D5 ~ Today’s CALI Earthquake and my dream I was having at the time – Elon and Vivek go to Congress – Putting things together


Getting right to this as there’s a lot.

In this movie, some things have to be timed just right to garner as much attention as possible – at least from the Seers/Truthers.

D5 has been around me recently as ya’ll know.

I had a dream this morning where I was out on this country road, pulled over because I saw a large hole in the middle of the road.  I got out of my car, looked down and saw John Kennedy Jr – surrounded by canna bis plants.  31 of them.  A few other things happened, not important.  When I woke up I was told of the quake, which apparently was felt even here as there were some items that had fallen down on tables.

So I decided to look more into the quake.  Tsunami warning was issued then quickly removed, which as the news reporter said “that never happens”.  When I saw the location – Humboldt county – and the depth – .6km – I knew my dream was pointing out to me what had happened.  Underground move by WH to take out that operation, which given what I was told by a former friend who used to live in the area, is a giant criminal cartel.  You did not step foot on their property, he said.

D5.  Which is also a chess move in which means.

“The d5 stands for “5 second delay”. This means that you when your opponent makes their move and presses their clock, your clock will tick for 5 seconds before it starts counting down. That way, if you have 1 second left, you still will have 6 seconds to make a move before your time runs out and you “flag”.

“In chess, the move d5 is a Black response to White’s opening move 1. e4 in the Scandinavian Defense. The move d5 is when Black immediately attacks the white pawn. 

The Scandinavian Defense is also known as the Center Counter Defense or Center Counter Game. It’s considered one of Black’s more unusual responses to White’s opening move. White’s most popular response is to capture with 2. exd5. 
The position after the pawn capture is the starting point for the opening. The Scandinavian Defense is the oldest opening by Black recorded in modern chess.”

Is this one of those things that Bill Wood referred to as “forcing their move”?


C u e post – 10:44 – time of quake:


31 (John dream referenced above):



And Vivek and Elon meeting with Congress and “other lawmakers” today as well:

Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy meet with lawmakers on DOGE plans – CBS News



Then this is going on.  CASTLE FELL/CASTLE LOCK.

Disney World’s Haunted Mansion shut down after human remains spotted


This as well:

Beloved Disney World Attraction Will Shut Down, Another Is Getting A Total Makeover

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.