Clearing Personal Space of Negative Energy


clearing-your-home-of-negative-energyHello loveinactionnow Friends.  I decided to write a piece on how I clear my personal space of negative energy.  I have been doing this for about 15 years now so I have accumulated some useful tools that I will share with you.

To start with, I center myself.  I focus on what it is I am intending and state it aloud or to myself.  I find it helpful to play meditative music in the background. Sometimes I play gospel or religious type of music.  It depends on my mood.  If I am just doing a basic cleanse, I will use my sage stick.  I light it and with one hand holding the stick, the other hand spreads the smoke into the corners while I say something like “cleanse and bless” or “I remove negative energy and replace with Source/Love/positive energy” – over and over as I go.  Sometimes I will also offer up an individual blessing for each space, depending upon the room.  For example, given the bedroom is where we rest and sleep, I will offer up the blessing that may this space provide us with restful, deep, rejuvenating sleep and peaceful dreams.  Once I am finished, I will open up the windows to let any lingering negative energy out.

I also have black tourmaline stones in each room in the house.  These are said to “soak up” negative energy.  While I have read these stones need not be cleansed, the first person to turn me onto these stones told me to cleanse them.  So once every week or two I will soak them in filtered water and sea salt.  I then rinse, dry, bless and replace around the house.  I also have one I wear as a pendant almost daily and remember to cleanse it as well.

Some herbs are used for more of the darker entities, the attachments.  For those situations, I use copal, frankincense and myrrh resin that I put on ignited charcoal discs and putting in an incense burner/container, I move throughout the house in the same way that I do with the sage smudging. At the end, I then simply place the container in whatever room I feel most drawn to place it in and let the resins burn up.

Lastly, there are times when I cleanse myself or my partner or child – but only if they are open to it of course.  Cleansing needs to be offered and never forced for it to be authentic and effective.  Intention is everything with cleansing.  What I usually do is chant “bless bless bless cleanse cleanse cleanse” over and over as I move the smoke in the shape of a cross, in the front and the back of the person.  While I can do this pretty effectively for myself, sometimes I require help.  The particular movement I make is mine.  I wasn’t taught this but rather opted to do it intuitively. Find whatever method of self-cleansing works for you.  You can simply move up and down the body like a painter or make swirling motions or simply make a circle with the smoke over the person’s head.

For removing negative energies that come with disagreements or watching the news or just having a rough day, scrub that all away with sea salt.  I mix it into my castille liquid body soap but you can also mix it with coconut oil.  Rub it all over your body in the shower, rinse and wala!

I believe the most important tool in cleansing and keeping our space clean is using absolute discernment and focused intent.  Keep the thoughts positive.  Be very discerning as to who you let into your personal space.   Keep your home clean and organized.  I make my own room sprays with essential oils and distilled water to keep things smelling fresh (I also sell these sprays.  Contact me here fmi).  Simply by intending your space to be peaceful goes a long way in ensuring your home is indeed your personal sanctuary.  ♥

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.