Energy Update – Generational DNA/Blue Print Purge And Release of Past and Future

Editor’s note:  I get excited when I read things like this for the simple fact in that it validates my experience.  For me, the past 2-3 days I have been UNBELIEVABLY tired 2-3 hours prior to when I normally go to sleep.  I crawl into bed and just like you will read below, I do not get much sleep.  I have also been having a sore/scratchy throat.  The zombie thing, that has been on and off again all year.  

by Anastacia,

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The last few days have been a combination of unusual and ‘heavy energy‘ – As in feeling very tired, ‘run down’, cough/sore throat and the need to rest or go to bed earlier but then not getting a lot of sleep. Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, or like a zombie – it will vary…as it weaves in and out.

We recently had a very big ‘elevation’ energetically with the super moon energy and now is the other swing of the pendulum.

We are upgrading and releasing our old DNA/Blueprint and memories of the ‘past’ which are Generational…so this is not only for you that you are releasing, this is so much bigger than this!

One can feel they are ‘losing’ it and this seems to be felt by those at the ‘forefront’, so not all will be feeling this as intensely and deeply.

This is not only the old DNA/Blue Print, this is GENERATIONAL we are feeling and healing…this is what sets this apart from other ‘old’ releases and upgrades that we have been through, at this time.

As this has been very painful especially for those who have suffered trauma and abuse, ptsd and the like…and then add into that what our genetic line has been through as well that we have ‘brought through’ with us.

So this is not only going back down the line, this is also going forward down the line as well. Both, past and future as well!

Also while going though this we have been open and have not been able to ‘help it’ as in how we are feeling. If we are to release what we are, no processing or protection has been able to ‘prevent’ what we each have needed to feel to release during this, please know this.

If you are doing fine then that’s great…if you are feeling the energies and are managing that is even better…this is for those that may have been ‘knocked over’ severely, as this was pushing one to the edge and then over.

To those souls, I say to you, hold on the best you can as this is very necessary as this is such a massive ‘clean out’.

You are breaking the link/cycle (pain) of the past AND the future as you are strong enough to do so, yes you. And I am right here with you, the ‘ground crew’, at the forefront doing the ‘hard yards’, as not all are doing so in this way…and for this we will and are being ‘rewarded’ for in doing so.

Remember – “This too shall pass”.

As after the ‘storm’ comes the calmer waters.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty,

Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Energy Update – Generational DNA/Blue Print Purge And Release of Past and Future”

  1. Very much relate . . .in bed a lot of hours . . .very sleepy during the day . . .lots of shifts and upgrades since the elction here in the US and the 11-11 . . . with the upgrades, of course, come the corresponding lows . . .starting to level out . .
    New energy coming in today . . .

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