Sky Captures for Tonight ~ 5/27/18


editor’s note:  something told me to “go to the corner and take pictures” so i did. i captured that green object again.  and something else as well.  (i love doing this, btw!  one of my favorite hobbies.)  [wp-svg-icons icon=”happy” wrap=”i”]

green object/planet – up and left of the sun.

another object – near top of photo and off to the right (there also seems to be something just up and to the right of the sun….see below for a stronger image)

what’s that directly above/right of the sun?



Dr. Michael Salla, 5-15-18… “Hawaii Volcanic Eruption Intentionally Triggered to Generate Massive Tsunami?”


This is distressing ~ but in alignment w/what I felt this morning, seeing the news on the volcano as I had felt for days this would not be catastrophic and she would not blow – at least fully and violently.  Shaking my head…and heart feels heavy as I share…  As of now, I hope this is NOT true…  (couple hours later:  i went w/in and also heard from friend rick – he and i both feel “they” will not be able to create the chaos they intended..won’t happen…)



Thanks to the 3,647,796 people who alerted me to this article and/or other links that implied this might be what’s going on with Kilauea. After reading this, and seeing all the connections, what Dr. Salla describes is a definite possible scenario.

My own view was that the tsunami-generation situation was never going to happen, and that this whole Kilauea deal was part of Pele’s way of reclaiming her land. Particularly “irritating” to me for several years, has been this Puna Geothermal venture which has been ongoing for many years, and which I always felt was a violation of the Spirit of this island, and of the people, particularly Hawaiian families who lived near there (see this video, with powerful testimony of a Hawaiian man, against the geothermal venture).

As always with Dr. Salla’s articles, I’m posting 1/3 of the article, highlighting from the full article, and linking to the original at the end.

Some may also wish to check out Dr. Salla’s latest book, “Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs“.

“While most assume that the earthquakes and Kilauea’s eruption are due to natural geological processes stemming from a hot spot deep under the Big Island of Hawaii, there is startling evidence linking human intervention to this recent wave of volatile activity. Examination of the fracking practices at Puna Geothermal Power Station, located in the same Puna region affected by earthquakes and volcanic activity, directly raises the strong possibility that the fracking was a direct factor in unleashing what is currently occurring.

“…the company that owns the power station, which is officially called the “Puna Geothermal Venture”… is financially connected to the Rothschild family

“A partial collapse of Kilauea volcano could trigger massive tsunamis that would not only engulf the Hawaiian Islands, but also devastate the U.S. Pacific Coast, as well as the coastal regions of other Pacific rim nations. The possibility that the Puna Geothermal Venture conducted fracking in a deliberate effort to secretly promote earthquakes to trigger such a collapse and thereby generate massive tsunamis, deserves a critical investigation.

“From its inception, there has been controversy over the wisdom of the Puna Geothermal Venture being built within an active volcanic region with regularly occurring lava flows. However, what most aroused local opposition is direct scientific evidence that the powerplant has been using fracking techniques as a means of generating heat for power generation. Scientists have established a clear linkage between fracking and earthquake activity in multiple studies:

“A Duke University study of the eight wells used by the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV)… suggested that fracking was occurring at the Puna Geothermal Venture via the injection of pressurized fluids into the wells and surrounding rocks. Even more alarming is that a study of earthquake activity in the vicinity of Kilauea shows a direct correlation to the fluid injection (fracking) at the geothermal plant

“The Puna Geothermal Venture is owned by Ormat Industries, which is an Israeli based company that was founded by Lucien Yehuda Bronicki… “Mr. Bronicki has received numerous awards, including the Rothschild Prize for Innovation/Export in 1977″… The award of the Rothschild Prize for Innovation/Export established a clear link between Bronicki’s Ormat Industries/Turbines and the Rothschild family.

“It is quite plausible that the Rothschild’s 1977 support and financial backing made Bronicki and Ormat Industries obligated to do the Rothschild’s bidding in some way. This makes it possible that Bronicki was instructed by the Rothschilds to build the geothermal facility in a dangerous volcanic region for a hidden purpose despite the inherent risk in building a facility in such a dangerous area. This is borne out by the Puna Geothermal Venture being evacuated as a new fissure has opened only a few hundred meters away from it, thereby threatening to destroy the facility…

Continue reading here.


Beautiful Rainbow Images Captured On Discovery TV Show


someone in editing left these in apparently ~ or it all went unnoticed.  my mate watches this show and as he saw them, asked if it was just him.  i saw what he did – went to the discovery channel website and was able to pull up the show and capture some of the scenery of the rainbows in the sky and on the roads too.  we be gettin’ oh so close…………[wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]

More Bizarre Captures on the MIMIC


ok these white images/objects/land masses/whatever they are…are really increasing!  check out what i captured tonight…

fyi:  MIMIC is an acronym for Morphed Integrated Microwave Imagery.  it captures images over the water only.



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Looksie What I captured at Sunset ~ What is going on with the sun??? Is it splitting into two? Is that the new earth sun overlay??


This evening, at sunset, I was intuitively and suddenly guided to walk up the street and begin taking pictures.  I took the video after the pictures.  It’s only a few seconds (something said enough shut off the camera so I did) – but check out how it seems to almost get “squeezed” the last 2 seconds – changes shape.  It looks like the sun is splitting into or there are two suns ~ one reality overlaying another.  I have no explanation.  Just a very strange shape for our “sun”.  It was also unusually large which perplexed me.  Anyway, have fun with these images!  The photos themselves really capture the unusual shape.  Amazing times that I feel very privileged to witness ~ even being as weary as I am at times.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]