Checking in with some sharing of the personal stuff and world stage finds




Challenging for me atm to get behind this plan and the awakening itself as I see no tangible changes.  Lots happening, yes, but nothing yet that is helping anyone of any significance.  Utilities are up.  Food too.  My insurance has risen for the 4th consecutive year even though I have had no claims.  And now retailers and their media mouthpieces are saying these incoming tariffs will drive up prices even further.  Who the hell can take yet another $$ hit?  They want us living off of bread and water, living in cold homes because we can’t afford to heat them anymore?  Up to our necks in debt just to survive?  Even if the income tax is eliminated, some don’t make enough to pay a tax on their income so they will be hit the hardest.


I have come to view this awakening as the have and the have not’s – the have not’s growing in numbers – seeing too many dropping out, burned out, depressed and sick and people like me promote their causes when and how I can.  And when I share my own work and ask for others to share because that costs nothing – and I don’t even see that happening in the way I need and deserve – it is disheartening.

And I think why am I wasting my time doing this now?  Uh because applying for work has garnered me the same damn results so I really don’t have any other viable tangible choices other than to continue doing what I have been doing – just getting more vocal about it and sounding more desperate because the truth is I AM desperate and my body waking me up most every night now pounding the bed in frustration and taking the time to self soothe has become SO GOD DAMN OLD so when I see Trump and Melania and anyone else in their camp selling books and coins and people flocking to buy them I scream over here:  WHAT. ABOUT. ME???!!!!  And other Souls like me?  Do we simply not matter?  Are we just tools to be used – worthless entities in the eyes of the haves (or shall I say the “still haves”) to be discarded in this system of pay to live or die – when we should be doing better and COULD be doing better by doing small simple things to help those who are vocally saying what they need – and then actually doing those very things instead of ignoring and moving on which is painful as HELL at this point.

I mean Jesus – a beautiful friend of mine – we are doing what we can to help one another as she is in a similar situation – she donated $5 to me when she had less than $20 in her bank account.  (And if you want to help her, go here – she is one of the kindest Souls you will meet).


U G H!  ENOUGH already!

At some point, things become easier for us all as common sense this current trend – the way it’s been – for the past 30 years – especially the past 10 – is not. sustainable. if society as a whole really wants to see us all thrive.  For if not, the have nots will start going after those who have out of the sheer need to survive.  And any benevolent run plan cannot allow that to happen.

Stepping off the soundbox to share some finds that hopefully are showing this new world we keep hearing about and intending.  So keep focused on bringing that in.  It’s all I got atm.









I think this is the last time I will allow my eyes to read these words:







fed audit?  how long will this take?  if AI doing it – can be done in a flash.


Musk aides gain access to sensitive Treasury Department payment system – The Washington Post




this feels like outside the wall to me….

Huge “islands” found inside Earth are 100 times taller than Everest –


another blackout:











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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.