ET ~ A Holiday Reunion – Xfinity 2019


ET Phone Home.  Reunion.  I’m ready.  Are you?


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “ET ~ A Holiday Reunion – Xfinity 2019”

  1. Thanks for sharing that Victoria.
    I actually wept just now when Elliot met ET again. I must have held a vibration of sadness as a kid when Elliot’s best friend left for his home planet.
    At the same time it’s an analogy for me meeting someone again from my past (either this life or from my origins, star family). I was about the age of Elliot when the movie came out, I’m 44 now. Something tells me a long awaited and heartwarming reunion is happening very soon.
    Have a lovely day.

  2. ” I must have held a vibration of sadness as a kid when Elliot’s best friend left for his home planet.”
    Thank you for writing this, because I thought I was going “nuts”. This is a true “Mandela” effect!
    Apparently, there is a version were ET dies, and doesn’t make it home. But I remember him going home with his family. It’s truly crazy! Did we get highjacked into a different reality/timeline?

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