End of the day “feel” and thoughts



I’m watching this video and a lovely woman is speaking of the Event (among other topics) and the timelines being messed with to move back our experiencing of this event.  It got me feeling and thinking at the same time.

My mate and I have had conversations based on how we feel and that is we feel this transition/liberation could have/was supposed to/should have happened long ago.  I have had similar conversations with some of you as well.  Most if not all of us (likely) feel to some degree or another or have some perception that other dimensional’s have used the elite, cabal, whatever you wish to label them to utilize their (the other dimensional’s) tech to delay this energy event.

Many of us, myself included (that is until a few months ago and at that it has taken some time for me to get in alignment w/the feeling) have felt and thus believed the event is outside of our control.  We have even been told such words.  There have also been several “go to” guru’s who claim to have intel and knowledge (that no one else has but them) on this event.

The only guru is yourself.  Ourselves.

The only “go to” is YOU.  Ourselves.

While I feel this experience we call The Event is an energy that comes from “out there” in the galactic realm, we are calling it forth.  It is connected to us.  We are connected to it.

For there is no energy disconnect.  No separation, right?  Isn’t that the core and the heart of our Awakening and Remembering?

I see and feel the sudden increase of people having experiences of the event, an increase in discussions of it as well as the same increase in people calling it forth.  The energy around this sudden transition is very palpable.  We are taking another step – a big mama bear one – into our Full Empowered Awareness in remembering ~ oh yeah – we don’t just have to sit back and wait for this ride.  We are co-creating it!

Source in Me calls it forth.  Everything I feel in me calls it forth.  That is enough.  For me.

Timeline manipulations that seek to delay our rightful return to Unity, to Love, to Full Connection has ended.  So says Me.

So I hope you will join in with me and others in stating the Decree I shared earlier.  (and you can switch up the words too of course ~ state it however you feel ~ what feels “right” within)  I now “see” and “feel” more in alignment with it and why it was lead to me to share.

The time is now.  It has always been Now.

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Thank you so much to all of you who support my work I provide each day in whatever way you feel called.    If you feel called to contribute, I gratefully accept donations.  Please click the button below.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “End of the day “feel” and thoughts”

  1. The funny thing about Event is that when you feel those energy increasing and coming into climax there is suddenly shift in them, everytime It happened and I was to say: “perhaps in 2-3 day based on energy” a suddent shift occures. One mistake I found is that many people claim that light is increasing, high as overall not momentary with is wrong. The light here is occuring as sine wave, sinusoid, High-Down. Thus many people claim can you feeling? its coming. and then happen the light lower down and everyone are WTF? It should already happen?
    Second thing is did anyone ever (blame also on me) have tracked how it felt (in term of how high light is = Event coming) in previous years. I dont have hard evidence but looks like some seasons, on some weekend the shift of light occurs. Like in Feabruary most of time little happens, If im not wrong perhaps in May they will also be litte of “happening” (light, intel etc.) And if that theory of mine is correct then we also have to take under consideration this variable in discerming if is really light and chance increase or just season when light is naturally higher?
    On another note funny thing is that after every major shift of energy fall, or either as coincidence there post on Cobra blog, tried it 2 times and was correct.

    Dont know what kind of conspiracy theory Im getting into but maybe this works in a way of artifical realease of pressure? You allow some part of lightworkers to be, experience Event on some artifical false timeline/dream etc., then it is dissolved even after Event on that specific time, then those lightworkers came back to major timeline where they say the Event happened, is coming etc. but this somehow lower overall amount of light needed to blown this. Realeasing some of pent up desire for Event on some military poligon, where you dont have true climax mut handy still feel good and you lose your desire shortly after.

    Then the blame pour into and we have a start of drama on some blogs, and it change populace focus. Until another natural time of light increase occur and whole process start again.

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