editor’s note: here’s out “not of fully of this realm” i am now. i thought yesterday was wednesday, today thursday. it’s friday? really? i really have no sense of “time” anymore. i know why that is though ~ it is sinking in that the real me – the other fractals of me – are already out of here, home, in the new. but wow – what a concept to swallow, you know? upon “the” moment, will i be elated and fully energized? will i be like neo in the matrix when he first comes out of the matrix ~ disoriented, in need of tlc/assistance for a time? a bit of both? i contemplate that one now……i still continue to feeeeeeeel that purple color is that “event energy” – just outside of this realm…..today i again heard “the skies were all purple” in my mind….went to youtube and the next video was “purple rain.” i told my mate of the experience. an hour or so later i was making dinner and he calls me out to the man cave (garage) – get out here! so i walk outside and purple rain is playing on the radio. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
There were some mega energies again today. I had to eat a lot and rest/ sleep a lot. More than usual.
We are integrating some new templates and altho we are in individual places, I was hinted that these are new ones that have just now been able to arrive on the newer higher vibing grid we are now in.
I am feeling more like I’m Energy than a form, this is to another place than I was in before! I wasshown an image of a Diamond and how I’m becoming prismatic to another level, to where my light is coming out in all directions no matter the 3d circumstance. For a while I let myself complain about certain things, knowing that it would allow me to finally and completely, love all* my feelings. Then I had breakthroughs 😊
😋 feeling freer within than ever before…
As I was sinking peacefully into my new temolates the last few days, I start to see the Event approach us. We are pulling it to us, as much as it is pulling us to it. It is an attractive force. We have already ascended, and we are going up (and embodying) continually, which by law of attraction, we are bringing the Event to us, by virtue of matching frequencies. I felt like I was seeing it from an expanded place, so I could see that the Event “just is” our destiny. It “just is” meeting us. I almost want to call it “the great merge” bc we are merging with light filled timelines that we are returning to after aeons of separation consciousness. It has so much meaning for the multi-verses.
We are integrating so much right now, remember what you are doing and don’t blow yourself off as “doing nothing.” We are stretching ourselves very much to intake new codes, and this dissolves the old matrix realities, which brings the Event closer and closer to us. We are Embodying the heaven frequencies, which then can only bring Heaven to us.
Time to stabilize and ground and let it settle. Good work everyone! 🎆
Sourced from here.