Gaia Portal ~ 2/1/18


is it just me or do these messages feel like they say the same thing repeatedly, just using different words?  the “it’s happening” while those of us on the ground say “well then show us!”


Heavens open to the minions of the lower realms.

Minds are released.

Recognitions come quickly.

Paradigms of the minors are changed and elevated.

Holy realms are Illuminated fully.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Gaia Portal ~ 2/1/18”

  1. Hi there do you read the replies to your postings??
    Gaia portal give an energetic reading each time and to me no it does not read the same there is always a difference, and its cumulative and changes and to me its like gradually things are freeing up more and more the heavy dark is liflting, the people are slowly waking up from the slumber, but no the message is certainly different each time..unlike those of SHELDON who really does seem to say the same and its always about the money money.!!

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