End of day share or two ~ Very interesting too



Our DMV got hit this week too……..Part of it?

Exclusive: US government agencies hit in global cyberattack


Very active:

MAP | Kaspersky Cyberthreat real-time map







And a (possible) synch………….First I see this:

And then I see blackout – think the whole “10 days dark” – ala 17 – who when asked said “SHUTDOWN”………..Something said to google “shutdown” and click news.  I did and see this (i had no idea there had been a week long shutdown)………

Government shutdown fears grow as Democrats and GOP senators frustrated by Freedom Caucus

Democratic and Republican lawmakers are expressing concern over a possible government shutdown as members of the House Freedom Caucus create barriers over their dissatisfaction with the debt ceiling deal.

Several conservative members blocked significant legislation from passing in a nearly weeklong shutdown that ended Wednesday. The end of the stalemate came after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) agreed to meet their demand to write multiple 2024 spending bills at fiscal 2022 levels….

The Senate needs to have a spending deal by the end of September, or the government could face a shutdown.

Good work by Mike (MrMBB333):

NEW video analysis reveals TALL creature in Las Vegas backyard!

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.