Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
editor’s note: well it is rather important i know what i am sharing here ~ at least most of the time. sometimes it’s a guess until i take the time ~ which i did tonight (in between making dinner and doing laundry). so this magnetopause i have been sharing…..the magnetosphere is the area surrounding the earth in which the magnetic field is the “predominant effective magnetic field.” the magnetopause is the outer region of the magnetosphere ~ the boundary between the earth and the magnetic field. the shape of it is the result of the solar wind.
i also found an awesome video (below the recent image) showing what the normal image is for the magnetosphere. as of june 1st, it switched to purple (normally it’s mostly blue with some yellow). just as i had thought and heard – this image is not “normal”. up next: my search to understand the different colors on the spectrum…
Published on Jun 7, 2018
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Mongolia, China – Terrified locals observed Earth's crust flowing like a river. This event has never been recorded before. 6-27-2018Posted by Oel Yin
Posted by Juan F Martinez on Thursday, July 5, 2018
Sourced from here.
editor’s note: i was just hanging on the front porch, decided to grab my camera and take some shots. unbeknownst to me, i captured that green planet-like object again. twice. “moved” quite fast too as those were back-to-back pics.
editor’s note: i am wondering if my mate and i have had our polarities shift. we see this video below….showing some really weird happenings in our magnetopause. and then with the all day long experience yesterday of feeling so “not here” ~ more intense and longer in duration than ever before. and then today we notice that with my mate’s compass, suddenly north is south and south is north. i showed this to a friend to verify and she thought it odd as well. we played with it all day and continued to get the same read. i took photos which i will post below. we had our neighbor check his compasses – nope – his still showed north as north and south as south. our neighbor is the one who said (jokingly), “your polarity has switched”. so i googled it (thinking is this possible??) and found this: “Your body is a brilliant, delicately balanced machine. Polarity reversal disrupts your finely choreographed energy system causing a short circuit type response to your life force or chi.
Tiny pathways, known as meridians, run throughout your body delivering electrical charges of energy to your organs, endocrine system and cells. When this becomes disrupted, polarity reversal happens.
Your energy system is often referred to as being like a car battery. If your car battery dies, in order to start the engine, you need to make the right connection with jumper cables. As you know, it’s critical to be sure and connect your cables properly. If you don’t, you blow out your engine.
You probably suffer from polarity reversal if you feel:
of note: i never get headaches. N E V E R. but yesterday i had this tightness (that was not sinus related) on the top of my forehead that felt like something was tightening my brain with a vice. an absolute first for me ad i found it very odd.
after dinner, i also went outside again to see if the compass was still showing opposite polarity. it was – until a neighbor rode up on a bike. his energy felt really off and i mean really off. he also just sat on his bike in the street, watching me, not saying a word. really strange behavior. i glanced at him, nodded and returned to the compass. i noticed suddenly north was north, south was south. hmmm….i tuned in and something felt as though his energy was pulling me back into an old timeline/reality. i know, weird right? so i trusted this, said “no” to it – he rode off – and the compass began showing north as south, south as north again.
which says to me – as i have felt – and am indeed feeling it today and see others are having the same experience – which is this simulation is ending. the creators of it are desperate, afraid – and are acting out through those of low vibe/unaware. ground self in YOU and do not engage with ANY BEING who is exhibiting manipulative or any behavior that feels as though it is rubbing you the wrong way. it it doesn’t resonate, do not engage. my feeeeel.
anyway, enjoy the video and pics.
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Published on Jun 20, 2018
i am looking south in this one.
and i am looking north in this one…