Didn’t Buzz Aldrin die almost 2 years ago? Who was at the SOTU? Is this a mandela effect?


editor victoria’s comment ~ i remember reading almost 2 years ago (right after his trip to antarctica) that he died.  i also remember listening to a video on youtube where he says, about the moon, “we didn’t even go there”.  and i also found this article:  http://www.oom2.com/t43135-buzz-aldrins-death-bed-confession-the-moon-landing-was-faked

what is going on?  what are your thoughts and memories on this?  trump introduced him…..when he did my first thought as well as my mate’s was “wtf?  he’s dead!”  another mandela (timeline) f-job?


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.