what it is, not what it appears to be. It is coming, there is no getting away from this shift. Lets bring it on as fast and as powerfully as possible.

The lines are stretching. The inner circles of this esoteric information are growing. People “asleep” at the wheel are finding this information and the sleepers are beginning to awaken.

Your job is to be a beacon so they can find you.

In love,

Sourced from here.