Full Moon Cray



Multiple car accidents this evening…………fires being set bringing in the police department………..bizarre things happening on the scanner – one guy was locked inside a box earlier.  Have I said I don’t like that dayem thing – apparently “it” it still feeding in the energies of cray (it needs to pay attention to the thoughts I am sending it).  As a line was given in a movie once about 30 years ago:  “I never did like the full moon.  It gives people an excuse to do foolish things.”  Had enough of that “foolish” today.  Cookies, ice cream and Gilmore Girls are on the menu.


This shot up quickly:


Ghostbusters picture.  Yep, sounds about right for what’s really going on here….



Delta tomorrow………











When it’s all too much, Dance:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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