Blue Pulsing Light Seen in NYC

UPDATE:  here is a youtube video someone captured of the actual transformer explosion at the power plant.  you can see the youtube video doesn’t really correspond w/the video capture from twitter below.  the twitter video shows the flashing glow up in the sky – nothing at ground level.  a friend of mine saw this and passed it along too:  (substations do emit a continuous hum but what is described below seems to be felt and heard in a broader sense.  i have asked where she lives in relation to the substation and will post if i hear anything.)




Gatwick drone ‘may never have existed’ as couple are released without charge


editor victoria’s comment ~ well that didn’t take long.  one of those to place in the “no duh” files.  hint as to what it was:


Police have revealed that the drone responsible for hundreds of cancelled or diverted Gatwick flights might not have even existed.

Lucy Middleton

Sunday 23 Dec 2018 6:36 pm

Officers were said to be keeping an ‘open mind’ after a damaged drone was discovered at the airport on December 22. But while Detective Chief Superintendent for Surrey and Sussex Police Jason Tingley said it was ‘a working assumption’ that the aerial vehicle is connected to airport’s closure, he could not confirm its involvement.

‘We are also going through many reports of sightings of drone activity over the last few days,’ he said. ‘We are meticulously going through that information to see if that produces any other further lines of inquiry, and also where we may focus our efforts in terms of house-to-house inquiries, CCTV footage, and any other information that will help us work through this investigation.’

He added that there was ‘always a possibility that there may not have been any genuine drone activity in the first place’, but that officers were working on a range of information from members of the public, police officers and Gatwick staff who had said otherwise.





FBI Raids Home Of ‘Former Area 51 Worker’ Looking For Element 115


editor victoria’s comment ~ here is what i found on Element 115:  

“Moscovium is a radioactive, synthetic element about which little is known. It is classified as a metal and is expected to be solid at room temperature. It decays quickly into other elements, including nihonium.” (source)


With the help of journalist George Knapp, Lazar told a story in which he claimed he was stationed at a base known as S-4, which was among other things, testing and reverse engineering UFO’s.

Mr Lazar recently revealed that the FBI raided his home last month.

“The conveyer belt of vehicles and agents and police did not stop.

“They came in and said ‘there will be a few others coming in, we’ve just got a few questions to ask you’.


More “they’re heeeeere” photos


The Fleet is Charging up…Their heeeere 🛸🛸🛸🛸

Posted by Sean Christopher on Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Orb-like object captured in the early morning


6am Finally clear sky this morning. Right outside my front door, closer, and it’s already big when I put my camera up to it, then it goes back to small.

Posted by Brenda Covey Deeley on Thursday, December 6, 2018


Some “they’re here” images….(more i should say)


are they going to land?  speak with us?  i am pretty confident many if not most of us are rather tired of them simply showing themselves.  let’s meet and greet in a respectful manner.


Cape Town South Africa The Fleet has arrivedThey are all across our planet now

Posted by Sean Christopher on Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Post #1 of 2***December 3, 2018 8:52 AM Salem Indiana. We are getting clearer images. I’ve included the data sheets for…

Posted by Gina Maria Colvin Hill on Monday, December 3, 2018