Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ Meterage for 9-24-18: or, “COME FOR THE EVENT. STAY FOR THE PIE” [UPDATE1]


editor’s note:  reading through some of the comments where someone speaks of a headache in their 3rd eye area reminded me of something new i noticed about myself a few weeks back.  in the area of my 3rd eye appeared a thumbnail size brownish (very light) indent that has NEVER been there before.  at first i thought it was dirt – then a bruise – but it has not changed colors and is still there.  so tonight i finally asked my family to check it out (as i said – it was very very light and only noticeable if you zoom in close – lol)….so my mate gets the flashlight (the room’s rather dark) and he and my girl look at the area in question and sure enough – they both saw it.  mate says “i don’t ever remember seeing that on you before”.  that’s because it never has been!



We’ve had another timeline jump… or two. And Kiruna…


…continues to live in the Twilight Zone. Speaking of that…


…a new addition to our meterage line-up is the Stereo A satellite “GIANT UFO SHOW,” which registered an average of approx. 200 NEPTUNE-sized crafts (not Jupiter-sized, sorry) exiting the sun in the first half of Monday, September 24, 2018. We’ll (try to) keep a running tally so we might get a daily tally… but no one wants to do it. Does it matter? There are A LOT of gynormous thought-ships tooling around the solar system, cloaked. Oddly, the ships don’t have that many beings on them, which for a ship that big is a bit odd.

Continue here.

“Visitor’s” Captured over Trump’s Golf Course in Scottland?



Posted by Jermaine Chavis on Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Home Video Captures MASSIVE Planetary Object and Large fleet of ships on 9/10/18 in Indiana


editor’s note:  thank you patricia for passing this one along.  truly W O W!



MASSIVE PLANET****VERY VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO****PLEASE SHARE***This was taken today on September 9, 10:58 AM Salem, Indiana. It is in our sky and it is MASSIVE AND IT IS NOT ALONE!!!!! …pictures are on my timeline

Posted by Gina Maria Colvin Hill on Sunday, September 9, 2018
