“drone” overload…..puppies…..


allegedly they don’t show up on radar.  if these are drones someone can scramble the signal.  which says they aren’t drones.  “we are being invaded by drones – we don’t know anything or where they’ve coming from”………..that’s the word on the street – or tv in this instance.  SKY EVENT of some sort.  weird things continue.  for now – i’m observing and intending some SUNSHINE given we’ve more or less been in clouds/fog/drizzle/rain going on 2 months now.  😫

i’m seeing how throttled i am being on social media.  people with 2/3 the followers account and getting hundreds or more page views while i struggle to get more than 10.  last night i was up until 4:30am alone in the living room – crying deep level tears – unable to soothe myself or at least make myself feel good about myself, my life, my situation.  i feel untethered, without a purpose, unable to connect to a g.d. thing.  it’s really bothering me and no amount of self-talk is getting me to where i really want to be.  in fact, it’s like the more i focused on myself and began changing my thoughts and releasing the trauma through the healing work i am doing, the crappier and more agitated i feel.  i seriously asked the Universe last night if i’m even a real human and why the fuck did i come here.  i have a deep need to be soothed, to be seen, buckets of love poured on me.  after decades of putting up with too much b.s., i’m at my wits end.  waiting for things to get affordable again.  waiting on this, waiting on that.  i’m just f’ing DONE waiting for what i want and deserve and N E E D.  my punching bag is getting a real workout atm.  😂

could also be feeeeeeeeeeeeling the shifting energies/feels of this place.  schizo reality.  as my girl is even asking “why is this world so weird now?!”

here’s what i’m seeing.  please donate what you can and share.  ty!




U.S. Department of Defense conducts test – Boing Boing

The test

The U.S. Department of Defense conducted a test Thursday. The test was disclosed on the department’s official website and was described by officials as asfasfasdfasfdasdfasfasfasfsadffffffffffffffffffffasdfsfsafsfdwfgasdgbdfbgdsgasdgdsbdb.

Though the test was brief, the department conducts many important tests as part of its remit to maintaining national security, and it has a long history of experimental programs designed to analyze emerging technologies, bolster defense strategies, and evaluate operational readiness. While no details were offered of this latest assessment, it was dated Dec. 12, 2024, and attributed to DOD News. Icons were provided to facilitate the easy distribution of test material to social networks, but the test was soon removed from view and replaced by an error message. No word was given on whether this indicated a test failure or other operational mishap.


my sense of the drone situation:  cliff high predicted this, allegedly calling it a ufo war in the sky.  my feel about c.h., overall, has been he’s getting information on the web that is following the timeline that is being changed and purged and most of the events on it – if not all – won’t stick in full – but are playing out to some degree.  why?  i don’t know.  who does.  i also feel it’s Space Force SHOWING US their moves, etc. because it’s safe to do so.  unlike in the past they had to cloak themselves but now – they don’t have to. sense it’s due to helping wake up people (who ain’t looking at the sky now?) – and because hey, it’s war until it isn’t.  so for now i feel it’s part of the movie.  T-man has interesting comments to say about it (below) w/his “typo” comms.


i missed this one (still trying to verify):



Elon Musk claims governments could create ‘drone wars’ with AI developments






T-man addressed them in a unique way:












Focus on the puppies.  They are better for the mind….


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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