Energy Update


editor’s note:  all day i felt very floaty…and also heavy (very lethargic).  body needing sleep and quiet which was a challenge today w/the activity list.  i finally nodded off around 7pm for a few minutes – seems that’s what my body needed.  it was a heavy sleep though during that brief time.  


Wanted to explaine why I was put to the task of being a Tectonic Human Plate.
As humanity is shifting in mass quantities, there is still a collective, where soul has agreed to ascend to the 5d tangible plane of existence, but the logical mind ( sometimes ego influenced) is convincing the mortal/immortal to not believe in the eternal.
So , a task force was chosen ,including gatekeepers, key holders , code masters and grid workers to assist this collective, or “ Critical Mass Collective “ to rise to the soul plan, original blueprint diagrams that were initially agreed upon .
Last night I was leading this task force to do such a feat of magic.
I/We were placed under this Mass , and with a westerly force , a wave was created to push forward , using new quantum mechanical structure movement. Mass pushing forward with such power , it created a detach /separation /unhinging. Lifting up to bridge between energetic physical plane. The full rise occurred at around 12:30 pm est, today.
You will have felt a lifting out of the vessel , from root thru crown , full crown wide open , weightless , nauseating swirls , then boom! Flat out lethargy. It’s still felt in this moment here on east coast.
Also, again full alignment of homestead , security and scout ships ( arctaurian and Andromedan, scout Pleidean. ) this is preparation for world events in process near June 6 til 9.
Truth revealing , mass foundations in crumbling chaos.
Masculine in doubts of power , stature , prowess and mortality.
Tribes , I / We are all in strategies to help the second streams, or second runners to carry the major agreeing souls to the New World, New Jerusalem, New Egypt or whatever you feel in your beingness to be.
It’s more uncomfortable in the days to come. The disoriented states , the new realities, the nothing /everything mindsets , intolerances , acceptances , ignorances etc. , are in full separation to unification.
Councils are watching the slowing up of the Galactic to Angelic Merge. Why? Name calling , declarations of false groups , charismatic snake charmers , spiraling egotistical light workers. To name just a few.
Innerstand: everything that is not for the highest good of 5th dimension will be uncovered and dealt with in the Great Hall of Philosophical Judges. Why there??? Many a many old belief systems of fear based programming still in affect. So different philosophies must be scrutinized, pulled apart , restructured and put back into truth.
Lots of changes within and without. It’s all in truth structure.
I love you.
As soon as the updates happen , I will
Inform as permitted.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.