Collective vibes ~ Finds ~ 10.22.24


It’s collective – the discomfort – the feeeeeeeeeeeeels of the intensity – some having GI issues – anxiety – ptsd flaring up – feeling compressed – feeling as though one is in a dream – feeling that “something BIG” – the body feeling it’s being put through a wormhole or similar.

Feeling the building up atm.  As I verbally tossed out in my last piece, I had to do yoga at 3am last night to find some peace and comfort in my body.  A lot of disinfo out there now.  People pushing their videos looking for personal loosh saying “my sources are saying” – either about the financial stuff, nesara/gesara (if i had a frigging dollar for every dayem time someone talked about that saying it happens on this date or any day now i’d be a wealthy woman and wouldn’t have to gripe about money) or the next step in this war/plan.  OMG just STOP already – NO ONE KNOWS unless you’re on the inside and if you ARE and you’re revealing you’re going to have your arse tossed into a prison cell for treason.  For the rest of us?  We see comms and tidbits that we (people like me) put together.  Sometimes we are close.  Sometimes we find a delta happening.  But most of the time we are spectators inside of a movie theatre trying to figure out who is who and what’s coming and if it’s a “well written” movie it will surprise ya.  Just INTENDING the ending is FOR US and brings down this entire filthy rotten stinking evil parasitic system and all who created it and knowingly willfully sold out to keep it going while hiding it all from the innocents.


Here’s what I’m seeing on that stage.  Wishing us all COMFORT, FREEDOM and PEACE.

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Recording it Friday:

Donald Trump to go on Joe Rogan’s podcast in a bid to gain young male voters ahead of 2024 presidential election | Sky News Australia



Feeeeeeeeeeels – as I intended feels like going through layers in pool of water to reach the surface of Authentic Original Self………


Feeeeeeeeeels (just one just came to me in a flash of a vision followed by the words – all comes in fast when it happens):


Thank you – those of you – who are Safe for and to me.  🙏💜




Bless this woman for her courage:


while others are focused on the 27, i’m focused on the holy grail:  the flux capacitor:


now here’s something interesting – i originally was going to do a gematria on flux capacitor – but got pulled into another direction – and instead typed in what i was told by john in that dream i had years ago -showing me the november calendar.  in gematria, the phrase aligns with 1122 (the date i was shown on the calendar).



10km……..out in the N. Atlantic ocean….





T cooks some fries at McD’s………..then this…………so insidiously e v i l….




All chess pieces on the board now?



this is interesting……….




Interesting tidbit I found – 10 year gap – wonder what party, if any, he was affiliated with – also interesting as 1999 was the year John “died”…….


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Collective vibes ~ Finds ~ 10.22.24”

  1. re: “Where are the women?”…the current paradigm/simulacrum was infected by an organized religious dis-order, and run by the Pope (aka Black Nobility.)…thus the imperative was to suppress the authentic integration of the divine feminine with the divine masculine (a holistic balance-yin/yang both honored as part of the “whole.”In essence: authentic spirituality was suppressed in the process. Nature was negated; pagan witches burned at the stake, etc) We now have witnessed an unholy artificial trans-formation where men are taught to negate their divine masculine nature, because–it’s bad and evil. So, we now have men who believe that they were jerks for ‘wanting to be men’, and they willingly take drugs to sterilize the former masculine attributes, while some have their genitals removed. We have psychologically deranged woke males who proclaim that they are now resurrected as “women.” In answer to the query: “Where are the women?” I might just as easily ask: “Where are the men?” What is a woman? What is a man? …and more importantly- How do we define “Human.” Re GESARA/NESARA. Of course we’ve heard it is coming for decades. And yet-the man, Bernard, who created the intelligent Monetary RESET program was not embraced by the ruling corrupted elite-controlled governments. Go figure. Thus NESARA is considered fake, phony, and dismissed as a conspiracy theory. This does not negate the value of Bernard’s proposal, however. This merely indicates how deep the doo doo goes, and how entrenched and ‘programmed’ all of the heads of state are(not to mention black-mailed and associated with the child trafficking trade.) I still believe that some form of debt jubilee is ab’soul’utely necessary if we are to regain Sovereignty. Keep the faith alive! I believe we are very close to the end of the end-game…. And then the real work begins!

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