Some interesting intel on DORIAN


you know – i have had this feel today – this storm being very difficult to predict.  obviously controlled weather modification – and yet who is doing the controlling?  my mate then felt that when it was going through the Bahamas it was removing out “bad” creations – and you know what?  i had the exact same thought/feel as well.  then i cancelled it out because i could not stomach the concept of innocent people dying.

and yet this is war – psychological and physical – all fronts.  and if this really is about cleaning up the “swamp”……  so……… is the thread i found very interesting:

Plasma bolt (w/lightning) in AZ


Amazing!  Been seeing these plasma bolts lately.  We had a thunder/lightning storm last night.  Energetically it was a very active night – with that storm and then a 6.4 off our coastline (we didn’t feel it here).  That likely explained the ongoing interrupted sleep last night for all of us.  I woke up several times and right around sunrise I was suddenly intensely craving watermelon, so I got up, went to the refrig and scarfed down a few slices.  Just an overall day of strange intensity.

Glendale USA 🧐

Posted by Anthony Costello on Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tonight’s Sky Captures ~ 8/28/19


i had a feeling around dinner time that we were going to have an amazing sunset.  we did.  below are some of the captures taken by both myself and my mate.  i was out on a bike ride with our girl taking pics and he was at home doing the same.  riding around i noticed a lot of people out doing the same.  the sky was glowing for quite a long time too.  one thing we noticed – the sun is setting much farther north than it should be.  the first picture i share – that is the position the sun was in back in june.



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#MrMBB333 Nobody is sure WHY this is happening – Never before seen in RECORDED history!


i was not knowledgeable of how widespread and horrific these fires are – esp. in the amazon.  i read last night that the lungs of “mother earth” are burning.  i have felt – since tuning in to the idea that this is ending – that those in charge are going to continue creating destruction up until the last moment.  they seem to be at it w/these global fires.  this explain why my entire family began coughing in the past 10 days or so – with no explanation for it.  the dust.  the smoke from the fires in this realm.  to me i am feeling that this is showing how small this realm is.  this space in which we inhabit. when you have a situation where dust from africa can spill into the atmosphere and into the atlantic ocean and impact weather – yeah – this space is in truth quite small.

so my mate stepped up big this morning and added what i think may be the end of this show.  i had felt in recent days i had reached a point where my insights weren’t expanding and i had nothing new to offer.  last night i went to bed feeling overwhelmed and dismayed and energetically feeling at an even deeper level:  i simply cannot do this experience one more day.  but then as a woman spoke of last night in the comment section of lisa harrison’s latest video – when i get to that space where the anger and pain and all of those heaviest of the heavy of emotions overwhelm me and i think i cannot take one more second – the heart expands.  something new comes through.  and my mate shared something – his feel – that i will write up later and share.  and he got chills and i got tears.  as i said earlier before our conversation – either we’re seeing the chaos before we get out or we’re seeing the end for us all.  i have to trust that feeling within that says “all is ok.  you’re ok.  i’m ok.  ride it out.  hang on.  the exit out is very near.”


Published on Aug 21, 2019

Some pics for today ~ 8/20/19


today felt like a “nothing burger” in terms of news and movement.  but there were some interesting sky captures including one “cloud formation” in particular.  who knows what it really is – never seen “clouds” form like this.  you’ll see below.  also sharing a couple of music channel shares that called me to take a looksie.  they speak for themselves.  which is good as i am too tired tonight to come up with descriptions.  lol
