Well, I wore the grumpy hat late in the day. It’s hot out here and smoky, which cuts in on bikes and walks and trips to the park. I wasn’t having it. Something told me to use the time to do some fun stuff inside. So we played blocks for awhile. I then played the piano. Was I satisfied?
Not one bit.
I have moments these days where I think my Highest Self has gone incognito – at least when it comes to guiding me as to where to go and what to do next to create this change I so much for it feels like a balloon in me waiting to be popped only I don’t know where the pin is. My god the frustration around this.
So those thoughts began to rumble through my mind. By the time dinner came, I was not particularly wanting to be around my family much less my own mind.
After deciding to just face the heat and haze, I took a walk and played some frisbee with the small person, then hit the showers to soothe my hot, dusty body. It was in there I remembered my own words: Bless everything. Every. Single. Thing.
So I did just that.
I blessed my grumpy moods. I blessed my frustrations and fears and feelings of stagnation. I blessed my tired body and my wrinkled knees (when did THAT happen??!). In time, I was doing a little dance and singing.
Mood ~ transformed.
And there you go.
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