Energy Update: Full Moon, Woozy Feeling, Dreams and Telepathy With Animals, Birds And All Other Consciousness Increases


editor’s note:  i can relate to the communications w/animals and nature (my favorites).  i’ve felt strong telepathic connections w/a few dogs lately ~ one tonight in which the woman said not to look at her dog.  not to be rude but because her dog is afraid of new people and until the dog knows you, it’s best to stay away.  dog lover me squatted down anyway (there was a group of people talking so i figured i could do this and not be noticed) and this little dog turned around and we looked at one another in the eye.  nothing from this dog said she was afraid of me.  and what i felt from her was “i wish my mama would quit saying that about me.  i would like to be more open with people but she thinks i can’t be so i go along just to obey her.”  not those exact words of course but that’s the impression i received.  i stood up then squatted back down again and that little pup looked at me again – and again we just observed one another.  i put out my hand – she just looked at it.  but absolutely no fear from her. … the bush out back today told my mate it’s almost fall.  interesting.  given a lot of the trees and plants around here they do resemble late summer.  many of the mid to late summer plants are done blooming including poppies, rhodies and roses.  and that event tree – she is beginning to droop from how lush her leaves are.  she looks exactly as she did in my dream now.  she is ready – i am ready – we are ready.  let us call in this love blast, ok?  we are co-creating it.  no worries about some not being “ready”.  this is Love incoming – i have felt it – and yes it is powerful – and i feel it has such an intelligence that each will experience it in a way he/she can handle.  it is like a key opening up a door that has been closed for a long long time – sometimes the door opens quickly, other times, slowly.  call it forth.  feel it.  we got this dudes and dudettes.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Gratefully sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.