Dr Phil’s Interview with RFK Jr



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Dr Phil’s Interview with RFK Jr”

  1. I’m glad Dr Phil reaches such a wide audience. We have so many details to consider re the infiltration and usurping of the original American Constitution. The Act of 1871 is never mentioned in history class, and I sincerely doubt that the textbooks approved via the Board of Ed would mention the facts re the creation of the US Corp, Inc–based in the District of Columbia. That said–as RFK reminded us: The ‘Citizens United’ ruling enabled the corporations to fund who they wished to select for public office. Anyone out there who still doesn’t believe there’s a global criminal cabal and agenda to rule a “slave” population is living in a dream world. We were scheduled for extinction. Disease-capitalism and the death cult thrive on suffering, impoverishment and early death. God Bless the Republic–may we rise to the occasion and restore Constitutional Law to its rightful place.

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