My mate thinks we did as he has followed this phenomena more than I have. We certainly captured something that looks like it so yeah, I would say we were given that rare chance of seeing this. He’s been wanting to see this for awhile and the Universe responded. As he hollered out what he was seeing, I grabbed my camera and ran outside and began shooting. For some reason the video begins by showing an odd looking cloud I had been taking pictures of. My camera does that sometimes. Anyway the actual OBJECT comes in at around 7 seconds. It is V-shaped and heads South to North. It appears to have vapor trails but experts have said it is NOT vapor.
This has been under intelligent control. Likely a craft. Could be Nibiru/the hollowed out planet. It began appearing in our atmosphere at a 3 month window, then it went to 2 months and now it seems to have increased in “speed” in terms of how often people are seeing it. (this is a raw video as you can tell – and that metal rattling is my mate throwing the ladder against the house to climb up and see it as it was moving quickly.)
Here are some photos of the object:
Thank you for your support!
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