Hurricane Florence: MSM Reporter Finds Ditch filled with water to stand in – not knowing people are walking behind him through nothing but small puddles



More Fake News !! When doing a live broadcast, find a ditch to stand in in an area where people are not walking on water !! LMAO !!

Posted by Eddie OKeeffe on Saturday, September 15, 2018



UPDATE on Hurricane Florence


Sourced here (from the same piece I linked last night).  WOO HOO!!

Updated 9/13/18

You’re doing it!  See you are so much more powerful than the doom predictors on TV!  Hurricane down from CAT 4 to CAT 2 and has slowed down by 30 MPH, and back wall of the hurricane is breaking down!  North Carolina will get a lot of rain from this, as will South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee.

Latest MIMIC Capture


editor’s note:  dem rascals be at it again with their HAARP’ing.  OUR mission is what is being accomplished for our Source Original Code (super-power’s) are coming back now – some big upgrades in this area – and we are fully remembering (at some deep level) our true Gifts – one of them being to over-ride low vibe tech used to enhance a storm.  enough of us focused on weakening Florence and latest news says it is weakening to a level 2 then level 1 storm.  good job truth seeking love creating Being’s!!  those Wave X energies continue to kiss our realm too.  anyway – they’re attempting to super charge another storm so just a heads up we may still have some love to send once again…this morning i felt, again, that communicating with the consciousness of this storm that she doesn’t have to accept these pulses being sent her way to make her into something unnatural is something she can reject – that this focus sent her way is helpful.  


Schrodinger’s Other Cats ~ De-Hurricanery [UPDATE6]


Hi. This is Hurricane Florence. It’s a natural hurricane (see below), which is a rarity in itself, but — unless SOURCE disagrees with us on this (SOURCE often has Its reasons) — we don’t think Florence needs to be much more than a tropical storm. With this in mind, the CATs and our Friends just… well, blew-up the center of Florence. You can do it, too. Let’s see how successful we are at stopping one of the most powerful weather forces on earth. Ready… go!

UPDATE 9-11-18


It was a natural hurricane.

As you can easily see in this MIMIC graphic, the PTW are HAARPING Florence with pulses of microwave energy (the white flashes appearing inside the hurricane); they also doing it to the other hurricane developing in the east. Florence is a natural hurricane no more, but has been instead weaponized. Makes you wonder if anything’s ever going to change for the better, right? However, THERE IT IS. This isn’t even a smoking gun, it’s the act captured via satellite for all to see. Ask everyone you know: why is this still allowed to happen? If the swamp is being drained, how many swamps are there?

Note that those broad white flashes are Wave X energy. So, this is literally SOURCE putting the kibosh on ca8al activity.

Also, we just noticed…

…the energy from last night looks like… the Twin Towers. THAT’S interesting.

Continue here.

Urgent Request From Denice Regarding Hurricane Florence

editor’s note:  i also added “if something dark is guiding and manipulating you, let it go.  it’s ok.  let go of all false attachments.”


Terran note: All is awareness, this hurricane has already slowed down 10 mph, we need to slow it down more and shift it north over colder water so it dissipates most of its energy and rain in the Atlantic Ocean.  If you know who you really are, Source in body, nothing is impossible.  Whether natural in origin or created by synthetic weather technology, it does not matter.  The path can be altered.  Be very wary when the media predicts disasters before they happen, they are trying to cause an public that may not yet be aware of who they be, into reinforcing this potential disaster. Nothing is cast in stone as to what this storm does.

11 September 2018

My family and I live along the southeastern North Carolina coast, in Ocean Isle Beach, close to the South Carolina border. I am sending this special request now, because I believe that together, all hearts are capable of any thing! Most especially dancing with the ‘worst storm the east coast has ever seen’.

Florence, whether a designer storm, or a natural event appears to be heading here. She is not now, nor has she ever been a “Monster”.

The name “Florence” means to flower, or to blossom.

There is plenty of “time” to assist her out to sea. “Florry”, as a dear friend calls her, is already moving slightly north.

I simply ask that if you have a moment, please send some love to Florry. Send her gently out to sea. All is possible now, especially with heart

I am so very grateful for all of you!



Late Afternoon and Tonight’s Sky Captures


editor’s note:  the shots i took looking due east – around 7:15pm – with all of the bands (i will note the pic below) – do not come close to the scene i saw with my eyes.  the depth of the purple that was lower in the horizon was amazing.  i have yet to see that deep of a purple show up.  and it was due east too!  i was actually having a conversation with a friend who had just pulled up in his car (i was on my bike) and had to interrupt him when i saw the skies and excused myself as i took pictures.   the time of the photos start at around 5pm when we went from blue skies to a lot of wind bringing in a huge wall of some amazing clouds, which you will see below.  i had a feeling we were going to have an amazing sky scene at sunset.  the glow ended up lasting for a good hour – and as has been the case for some time now – often starts in the east before the west lights up.  

aside from some amazing sky scenes, WOW did i feel floaty today!  and tired too.  i zonked out within minutes for awhile around 9pm.  


(this is one of the photos i took – due east at around 7:15pm – that had the deep deep purple low in the horizon.  the bands were brilliant all the way up.)

(this glow just kinda snuck up on me – taken on my ride)


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