Feeling So. Trapped. And something cool on BTTF, Time Travel and Trump.



I thought perhaps it was just me and my own personal stuff – but it turns out it’s collective.  Quite collective.  This feeling of being trapped at a new level of intensity making it feel unbearable to that Spark of Light within me to stay here and be ok WITH being here.

Because – I’m not.

I can and I cannot explain it.

Meaning I can provide points why I feel this way and yet it also goes to a much higher place for me where I feel something outside of me getting ready to POP.  Join in together.  Unity.

Maybe play catch up.

I don’t know.

I do. not. know.

What I do know is how my body feels.  And I woke up before the sun rose feeling this – after going to sleep several hours prior in such a nice space.

WTH happened during that time?

I’m itchy in an agitated way.

Tired as hell but unable to sleep.

Wanting to run and run until I fly away.

Wanting out.

O U T.

But don’t know where exactly.  I just want to GO.  Again – not knowing WHERE.  Just G O.

Others are saying similar words.  To quote:

“my heart wants to escape this reality more than ever”

“i need out of this matrix desperately”

“i am feeling so trapped”

“release us immediately”

“my chest and head are tight”

“i’m really struggling”

“…a longing like never before”


can only think relief is knocking as is often the case w/these energetic experiences/feeeeeeeeeeels.  they still suck.  like pushing through another layer of the matrix………


Ok, maybe not cool because today this ain’t satiating me in ANY way shape or form, but it is interesting………..







then when all else fails, listen to this and embrace the love/kid/dreamer energy within and remember WE ARE THE CHANGE and that sheot cannot ever be destroyed.

New Radicals – You Get What You Give (Official Music Video) – YouTube


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.