Facing Our Deepest Fears and LETTING THEM GO!!!


I just stated, out loud, my deepest fears.  I said the words.  Loudly.  I let myself feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the experience.  And then, I laughed.

Fuck it, I thought.  Even IF these deepest fears came true, a BIG HUGE piece of my personal puzzle in being Free is NOT LETTING FEAR CONTROL ME. Seeing it for what it is and laughing at it.

As I did this exercise, as I laughed, I thought so WHAT even if they manifested.  I know Who I Am.  And NOTHING can impede with this experience.

NOTHING can pull me away from WHO I AM.

Just thought I would share.  It’s a good tool I decided to use after getting inspiration from a post on social media.

Much love,


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.