Huge areas of the Arctic are on fire – here’s what that means for the planet


Johnny Wood Writer, Formative Content

Large tracts of the Arctic are ablaze as wildfires reach unprecedented levels, satellite images show. The massive fires devastate everything in their path, polluting the atmosphere and forcing thousands of people from their homes.

Arctic wildfires emitted as much carbon dioxide in June as Sweden produces in an entire year, according to the EU Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service(CAMS). Around 50 megatonnes of CO2 have been released, more than Arctic wildfires produced in the previous eight Junes put together.

In a six-week period, over 100 intense and long-lived wildfires have hit the Arctic Circle, some large enough to cover an area equivalent to 100,000 soccer pitches.


MrMBB333 ~ It MISSED! Earth was TOO fast! – S.W. spanning over 1000 miles today (1080p)


editor victoria’s comment ~ amazing captures!  cloaked ships, plasma skies, planetary objects, snow in May – NOTHING is as it appears or once was.  our weather has been bizarre too – going from very warm to suddenly big cold gusts of wind come along – even some thunderstorms here which are pretty rare……if any of you have some sky captures you wish to share, pass them along to me and i will post them here.  please use the contact link here and i will get back to you.  (i do not post my email address publicly)


Published on May 18, 2019

Trump Sees ‘Unbelievable’ Tornado Damage in Alabama Visit



BEAUREGARD, Ala. (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday visited communities in eastern Alabama devastated by tornadoes that tore through homes and businesses, killing 23 people.

Trump and his wife Melania Trump took a helicopter tour of the area before going to the homes of some victims in the tiny and especially hard-hit community of Beauregard, near the border with Georgia.

Their motorcade passed trees knocked down like kindling and homes scattered in pieces.

“This is unbelievable,” Trump said as he and Alabama Governor Kay Ivey surveyed the devastation. He said he had seen “unbelievable” destruction from the air, too.

Relatives of one victim, Marshall Lynn Grimes, showed the president the 59-year-old’s cherished motorcycle vest and Bible. Trump hugged members of the family.

The president and Melania Trump then visited a disaster relief center at the Providence Baptist Church in Opelika, the county seat, to meet with survivors, volunteers, and first responders.

Tables at the church were piled high with donated clothes, toiletries and other items. Twenty-three crosses were set up on a lawn outside.

Trump met privately with more victims’ families inside the church. He said he talked with one woman who lost 10 people in the storm.

“I said how did it go, and she said I lost 10,” Trump said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”


Blue Koolaid Oh Ya ~ Stargate, Sun simulator, Sun portal??? Another CME.


editor victoria’s comment ~ interesting this one pops up after my desire to share the James Gilliland newsletter about that large galactic craft appearing in our skies this week…..looks like a craft (w/some sort of cloaking field) to me….



Published on Mar 5, 2019