WSO ~ WHACKED Webcam Photos From Spain/Germany


editor’s note:  watching this, i think/feel/say aloud “what is THAT??!!”  fun stuff to watch (for me that is).  interesting steve says there continues to be an unknown energy field around our realm.  hmmm could it be the energy field of the event awaiting to flood this realm once the matrix net is removed?  could it be this is why so many of us are feeling (and some have seen it lately in visions/dreams) it is RIGHT HERE – because it is?  i keep hearing “bus driver MOVE THAT BUS” in my mind (only of course it is remove the net!).  the bible speaks of floods that wipe the earth.  this time it is energy that wipes away the memory blocks, the DNA blocks restoring us to who we REALLY are.


Published on Jun 18, 2018


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Sky Splitting in Kansas City…..


Image may contain: sky, cloud, twilight, grass, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: sky, cloud, twilight, outdoor and nature

Posted by Gav'riel Yisrael on Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sourced from here.