editor victoria’s comment ~ ok….so this message is leaving me with a serious case of “NO”. notice they refer to themselves as Hue-manity (with the capital “H”) and we are hu-manity (with the lower case h). wow. false light crap. their message as well is aligning w/the new age religion’s concept of ascension – in that it is something we have to work for. i don’t align with that. yes there is an awakening – to the deception of this realm – but this whole “we have to raise our vibes in order to….” is, imho, nonsense. and they speak in a way of power-over – certainly better than. again – nonsense. we were frigging hijacked here. our altered DNA is proof enough alone to back up that statement. so…..not sure if i will be sharing messages from this group at this point – even if there are some little drops of what i feel to be truth for i stopped participating in any message that engages in the power-over/better than energy. and besides – they often repeat their vague statements – and as i have recently allowed myself to feel – vagueness equates to deception. we have had quite ENOUGH of that. so…..good-bye to that matrix program that says surrounding life forms here at this time are of a higher vibe and we must match them. i kept my receipt (which is my inner awareness) and have returned that program. RETURN TO SENDER.
Greetings from the ÉirePort Group.
We felt the time had come to communicate certain essential items for the Hue-manity collective.
As we have explained before, the term “Hue-manity” represents the Rainbow Higher Vibrational collective currently residing on the Planet Earth, or Gaia, who are here to demonstrate and assist the lower vibrational residents (collectively termed, “hu-manity”) to raise their Spirit frequency so they have the opportunity to ascend with the Hue-manity collective.
Since our first communication on 5-22-12, significant progress has been observed. hu-manity is now at a point where “major awakenings” for the hu-man collective will occur. Nothing will stop this.
We call upon all who consider themselves part of, and know they are part of, the Hue-manity Gaia group to remain open to Guidance as to their role at this time in assisting those of the hu-man collective.
Your assistance will be key to preparing this planet for the full Ascension Event.
Thank you.
the ÉirePort Group
so you mis understood their message!! They refer to those who are already awake and ahead of the game on the planet the LIGHT WORKERS who are trying to help wake up others either knowlingly or just with their energetic presence, these people are referred to as HUE =MANITY then those who are nearly awake or getting there as HU-MANITY…….SO nothing at all nefarious..they made this distinction a few years back and I for one do not see it as anything odd, I have always found GAIA PORTAL to be sincere in there messages.
thank you jane. i still don’t align w/the theory that ascension is something to be earned (via inner work and all that) – it is a right, in my feel. and it bothers me they use the capital “H” and lower case “h”. we’re ALL capital H’s – even the unawakened ones in that ALL are worthy/deserving. just felt better than to me.
I so agree. I never cared for their riddles. A certain blog, the C*ts, also have a feel to me of power over/better than/hope harvesting feel.
i have the same feel as well. if you disagree they talk down/insult in a manner that is quite passive-aggressive.