Massive Alien Fleets Seen By NASA Satellites Orbiting the Sun

According to UFO hunters, and based on numerous satellite images, massive alien fleets are flying in ‘tactical’ formation near Earth and through the inner solar system towards the sun. Some researchers have even come forward claiming that our sun may act as some sort of massive Stargate, used by super advanced alien civilizations to travel across the cosmos. 

The ‘alarming’ discovery has been made by UFO hunter Streetcap1, who analysed images of the sun captured by NASA’s SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) Satellite.

The SOHO satellite is in fact a joint project between the European Space Agency and NASA. The observational satellite is located in halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 gravitational point an keeps an eye on our solar system’s star nonstop.

According to Streeetcap1, the alleged image captured by cameras on board SOHO show a MASSIVE alien fleet of UFO’s flying past Earth, heading towards the sun.

“I have seen too many ‘UFO fleets’ now to be in any doubt that this is a reality,” wrote the UFO hunter.

According to Streetcap1, the intimidating armada of alien spaceships appear to be travelling in a regular and highly ordered group of formations, which are indicative of a highly organized military fleet.

“They are flying in small group formation which might suggest military craft,” Streetcap1 explains. “I have seen too many ‘UFO fleets’ now to be in any doubt that this is a reality.

UFO Hunter Scot Warring from UFO sightings daily commented on the images:

“This UFO fleet was caught by Streetcap1 of YouTube. It is an awesome find,” he writes in the latest update to his blog UFO Sightings Daily.

“I have seen thousands of SOHO sun photos, but never one like this,” he continues. “Here we see fleets of ships in groups of two, three and even four. This is a fleet, which is not a good sign.”
“For a fleet this size to be passing Earth, something big is about to happen,” Waring writes. “Yes, you can bet money that they know we are here, but they are so technologically advanced that we are not threat to them. Thus, they ignore us. We see 60-80 ships here that the SOHO image caught. Many more it didn’t catch.”

The debate continued on YouTube among hundreds of users who left their comments on the video.

“It’s like a space battle..”

“Incredible; but why…?


“But they are huge how do you explain [this].”

In the distant past, numerous weird objects have been spotted near the sun, visible on SOHO satellite images.

While UFO hunters are convinced these are interstellar starships from elsewhere in the universe, skeptics argue that we are looking at malfunctions in the images. Processing errors and dead pixels present ni some of the images.

UFO hunters, however, do not agree.

In the past, researchers have wondered about the numerous anomalies present near the sun and have ventured out to ask whether it is possible that our sun is a massive Stargate.

This video below by Nassim Haramein supports the idea that the sun acts as a massive portal or Stargate.

 Sourced from:

Amazing UFO Destroys Chemtrail, Alien Technology? UFOs protecting Earth?

Witness report: On September 28, 2016 I caught an extraordinary UFO sighting. I was watching an odd looking light crossing the sky at variable speeds around my house, during the sunset.

To me it was just some sort of helicopter, or maybe a drone. But after 5 or 10 minutes, I began suspecting the object not to be man-made.

It was performing weird maneuvers, accelerating and decelerating randomly. When the light started to accelerate towards a huge Chemtrail, I took my camcorder and tried to find it in the distance.

The object stopped in front of the Chemtrail, and slowly destroyed it. Indeed, the trail was being “consumed” progressively. I was simply speechless. I still can’t believe what I caught. The Chemtrail got literally perforated.

I can’t be 100% sure it’s due to the object itself, but I’m sure there’s a link between it and the Chemtrail.

Such a huge trail can’t just disappear like that, for no reason! And only a small portion of the trail gets erased, justly around the object.

After the UFO attacked the trail, it moved backwards and flied West, in my opposite direction. It disappeared pretty quickly.

What was that object? Man-made prototype to delete Chemtrails? Some extra-terrestrial technology made to protect us? I just don’t have a clue of what this is.


Sheldon Nidle Update:

Editor’s note:  As I wrote last night in my Daily Notes titled “My Predictions”, speaking of this feeling I have had of urgency that something is “supposed” to happen, around 18 years ago and most certainly today.  This piece speaks of how so much of what I speak of WAS supposed to happen almost two decades ago – which is the time I first began having these visions and intuitive messages and felt I was in this waiting period from 1997 to 2001 – when this wave of disappointment came over me.  Validation for my experience is always helpful. Much love to you all.  Use discernment.  Let go.  Be Open.  And Believe.  

Sheldan Nidle Update – September 20, 2016
4 Ben, 16 Zip, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Since we first arrived en masse at the end of your 20th century, we have learned in detail how your world works. We have allied ourselves with your Ascended Masters and their numerous Earth allies. In addition, we have had extensive planning sessions with our Agarthan cousins. All our meetings, along with our lengthy scientific study flights and accompanying record-keeping, have prepared us for what is currently taking place on your planet’s surface. Surface humanity is now at a crossroads. Those who seek the Light have achieved much and are finally ready to begin announcing the terms of their incredible triumph. A new global financial system, worldwide freedom and new governance symbolize this victory. Two decades ago, the dark’s minions decided to forego the surrender that their former masters, the Anunnaki offered them. This refusal led you into two decades of unnecessary wars, government-contrived terrorism and a general series of continued corruption and misguided violence. This prolonged era of misdeeds is coming to an end. The much-sought time of peace, freedom and prosperity is about ready to begin.

As this new time starts, we wish to tell you a few more things about ourselves. Our primary intention is a full disclosure. This can permit us to be more open about how we relate to you. We dearly intend at that time to open a broad communication with you. Many still believe that thought of this world being visited constantly by ETs is nonsense. We intend to dispel this concept shortly. When we were told decades ago by Heaven to put this special first contact mission together, we were somewhat skeptical Our Science and Engineering fleets had unanimously labeled your civilization as not yet ready for contact. Our sudden intervention to save your Sun, combined with a number of decrees from the Federation’s Spiritual Council, was a forerunner for what later happened. Hence, we enthusiastically endorsed this huge commitment to your planet and its people. We sent a rather large fleet and started to interact with all dedicated to the Light, such as its many active proponents. It has taken us nearly two decades to achieve countless initial objectives.

The result of these years of getting to know each other is that the Earth-born elements now fully accept us as a part of this very diverse team. Our liaisons regularly plan and advise with other parts of this group. We understand their plans and have contributed to what currently is the final schedule for this immensely complex operation. We are thoroughly dedicated to this project and know when we can, in the near future, land and interact with you personally. Thus, our mentors can make their daily preparations knowing when all of this is to actually happen. This surface world of yours is going to be surprised when what we have discussed unfolds. The new banking system, the prosperity and the freedom that comes with new governance require avid participation from you. The world that you have grown up with is suddenly going to “explode” right in front of you. This immediately needs you to accept a number of game-changing events. It becomes incumbent on you to listen, carefully review them and act.

This rapidly changing reality is being set up to allow you to discover how wondrous your environment has become. This is a new world in which you are to be given a great deal of vital information. You need to receive it all and take the time to review it. Governance is to be dedicated to repeating all of this a number of times. It is essential that you understand what is to be expected of you. In addition to all of this, some of you are to be the first to begin, with a huge learning curve about the new prosperity and its relationship to the new and friendlier financial system. These experiences are to help you achieve your dreams and spread an ever-growing global prosperity. Along with these special events is to be governance that truly requires your active participation. Community groups are needed to interact with this governance at local and regional levels. We intend, as well, to provide some guidance and enable you to fully participate in our contact procedures. Your time as a sort of “mushroom” is truly ready to come to a rapid end.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! This time is especially sweet to us! The great works of our associates are finally coming to fruition. Long ago, Heaven told us that a time was to come when the Anunnaki and their minions were no longer to rule this realm. This long-awaited time is emerging. Those who came to us centuries ago and set up spiritual secret orders dedicated to the Light and its good works are on the edge of monumental success. The Light has forced the last of the dark to contemplate their surrender and arrange for it. All of the major minions have informally surrendered and special dates approved. The dark’s last acts are at present being carried out. We can prepare to rejoice shortly. Glory to Heaven for all of these magnificent blessings! The transformations required are almost ready to occur. These glorious deeds are due in great part to your continuing focus and support. Take the time remaining and use it to come together and thank all in Heaven for these truly grand events.

What is now occurring is a long and very eventful strategy that originally began at the conclusion of the Second World War. The American minions and their followers had finally achieved their centuries-old goal. They had become a vital part of the Anunnaki’s post-war plans. America was founded, not as a potential world power, but as an alternative. We Masters wanted to set an example and give the world a blessed alternative to the global minions that ran this realm. We knew that one day, the Anunnaki was to be turned toward the Light, and this globe needed another example for running a large nation. However, America was in reality being torn apart by two vastly different ways of running it. These differences came to a head in the last half-decade. In the present time, the “powers that be” and their evil agenda are being done away with. A new time is arriving for all peoples.

America at present is to lead this realm into a new period where freedom, prosperity and equality are unbounded. Those who have kept this nation, and the world in general, in bondage no longer are to be in any position to resist this new way. The old perceptions long taught you are to go. Your vision and focus on a new state of Being are to triumph! America’s history is to be revealed and openly discussed. Use this amazing history as a point to avoid even the most evil of agendas in this wondrously evolving realm. Stay strong and be willing to listen and learn all about America and its amazing prophecy! We have many other things to tell you as well. The deeds and lies of the dark need to be made known and the energy of these deeds transformed to Light and sheer blessedness. You are in transition to a new consciousness and are to be treated to true, and newly growing, wisdom. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we carried on with our weekly report. As you can see, many exciting events are ready to take place! Some of these may astound you at first. Remain patient and focus on the good that is to show up! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Sourced from: Ascension with Earth

Declassified Documents on UFO’s Released By FBI

Editor’s note:  Pretty interesting – part of this “soft” disclosure I speak of. Here is a section of page 22 which I have typed up (I am unable to copy and paste as it is a PDF file).  This is dated July 8, 1947 out of San Diego, CA.  I will provide the link to the original source and all its 69 pages at the bottom.  

  1. Part of their discs carry crews, other are under remote control.
  2. Their mission is peaceful.  The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.
  3. The visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
  4. They are not excarnate earth people, but come from their own world.
  5. They do NOT come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
  6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically “materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter”.
  7. The discs possess a type of radiant energy, or ray, which will immediately disintegrate any attacking ship.  They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace.
  8. The region from which they come is NOT the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas.  Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
  9. They probably cannot be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar, if a signal system can be devised for that apparatus.

Here is a link to the entire document: