Cover Story for the Truth playing out….We were talking the last couple of days about events to come in the area – esp. seeing new fencing being put up and those concrete barriers on Penn. Ave. (video I shared yesterday from Penguin Six)…
Richard Citizen Journalist 🔥 D.C. @ 11:27 a.m. 4-13-21
“At the capital. There’s all this water.
3” of water right there. Don’t know where it’s coming from.
You got troops, a film crew, cops
who got no idea where this water is coming from.”
Juan O Savin 🔥 1-10-21
“We’re gonna flood D.C. & wash it out.
We’re gonna divert the Potomac.
We’re gonna watch where the water comes out
of those slimy holes.
I don’t care if they’re 200 miles away.
And then after we’ve flushed it clean about 3 times
cuz we’re not taking any chances with any of our guys
THEN we’re going in
& we’re going door to door & we’re gonna clean that place out.
And we’re not gonna occupy it again
just gonna leave it fenced up
as a spectacle to the world
of the INSANITY of these groups
that have tried to manipulate us.
And we’re going back to right thinking.
Godly thinking.
Sound thinking.
Not these monsters that have taken over our country
& our way of life.”

Hi Victoria. I just want to thank you for this blog, and great information!
Blessings to you.