Couple of finds ~ More Reflecting



So checking around the states for the most affordable – or as I say it now “cheap rent” – doesn’t seem to exist.  The most “affordable” state – 1 bedroom apartments start at $1385.  Nice little number, eh?

You know why people ain’t pissed enough?  Half of the population, certainly the vast majority in my area, haven’t been really “hit” hard.  Most own their own homes, most having owned them for 20 or more years, so other than utilities and food, they haven’t been hit hard like the other half of us and that is housing – whereby we can’t afford to move because the cost OF rents are at batshit criminal levels.  Well there are many round these parts who are indeed angry over the DOGE activities – which I don’t comprehend.  What is so upsetting over auditing WHERE OUR MONEY HAS BEEN GOING?  They ok with blindly trusting the entities in DC to just do the right thing?

Because I sure as heck ain’t.  And if you’re a critically thinking human, you won’t have an issue with it either.

I am just at these new levels of UGH and CANNOT TAKE IT.  Waking up – again – pounding the bed – commanding My reality and MY experience.  My needs.  Your needs.  OUR needs.  WHEN DOES OUR ABILITY TO CREATE WHAT WE NEED RETURN?  SHOW UP?

I am not feeling any sense of connection to anything outside either.  God.  Jesus.  Home.  Loved ones who passed on.  I am not feeling a THING.  It’s like that concept that we’re all just little debris floating around aimlessly, connected to nothing – that is feeling quite possible – true tbh.

When did we begin?  How?  Where?  Are we divinely created or nothing but an accident?

Then returning to the “show”.  WHEN do these things start to show up in our experience?  The EO from Jan 22 regarding cost of living – housing, utilities, food, etc. – when do we start seeing that?  WHY is this being allowed to drag out as a snail’s pace?  Where’s the Kash confirmation?  WE WANT TO SEE THOSE DAMN LISTS!!  And what about the JFK Files?  What happened to those?  Anyone doing anything with them?  Watching the fake people at the confirmation hearing(s) – watching the “criminals” still showing themselves – I JUST CAN’T.

Stock market continues to soar.  Prices gone up.  And yet we get told to trust the plan.


I stopped doing that over a year ago.  I trust nothing now other than what I feel and desire.

Who is in charge of this plan?  Why have they allowed this level of suffering?  I will n e v e r comprehend that part.  Each day that passes is another wasted day where if I had what I NEEDED, I could be doing more.  I could be living in a more suitable area.  I could be giving my child more.  Doing the day to day keeping food on the table, clothed and basics provided for – I just can’t.  I need more.  She needs more.  And I feel like an absolute failure.  But I also remind myself I didn’t create this corrupt capitalistic system where it is survival of the fittest – so I put my anger energy into that whole mess.

Carry water chop wood.  Literally carry wood as ya’ll know to do the damn wash in the cold garage, which takes up too much of my time.

That’s all I got.  I’m just truly at the truest sense of the word burned the fuch out – no fuch’s left to give.

For now – I say MAKE IT HAPPEN and SPEED. IT. UP.  End and remove the corruption and bring in what is just and fair for EVERY ONE OF US.

And calling in Bill Wood:  You said there are moves and countermoves – until it’s checkmate.  WE COMMAND CHECKMATE!  N O W!



Going to be another one of those “where’s da money?”



$5,000.  Add 5 more zero’s then we can talk.  And what about those who are too poor to file a tax?  They get screwed over (as usual)?


If we are truly “ending the endless” wars – why only 8%?  Why is this bloated dept. going to be needed?  Can someone explain this to me in a way my Higher Vision self can accept?


Audit the entire family – and the rest of the “families”……..

DOGE NEWS- Department of Government Efficiency
So.. should DOGE audit Chelsea Clinton? She receives annually-recurring funding from USAID, allocated by Obama. The money is supposed to go for her Foundation, which supposedly provides afternoon meals to children in Africa, India, & Bangladesh. However, as of today, the reported number of meals served stands at 11,886, implying an astonishing cost of $1,410 per meal. Net Worth: $70 Million Husband Net Worth: $45 Million Inheritance: $52 million USAID Earnings: $3.9 Million per year Real Estate Assets: $25 million. Has accomplished absolutely nothing.


Looks like a nice thing to do………..


In a nice cabin in a place like this………..all it takes is money………..


“Change….nothing stays the same”. Oh really?





I was in the kitchen, making dinner, trying to do something different – something new – just so I wouldn’t have to repeat anything I have already done.  The word “change” has been around me recently in a new way.  Even seeing my healer each week has worn its welcome for every week I am greeted with the exact. same. words. several. sentences. long.  I realized today if I have to hear that same phrase/opening one more time……………… know?

Time to pick a new greeting.

Like “what’s new?” or “Would you like a muffin?”

I think of what I do here.  What I do every day.  And the OMG I CANNOT REPEAT ONE MORE THING.  Just like I can’t handle looking out the window and seeing the same homes, the same skies, the same trees.  Today was one of those days where I had to close my eyes as I washed the dishes.

Then as I’m putting together dinner – chopping potatoes in a brand new way (a ha!) – Van Halen comes on the Radio – “Change”.  Nothing stays the same.


Get out of bed, affirm, visualize, yoga, eat, make money (or find some way to), exercise, eat again, go get supplies, research to see if something positive has shifted that will impact your life in an equally positive way, return to bed, do affirmations and visuals to bring in the experience (CHANGE) you want, and repeat.

R e p e a t.

Even when I visit a new location or take a different route – it’s still the same. life. day. after. day.

Who decided to have 8 billion people in one general area of the Universe, then require they all conform to pay to survive?  Then tell them they have to follow “their” rules to live wherever they want or travel wherever they want.  For all of this ridiculous talk about inclusivity, this realm is about as exclusive as I can imagine.  Can’t fit in (because you lack the money) – or aren’t allowed in (due to money or which box you selected on your voter’s ballot)?   Compete for food (ya’ll seen some of the egg stories recently?  lol).  Compete for housing.  Compete for jobs.  Seriously – who in the hell really enjoys it here?

Sigh.  Before I go off more into my abysmal state of depression in which I find myself today, I will share today’s goodies.



Remember the days – you’d drive anywhere – and when you filled up you had to clean your windshield.  Wonder what happened……..



Couldn’t possible be this could it?


Could be frequency too – cell towers, etc.  That’s my best guess……..

So we HAVE had changes – but not the kind we want.

Moving on……….

So for those who know about my USPS dream from several years ago – this is a pretty big marker:


IRS will lay off thousands of probationary workers in the middle of tax season – ABC News


Just. do. it. already………….

Sen. Cassidy will vote to confirm Patel as FBI head

On Tuesday, the Senate advanced Patel’s nomination with a 48-45 party-line vote, bringing him one step closer to being confirmed and leading an agency that Republican lawmakers have accused of being weaponized “against the American people” and marred with politics. A couple of senators did not vote.












TUNE IN: Exclusive Hannity Interview with President Trump and Elon Musk Tonight at 9 PM ET




“CLEAN HOUSE”  (Clean House is very important)……..woke up thinking about “this is not another four year election”………clean house is in that particular drop (see link below fmi)………



Drop Search Results: Clean House


CASHAPP:  $Victoria1144

2.15.25 ~ MMGA (MAKE MUSIC GREAT AGAIN) ~ Finds, headlines…………




Starry Night over the Rhone – 1888


I have this hanging in my bedroom, surrounded by lights and butterflies.  A favorite space to just meditate on.  I love the song.  Songs are around me again, coming in through the tail end of my dreams.  Below are a few that have been with me, including Starry Night.  I’m focused on Making Music GREAT Again.  I already like to take old classics and make them my own.  Time to make new and take the old, remove the filth words and replace with what is pure.

(1) Don McLean – Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics – YouTube


(1) Walter Egan – Magnet and Steel – YouTube



There really is something simple about that time………..not that I want to return – just want PURE again.  I want to FEEL surrounded in Pure – Safety.

(1) King Of The Road – YouTube



Wild weather (tornado’s):  Yeah – tornado’s in February……….a little early…..

🔴LIVE – Severe Weather Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground, Live Weather Channel… – YouTube



These sick fuchs are everywhere.  Only one place for him………




The whole “global economy” was just part of “their” agenda……..



Gluttony everywhere…

Department of Veterans Affairs Fires Over 1,000 Employees | ZeroHedge



Louisiana To End Mass Vaccine Promotion, Surgeon General Announces | ZeroHedge


I had to laugh at this one.  Who enforces – and how?  Talk about desperation….Big Brother in da bedroom……..

Democrats Introduce Legislation To Fine Men For Ejaculating | ZeroHedge









CASH APP:  $VictoriaT1144


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2.14.25 ~ End of day Finds






I think SO BIG – I need my own Universe these days…


With all of these EO’s – here are what I am seeing many of us are in need of IMMEDIATELY:

  1. Affordable housing for all in need
  2. Cost of utilities and food to be made truly affordable FOR ALL
  3. Emergency grant funds for those in need.


Or you may use CASHAPP:





There’s another side to this one including our mailman – the one and only truly reliable one we have.  Hard working.  He came to say good-bye today.






FDA Misled The Judiciary About Pfizer’s Vaccine Documents | ZeroHedge




This ought to get interesting quickly.  Me thinks “off world” activities…….



He’s not wasting a moment……..He clearly knows the link…..and what’s behind them………

RFK Jr. Is Already Taking Aim at Antidepressants – Mother Jones

Trump’s ‘Make America Healthy Again’ commission to target autism, chronic diseases | Fox News


US will be ‘flooded with jobs’ as foreign nations avoid tariffs, Trump says | Fox News


Eruption In “BleachBit,” “Wipe Hard Drive,” “Offshore Bank” Searches In DC Suggest Deep State Panic Mode | ZeroHedge





Breathe deep the scenery………



Then find a blankie and nap……

2.6.25 Finds & Headlines







The beeper was real…….







Remember Assange saying when all was cleared, 97% of DC would fall?






Trump Takes the Gloves Off, Orders GSA to Cancel “Every Single Media Contract” | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


USAID Accused of Funneling $260 Million to Organizations Linked to George Soros’s Open Society Foundations | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


Carnage: Trump Cuts ‘Environmental Justice’ Programs, Puts Nearly 200 EPA Staffers on Leave | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Need Proof of USAID Funding Being Utilized to Orchestrate Coup D’Etat? Look No Further Than Joe Biden’s Own Admission | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo


Here We Go: Trump Administration Sues Chicago and the State Of Illinois Over Their Pro-Illegal Alien Sanctuary Laws – More Lawsuits to Follow | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger





UPDATE:  I’ve had some toxic comments left in regards to what I shared below – I was going to engage and attempt to reason with and explain – but decided instead to block them from returning.  If I am not safe to ask for help and/or share what I’m going through – I have no use for anyone in my life, personal or here at my site, who thinks the answer to someone hurting is to judge and ridicule.  FAFO to those who engage w/that ugly.


My heart is so heavy.

I have been working so hard and so diligently and I can’t keep this up anymore. I cannot change my life on my own apparently. I well there are so many other people I am competing with and I am drowning here and if it were just me it would be one thing but I have to fight to keep going for me and my daughter and my friends if you come here you have to see me for where I am now and I am not in a good space anymore. I am not strong like I used to be I’m tired of being told fight keep going be strong but I need people helping me I don’t understand that I am so disappointed in humanity I go on all these alleged support boards and they give me system based agencies that don’t help. I don’t understand it I don’t understand why I cannot find people who hear me when I say this is what I need and I am provided that very thing.

I started this website with the title for a very specific reason. I’ve always known that no one makes it here alone and that the answer to every single problem is love when it shows up in action. I feel like I am fighting a battle all on my own and I am not winning. I just want to be seen. I want to be asked what do you need. I want to feel like I have something to contribute and to provide and that will truly make a difference and will give me the means to provide for my child in the way that she deserves and that I want oh my God I want this more than anything. I sit here pouring my heart out and I am crying. I’m exhausted from lack of sleep. I am breaking down from being harmed and the loneliness that I feel when I pour my heart out and go to see if anybody is heard me I don’t know I just know we can’t make it in this world on our own no one does and I don’t understand why I have not been able to manifest what I need. I am truly at a loss and I’m also tired of letting it go and letting it be I’ve been doing that a lot lately and nothing is coming to me. Well I shouldn’t say that the idea to pursue being an instacart Shopper and Uber delivery was a new idea and I pursued those and I already shared what happened. It’s like there’s this Force around me and I can’t get rid of it and I’ve tried and I have prayed and I do all my intention I really need help I am desperate okay if I wasn’t desperate I wouldn’t be saying that but I am desperate for help

Saving Israel for last. ALL (like literally) ALL the world’s a clown show stage…. USPS end-game piece



uh huh……….perhaps i will get a newer car at the end of this movie so i can at least drive it for Uber………

went to the store tonight.  where the eggs?


btw – i now have cashapp for those who have asked.  🥰









Another USPS end game piece for me………..



More time travel comms……..




Mass Exodus on the Horizon: CIA Offers Buyouts to ITS ENTIRE WORKFORCE with Generous Eight-Months Pay & Benefits Package as Trump Moves to Downsize Federal Bureaucracy | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


Trump Administration Planning WIDESPREAD Federal Layoffs as the Swamp-Draining Kicks into High Gear | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger


BREAKING: Senate Votes 54-46 to Confirm Pam Bondi as US Attorney General | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Super Bowl 59: NFL to Remove ‘End Racism’ Slogan From End Zones as News Reports State President Trump to Attend Game in New Orleans | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor


Globe - Lake Agassiz Regional Library - OverDrive


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2.3.25 ~ Trump to Create A Sovereign Wealth Fund….USAID Shut Down…..Canada to Pause Tariffs After Convo With Trump….And other Finds



I’m thinking of Alaska’s Oil Fund – where the people receive an annual stipend from the oil companies for doing biz up there.  My thoughts go to the interest rates on c.c., the requirement for insurance, licenses, car registrations, the Strawman Accounts, etc.  There is enough abundance to make us all wealthy and have leftover resources to rebuild what was allowed to collapse.  Here is a list of all the Countries who have these funds.  Question is – is there poverty in any of these nations and if so, why?  Funds are a good idea in so long as they TRULY in every sense of the word belong to The People and serve to make ALL Healthy and Wealthy.  I see other states here in America have their own funds – including my own state.  Pretty sure the people don’t see any of that in the way that is truly supportive.

List of sovereign wealth funds by country – Wikipedia


I notice how he pauses, emphasizing “event”……….liquid assets, etc… check this out – “if we are going to buy 2 billion covid vaccines maybe we should have some warrants….” (could mean arrest – could mean justification – either way this is disclosure imho)…………

BREAKING NEWS: President Trump Signs Executive Order To Establish Sovereign Wealth Fund For The U.S. – YouTube


My sense – DOGE is using AI to audit these places at lightening speed.

USAID Workers Told To Stay Home In Early-Morning Email As Musk ‘Spent Weekend Feeding It Into The Wood Chipper’ | ZeroHedge

It’s happening fast after Sunday statements of Elon Musk confirming President Trump “agreed” to shut USAID down… USAID’s headquarters in Washington D.C. has been closed for the day on Monday, with employees receiving an early morning email telling them to remain at home.

Musk says the agency has effectively been shut down. The email, which is now widely circulating on social media postings, was sent from Gavin Kliger via an official address. He is one among the twenty-somethings assisting Musk in implementing Trump’s order to slash foreign aid and stop waste.



Being denied access to dip their slimy little hands into the pot….








Scared……………US Postal Service – a puzzle piece marker for me:



A pause for some humor…




Dash = TO




Clearly it was never about true talent………


The People have spoken….





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2.2.25 ~ Another plane incident, stand-off in LA, another crypto wipe, tariffs, info on is ra el and other finds….







always wonder where it goes….







There’s that word “quickly” again……..













Trump Admin Puts Two USAID Security Leaders on Leave After They Refuse to Turn Over Classified Info to Musk’s DOGE Team | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Female Pilot Rebecca Lobach’s Entire Social Media Scrubbed before Army Released Her Name – So What Are They Hiding? | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


Senator Lindsey Graham Says He’s Voting Yes on RFK Jr., Kash Patel, and Tulsi Gabbard | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson


Holy SH*T!!! Did Putin and China just CAVE to Trump? Or is something BIG about to happen? | Redacted – YouTube





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Checking in with some sharing of the personal stuff and world stage finds




Challenging for me atm to get behind this plan and the awakening itself as I see no tangible changes.  Lots happening, yes, but nothing yet that is helping anyone of any significance.  Utilities are up.  Food too.  My insurance has risen for the 4th consecutive year even though I have had no claims.  And now retailers and their media mouthpieces are saying these incoming tariffs will drive up prices even further.  Who the hell can take yet another $$ hit?  They want us living off of bread and water, living in cold homes because we can’t afford to heat them anymore?  Up to our necks in debt just to survive?  Even if the income tax is eliminated, some don’t make enough to pay a tax on their income so they will be hit the hardest.


I have come to view this awakening as the have and the have not’s – the have not’s growing in numbers – seeing too many dropping out, burned out, depressed and sick and people like me promote their causes when and how I can.  And when I share my own work and ask for others to share because that costs nothing – and I don’t even see that happening in the way I need and deserve – it is disheartening.

And I think why am I wasting my time doing this now?  Uh because applying for work has garnered me the same damn results so I really don’t have any other viable tangible choices other than to continue doing what I have been doing – just getting more vocal about it and sounding more desperate because the truth is I AM desperate and my body waking me up most every night now pounding the bed in frustration and taking the time to self soothe has become SO GOD DAMN OLD so when I see Trump and Melania and anyone else in their camp selling books and coins and people flocking to buy them I scream over here:  WHAT. ABOUT. ME???!!!!  And other Souls like me?  Do we simply not matter?  Are we just tools to be used – worthless entities in the eyes of the haves (or shall I say the “still haves”) to be discarded in this system of pay to live or die – when we should be doing better and COULD be doing better by doing small simple things to help those who are vocally saying what they need – and then actually doing those very things instead of ignoring and moving on which is painful as HELL at this point.

I mean Jesus – a beautiful friend of mine – we are doing what we can to help one another as she is in a similar situation – she donated $5 to me when she had less than $20 in her bank account.  (And if you want to help her, go here – she is one of the kindest Souls you will meet).


U G H!  ENOUGH already!

At some point, things become easier for us all as common sense this current trend – the way it’s been – for the past 30 years – especially the past 10 – is not. sustainable. if society as a whole really wants to see us all thrive.  For if not, the have nots will start going after those who have out of the sheer need to survive.  And any benevolent run plan cannot allow that to happen.

Stepping off the soundbox to share some finds that hopefully are showing this new world we keep hearing about and intending.  So keep focused on bringing that in.  It’s all I got atm.









I think this is the last time I will allow my eyes to read these words:







fed audit?  how long will this take?  if AI doing it – can be done in a flash.


Musk aides gain access to sensitive Treasury Department payment system – The Washington Post




this feels like outside the wall to me….

Huge “islands” found inside Earth are 100 times taller than Everest –


another blackout:











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