editor’s note: no joke on the “soles of our feet being pounded on”. have had that experience often lately. i realized these strange body symptoms began about 2 years ago. my “awakening” (questioning, etc.) began 25. ready to fly! speaking of last night i traveled ~ to london. yuck. that was a brief stop before i left (took care of some personal business). then i was in my home, the members of journey in my living room ~ playing some music w/them. woke up to “who’s crying now” going through my mind/heart…… enjoy this beautiful message below. the words resonating deeply, giving me that “yes” feeling in my heart. that’s what we’re after/uncovering/remembering……
For weeks, I and others I’ve talked to, have had the feeling of the soles of our feet being pounded on. Which i sense were a lot of upgrading, on root/ material/ survival/ finacial topics.
Now, I’m having strong tingles of energy at the soles of my feet. It just started. It feels like strong waves of tingles coming over my feet. I interpret this as the “filling in” phase. Guides had told me before, that first we go thru a phase of “emptying out the old energy”, like removing old files. Then we go thru a phase of filling ourselves up with new light. I feel that the second part has just begun for me. It followed right after I had the mental/ emotional/ spiritual feelings that I know who I am, I know what I want, and where I stand. After 2 months of fuzziness, followed by 4-5 days of feeling very chilled out. Then on to feeling clarity today. As soon as the clarity began, the tingles in my feet began shortly after. I am also having lots of ringing in my ears staring since earlier this evening. I haven’t had ear ringing in a while. It’s supposed to be about us tuning up in frequency.
I want to mention that ive learned that not every answer to life is about raising our frequency. There are myths about becoming higher in our vibration that make us think we need to be at a certain place to make it to new earth, which is not true. Also that, we should always try to strive to be super high vibe. It’s not always the go-to answer; and I say this bc we also came here for the human experience. We had to feel low vibe to an extent, if we were going to allow ourselves the experience of being in the matrix. It’s experience, that we can carry with us in our souls even after we leave earth. Also.. It’s good to sometimes let ourselves feel low vibe for a bit, instead of trying to make ourselves raise our vibe immediately after a dip. Why? Bc we need to sometimes experience what wants to be seen/ heard/ acknowledged, within. We can slowly take a walk around our inner meadow, slowly seeing and observing what’s there. Versus shooting ourselves back up to a high vibe the moment we dio in vibration.
Also one more thing to add here. We are in deeply transitional times. That means the dark and/or old, energy, is doing a lashback to the Light. In many cases, our heavier feelings are not really ours (or, the intensity of our heavy feelings can be made worse by the dark energies that are on their way out, which don’t have to do with us.. We Really Must cut ourselves some slack for not feeling, thinking, and acting, “perfectly.” Once the duality constructs of the matrix are removed (at the Event)… that’s when we will see how much we really do shine, when we don’t have a billion opposing forces on us, anymore. We will also see and say, damn, I did so good for how much I had going against me. When we see ourselves from behind* the veils, that’s when we see ourselves as we truly are. It’s not from an egoic place, but from a wholistic view. As humans, we have this underlying tendency that makes us feel we are (constantly, consistently) doing something “wrong”. That’s a human interpration of one’s path. It’s part of the earth “game” so to speak, to never feel like we are quite good enough. If you feel like you’re doing things “wrong”… then it’s definitely a viewpoint from within* the matrix*. Outside the matrix/ veils, we see how amazingly we have indeed been doing. Not in some broad general way. But in highly specific, overwhelmingly evident, ways 🦄
Sourced from here.