DuPont Mayor confirms ‘mass casualty incident’ training was underway when Amtrak derailment occurred


I just…I just…so not surprised but damn WOW.  Will the masses chalk this up to just a coincidence??  All that is hidden is REVEALED NOW.


Just like 9/11 and the London bombing of 2007, the training drill somehow went live creating the exact scenario officials were enacting at the time

DUPONT, Wa. (INTELLIHUB) — Ironically, City Mayor Mike Courts and his team, along with numerous agencies, were conducting a training session for a ‘mass casualty incident’ closeby when the Amtrak Cascades derailment occurred killing six and sending over 70 others to the hospital.

According to the report, ‘many agencies’ were in the area planning their day for the exact same scenario as it actually played out in real-time.

That’s right, just like the Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Center attacks and just like the July 7, 2007, London bombing, the drill tragically, somehow, went live at the exact time. (i.e. the exact scenario officials were training for actually happened)

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.