editor’s note: an interesting piece..a question that’s been on my mind the past several days ~ just what is happening to our DNA. grateful for the find.
Ramblings this morning …..
DNA activations…. what are they? … they are the reconnection of our 12 strand DNA.
{Side note: 12 strand DNA is the minimum here on Earth … there are many incarnated now with even greater DNA constructs, far beyond the 12 strand… but as for the 12 strand standard minimum, my contemplations …..}
Our 2 strand double helix, has 10 cross connecting strands connecting the two. The 2 helixes, along with a 3rd connecting strand, are the ‘default’ mode of Earth human’s active, functioning DNA upon birth (prior to 2012 anyway). These 3 strands are automatically operational/ active which provides us with an energetic interface of operating within the lower dimensional frequencies of 1D (life/plant), 2D (sense/animal), and 3D (mind/human); however, 9 of 10 of the cross strands were spliced and thereby deactivated when we fell in consciousness due to extreme trauma in the ancient era … and remained so until now.
We have spent lifetimes healing that karmic cycle entered into with the fall (not sin as the bible portrays, but into the illusionary veil of separation none-the-less) … The fall was in consciousness, and all of our ancient memories stored within those dormant strands remains in place, just unaccessable … unconscious. Then we progressed through the age of darkness unconsciously, adding to that repository of DNA storage with each lifetime; however, unable to access it upon reincarnation to build upon consciously …. and thereby acting out unconsciously, fumbling in the dark as though blindfolded.
We are now entering the new era of light. The blind folds are to be removed … truth revealed … what lay in the dark, brought to light. We are to face those unconscious, buried memories and accompanying emotions, by reopening our heart. We no longer need to seal them off in protection mode. We are to heal, integrate, and reactivate our higher dimensional DNA … raise our consciousness, increase our resonant frequencies to the next level of soul development … from 3rd density to 4th density…. and reaccess the higher dimensional realities beyond 3rd dimensional …. into the 4th – 12th dimensions, which the reactivated multidimensional DNA provides access. Our DNA is the software if you will of our physical body’s hardware system. To access the multidimensional bodies, we need the software access that links them together as one.
The process of activating this DNA is through the high heart portal – through the magnetic emotion of love. The Ascension is technically an INcension …. returning us to the proper blueprint of how we are intended to operate, our original innocence … which is to navigate incarnational life through the heart of wisdom as our authority (our higher mind), with our brain (the lower mind) in open support of fulfilling the heart’s guidance, wisdom, and desires.
In order for the mind to properly fulfill its divine purpose of following and bringing forth the manifestation of our high heart desires, it must release all of the implanted and embedded programs that have been placed within by outside forces (in the conditioning field) seeking over-riding control of our soul’s architectural system, through diversion and distraction through mind-mapping illusions which cause us to close down our hearts and instead follow the ‘program’.
These mind mapping programs are induced trances …. thus the term “sleeping ones” is referred to those who remain locked in the 3D mind mapping programs as their primary mode of operation, deluded in beLIEving that mind over matter, and especially mind over heart is the superior navigation through life. It works well for 1D-3D perhaps, but not beyond…. its limitations are real, but OUR limitations are NOT. We are limited only as long as we operate from the limits of our lower 3D capped mind.
The ‘awakening’ process is one in which we begin to open our heart center, reconnect to our inner authority, reconnect our DNA multidimensional strands, raise our vibration, and begin to see through the mental overlay veils that induced our previous entrancement. We connect to our higher mind, which is connected to the cosmos … and all that IS. Awakening is about far more than simply seeing through the lies our age (3D reality) (i.e. ‘truther movement’) though this is an important step to recognize along the journey … It’s just not the destination….. We are moving beyond seeing 3D reality for what it TRULY is from an awakened state … We are moving forward into higher states of consciousness, and thereby moving into higher dimensional timelines of creation … shifting into parallel earths if you will. When we shift into these through heart resonance, our world begins to magically shift around us completely as well. …. It is similar to walking into a new location.
The transition from one to another though involves chaos, the chaos of changeover. …. The chaos stirring ‘out there’ is a reflection of the chaos that is stirring within us, as we face this inner transformation and shift … for change is always accompanied with chaos and stirrings of course, the dissolution of the old intermixed with the installation of the new.
We are creating this all (outer world) … from withIN. Everything ‘out there’ starts ‘in here’ …. our outer world is a reflection of our inner world … Each one of us sees it uniquely… different perspectives and angles, yet similar energetic resonances and frequencies as we align with others resonating similarly … which is where we link up and co-create with those of similar resonance.
Here’s two attached photos ….
The first is the double helix, 12 strand DNA intact – activated & operational … and thereby accessible.
The second is the double helix, 12 strand DNA spliced – with the multi-dimensional strands of higher frequency access cut, deactivated, and thereby inaccessible …. (until a bridge is built to reunite and heal them back together as one, which is done through a process of magnetism in the heart.)
Literally, your heart can heal you – that is the only path ‘home’. Love is the ‘rainbow bridge’ … that bridges and reconnects your divine sovereignty and multi-dimensional body reunion, by reconnecting your spliced DNA.