So first I see this:
Really?? lol For those who are new here and/or who are not familiar with Ingersoll Lockwood – he was a lawyer/writer in the 1800’s. Included among his books was The Last President and two Baron Trump’s children’s novels. Those of us into the really deep rabbit holes of woo woo have theorized Trump and perhaps Baron time traveled – back to that time period – gave the premise for the books to Ingersoll at the time who then wrote them. And check out his picture. Doesn’t he look familiar? The nose looks like John’s….but it’s the eyes and brows that look familiar…..
So I wanted to verify fmi and found this:
Address 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue in DC (10th floor).
Here’s a few items from their site. First one is interesting and aligns w/the previous drop found on the 17 boards earlier today….
“Fact Vs. Fiction? “Hydroxychloroquine was used in Shanghai as the first line of treatment.” CCTV”
Ingersoll Lockwood’s team researches, develops and/or invests in new and innovative technologies that fit the needs of our growing US Government and US Government Contractor customers.
In the late 1800’s, our namesake, Ingersoll Lockwood, delivered futuristic and visionary content, over a century ahead of his time. He passed on this knowledge to S. G. Samuels, (Sr.), who shared “The Great Awakening” plan also known as the “Plan for the New American Century” with Steven G. Samuels, followed by our entire team, who continue to carry on this tradition, today. Our mission is to build a brighter future for humanity, starting with the resurgence of American exceptionalism.
Their focus?
- Focus on Making America Awesome (MAA)
The Great Awakening plan…..I like that. Lockwood – the futurist – visionary – sounds right.
That “plan for the new american century” at first triggered me. I became familiar with The PROJECT for the New American Century” in the days following 9/11 and it was not benevolent. However the PLAN is obviously a different term and possibly – hopefully – a different outcome. Further into the site it speaks of AI – which AI is benign until programmed. Still not a fan of it though – probably because what we have seen has been no thing BUT malevolent purposes.
Anyway – just something to share and ponder on – perhaps dig more – including, for me, when this company was founded.
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