Checking in…..Vent and Release


We woke up hearing that terrorizing vehicle ripping through the neighborhoods.  We tried to see who it was but no luck.  Neighbors across the way came out (about the only ones besides us showing emotional response over this individual who has been at this for months).  I had already requested increase police presence and gave as much info as I could.  All we need is a plate number/description of car and they can do their job.  I made a post in a local public forum for my section of the city hoping that will gain more attention.  ANYONE with any level of hearing can hear this car.  It is not only loud but the speeds this individual (likely male, young) is traveling is dangerously fast.

Then I have an more notifications from people who can’t or won’t attend our girls birthday party next month – either because of the CV or because, well, their personal doing’s are a higher priority than family.  And still no response from her friends family thanking her for the beautiful card she made.  I also had notification from a local group about the dog issue up the street on the school grounds.  The reminder was to make sure dogs were leashed.  And yet in reality, no dogs are allowed on the school grounds.  There are signs EVERYWHERE but locals violate it every day.

These people all S U C K.  They just SUCK.

I have resorted to telling my girl at this point that she deserves better and these people who call themselves friends and family don’t deserve her.  She is so thoughtful as I have said – always reaching out – and yet that doesn’t come back to her in the way it could and should.  Not here in this pit.  That has certainly been my experience as well since I was a child.  All I know to do is to clear and heal and continue to hold the intention for New.  For all of us who want and need it.  What I see is evil continuing to do its thing front and center without consequence while we are told to stand down and trust the plan.

E N O U G H.

F’ing E N O U G H.

Last night I had dreams I was all packed and ready to go.  I had tickets, a suitcase and a purse full of silver.  My girl was with me – don’t know where my mate was.  But I was ready.

Ready to GO.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Checking in…..Vent and Release”

  1. Love to your wee girl V. Breaks my heart to hear these stories. Sounds just like the wee girl next door to me, she has been stuck herself like yours through all this and I cant even begin to tell you how angry this makes me about what has been done to kids through this. It makes me so angry I actually can’t even go there……I am keeping that one under wraps as it is a big snarly angry monster of rage that is baying for blood inside me over that. She is such a cheerful wee soul right enough, I hear her out the back garden singing away, playing on her trampoline and making fairy gardens and I always go out and see how she is and we always end up having a chat, she loves my motorbikes and I have promised her a backie when she is a bit bigger so every time I see her it is …..” Am I big enough yet Bryan? Did I tell you I can go my bike without stabilsers? ” to which she then proceeds to ride round the path in the garden to prove that she is ready for the step up lol……cheers me up no end.

    Lin Wood said it best on Sunday, “The penalty for these crimes against humanity is DEATH…….TAKE EM OUT!

    Justice is coming….I feel it in my water!! Hang in there.


  2. So find the mother tucker and “take out the trash”.
    Justified. Less burden on the world.

  3. The last few nights have been colorful and dramatic and bizarre re dream content. I woke up today feeling like I had someone else’s dreams. I am disconnecting the router before sleep in an attempt to foil any EMF interference in my deep sleep stage. Anyhow–dreams have just had this odd feel about them as if I have so much processing going on even while asleep. Meantime–the psyop drags on and our state-MD, has a Governor who is clearly in the pocket of corporate interests. I don’t feel like getting to know our local sheriff would yield much in the way of anti-mask solidarity. I may see what intel I might glean online anyhow.
    As for the bad car and driver in ya hood–maybe positioning a small GO PRO cam on a telephone pole(disguised?) and leaving it running at whatever time is usual for the culprit might at least yield a few details re make and model of the offending auto. Once you hear the car roar by–go out and get the cam. Aren’t there ways to sync the cam to a phone? Anyhow–other than hiding in the bushes on a stake out–I honestly cannot think of anything more unless a cop might patrol the hood during the most likely times.

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