#GEM: David Wilcock Resigns, GAIA TV Abuses Confirmed #LUCIFER


update:  listening ~ i had a feeling all along that david was being controlled/handled.  wow.  i admire him for taking the “high” road.  the swamp draining (truth surfacing) is occurring in all “places” – spiritual, political, etc.  

editor’s note:  thank you rick for sending me a message telling me david resigned.  i googled it and found this piece.  at this point it is an alleged resignation.  as some may notice, i do not share much from david wilcock and nothing from gaia tv.  i never felt right about gaia from the moment i looked into it.  i had no real proof (lots of speculation by others) – just a feeling – so that put doubt into my heart with those who put their content on gaia and/or promote the outlet.  happy to see this news – if it is indeed authentic.  maybe he is one of the pure truth-seekers (meaning not compromised/used/owned by some corporate swamp creature)……


#GEM: David Wilcock Resigns, GAIA TV Abuses Confirmed #LUCIFER

You Are Free TV

On July 1, 2018, D_vid W_ilcock purportedly resigned from G_ia TV according to Gaia Employee Movement insiders. The full transcript of his letter of resignation is read in this video. Again, the disclaimer of YAFTV is that this letter was confirmed by #GEM and appears to come directly from DW’s email.

Click here to watch the video (also source of this piece).

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

26 thoughts on “#GEM: David Wilcock Resigns, GAIA TV Abuses Confirmed #LUCIFER”

  1. From what I remember David was recently married, so maybe this is why he cannot do anything. Instead of threats or attack he got something worse a special kind of demon … wife 😛

    On another note there was something off about him, coorey and emery smith. I couldnt pinpoint it but for long time I expected that maybe Coorey is not so honest. David had amazing skill in analyzing intel he could find so many hidden meanings that I was impressed during times when pizzagate blown off, hes article from that time are one of those I would show people post Event for better understanding dark agenda and matrix. He had talent for world building and narrative building that how it was captivating., for artifical creating something like that it would needed a long trained special intelligence agents to make it sense.

    But hes latest article was off, first he take a long break from posting it, normally he post 1 per month, this was after almost 3 months. Second I didnt liked when he started to analyse “ready player one” poster part of article. I do not see what he saw, it was for me like he was forcing what he see of hidden images on audience (especially many couldnt guess what he was asking for in comments).

    Well its a hard hit if its true that he was disinfo or played. He was a person that had a lot of followers and get many into ascesion community. It could be even said that he was “mainstream” in that sense. He was between Fulford and Cobra when I started my own journey.

    Now the question is: if its true that he was compromised then how much truth he show in his articles and how many lies there were? Too big to fall ,fallen? Its good that cleaning and purge is happening, less distraction, those who followed need to focus on another thing. Whos next? Cobra, Fulford ?

    1. it is my feel cobra and fulford are a bit of disinfo – cobra definitely w/his “you must follow these beings down underground at a moments notice in order to join the liberation movement”. fulford, i feel, seems to just gather intel most any of us can gleen w/research and shares it as his own. as far as goode – i have always felt from him pure intentions – he really believes what he says. however he was compromised long ago and is still controlled (willingly i see) by some of these beings who communicate w/him. wilcock, well i have said i just don’t resonate much w/him – at times yes, at times, no. when he stated in this recent piece that earth is a globe that spins – uh, well that doesn’t align w/what i feel. this is a simulation – what we see are projections of the real thing to make us think we’re really in an organic solar system (planets, stars, etc.). we will all know for certain soon.

  2. I have been following David, Corey, Emmett for some time now. In light of reflection, David has always promoted love and peace and forgiveness.
    This letter he disses his previous wife which is totally against his messages.
    I am strongly suspecting that this letter was not written by him.

      1. I read the transcript of his letter to Gaia tv, it specifically stated that he wished to not discuss the issue in person or on the phone, so it’s very possible that it’s not from him at all. He states that he’s not connected with the Gaia employee movement so many times that I personally feel it may have been written by one of them. Just a theory though. Seek on friends, much love to you all.

    1. David is a player he has always been, if you look in his past even his past lives he is a womanizer. He has still not understood the issues surrounding this. He has serious issues with womanizing and yes even in this marraige. He was with her when he filmed a small video with a girl about some work they were doing, she was all over him and star struck and he was loving it and flirting with her on Camera. How much does he really love this wife seriously? I had not heard of a previous one who would that be? He will never learn over so many life times he just continues the same path, now it is all falling apart and i am sorry but i don’t feel sorry for him this is his karma he made.

  3. This letter was not written by him. It would be a class A lawsuit against Gaia for making it public if it did actually come from him. Especially before and solid decisions were being made on the outcome of these alleged decisions. Wake up people..There is something bigger going on here? I wanna know what it is?

    1. i wondered the same – such allegations could lead to a lawsuit. i haven’t heard a word yet from him. this came from a channel who at times jumps the gun w/o knowing if the intel is legit which is why i stated – this may not be true.

    2. Not if it was leaked by someone other that DW. And Jimmy Church confirmed the letter is real.

    3. I agree, now if I see a video of David Wilcock staying this, then I’ll believe. This letter is fishy .

  4. I pay for gaia tv. I subscribed because I wanted to watch David’s work. I love David’s work. I haven’t really watched that show he referenced in that alleged letter.

    I also watch cosmic disclosure. I read alot. I just unfollowed Graham Hancock on Facebook. I am looking for validation from David if this letter is true, i am immediately cancelling my Gaia subscription. I would rather David record his own work and charge 10 bucks a month.

    Wisdom Teachings has been very interesting and I have enjoyed the journey with David all of these years. He is a very intelligent guy!

  5. There may be a backlash to David’s resignation letter that he is not expecting. To say that Graham Hancock is a “closet Luciferian” is totally bizarre. To say the majority of his followers are Judeo-Christian and to be fearful of them as the reason to bail from a contract – bizarre as well? What about the rest of us?

    Re: Emery, I have messaged him directly on these points. I know that Emery did not follow-up with providing Gaia with content to get his project launched. I also know he has not followed up for several weeks with a funder I was responsible for personally making the initial “connect the dots”. You can only help those who help themselves, right? As for Corey, I haven’t a clue what the lawsuit and conversations with Gaia are about, nor do I have the data to make a determination when what I am reading is based on “innuendo” with no details.

    I love the work David, Corey and Emery are doing and am a huge fan of their content, but distortions from either side do not paint a clear picture. I admit, when I heard the video I was appalled. When I received the text and went into neutral, I examined the delivery and structure of the content and could see text that was placed in strategic places to solicit reactions from the reader. The references to Lucifer, over and over, weren’t mean for Gaia, they were meant for his Judeo-Christian followers. The release of a confidential letter now made sense.

    Am I too blunt in questioning motives, perhaps, perhaps not. But I am innately sensing distortions every time I reread this letter. You don’t word things this way in a resignation letter, you just don’t – not with people you have worked with that closely for 6 years.

    I also know a person very, very well who has been out spewing anger at Gaia for a long time. This person paints total victimhood, when in fact this person signed nothing short of the “stupidest” contact that no one in their right mind would put a pen to. Did Gaia do right by this individual, no they didn’t actually, but that is no excuse to fabricate stories.

    I personally caught this person grossly distorting actual events to solicit indignation and support. It was stated to me that Gaia was hiring “young people” to hack and harm this person’s site and Amazon account. The fact was the only reason a piece of the site was not working was because this person did not update the bloody plugin (which I fixed by the why) and site worked perfectly. This person then called me in a frenzy claiming Gaia had hired someone to hack their Amazon account, when in fact it was totally secure and the panic was actually over a seller in the UK offering a couple of this person’s videos for 3 times the price.

    I stated to this individual, “Who in their right mind would buy the same video for $60 from an unknown vendor when they can buy it from you for $20 on your official store. But the story had already been spread and it was not about to be changed. I exited as gracefully as possible from this person’s world, but can no longer just sit back and be silent. This individual finally moved the site offshore still haranging anyone who would listen about these and other similar events. So, people get attached to their victimhood as a way to achieve a goal .. for many it is staying the public eye.

    I am not subscribing this to David, Corey or Emery, as I do believe they were targeted as their content is a direct threat to the Cabal and SSP. I believe Corey and Emery are the real deal and their revelations are game-changing.

    But even with the best of the best, you have to understand their human side, too. Discernment is crucial, even with David ,as great as he may be! He admits his financial fears and his failings. You may or may not agree, but think and decide without putting anyone on a pedestal. David wants out of his contract, plain and simple, and I personally believe they should let him go. He deserves to be released for all he has done for them if not for any other reason.

    RE: Pete Peterson. I was a sports producer for many years. My source inside Gaia, who loves David by the way, said that Pete Peterson’s tapes had a lot of redundancy and contradictions. If you have ever had to edit that kind of thing, you spend a ton of hours pulling your hair out over which version to keep, and what is actually factual when there are contradictions.

    As for the religion piece, I have a ton of Jewish and Christian friends and family! We love each other dearly because religious beliefs do not define our relationships. We love each other because of the golden thread of consciousness that connects our hearts. We honor and don’t judge each other. We allow each other to have our own views and passions.

    It is this pitting one against another that the Cabal has mastered and David just did this with Graham. I viewed those Ancient Civilization videos and,anyone who has followed Graham Hancock for any length of time knows he isn’t Luciferian .. that is ludicrous! He runs rings around David in the field of archaeology and ancient cultures, as did John Anthony West, Robet Bauval and the giants it this area!

    It is frustrating! When will we just let all this discrimination and bickering go and become beings of light? If we weren’t so wrapped up in survival and financial fear, it could happen right now! And I subscribe this remedy to both Gaia and David!

    We don’t know the full story, and I, for one will not take sides or jump to conclusion based on a letter like this one, filled with half the story repeatedly. Emery is on the street, living hand to mouth according to David, but David left out that Emery can’t execute an outline? Does David even know that piece?

    I am PRO consciousness, NOT anti-christian or anti-Jew or anti- Muslim. As for Lucifer, he has his own show on a major network, right? I don’t give the Cabal or Lucifer the time of day. As Steven Greer said a couple weeks ago at his Boulder presentation, “All we need to do is become that drop in the ocean of universal consciousness to negate attacks by the dark side.” Steven did this when their technology was aimed right at him. His presentation in Boulder two weeks ago was incredible by the way! If you get a chance to hear him in person, please do so!

    I produce a national radio show whose entire purpose is to protect children, stop human trafficking and bring awareness so that we can change the paradigm that is destroying our families – The US is the number one country in human trafficking. David wake up! Luciferism is a part of the equation, but the greed is the gorilla in the room by your own admission. Human trafficking and drugs are generating trillions of dollars needed to fund these hidden projects that keep mankind enslaved and free energy technology out of our hands.

    Back to Gaia, I know the problems inside of Gaia without having to even ask. This issues are mankind’s personality issues. They exist everywhere when you house that many people in one spot. Regardless of the conscious mission, you will have jealousy and competition raise their ugly heads. You will have monetary decisions that may not companion your “speak” to support the corporate model, too. I have a heard from inside both the good and bad. And actually more good than bad!

    But the answer is not to throw others under the bus, like Graham. It is not by further polarizing our community, pitting Judeo-Christians against people who dare to think differently, or to paint anyone who looks at archaeology for the absolute controversial wonder that it is. As important as disclosure of UFOs may be, so is the truth about our ancient history. Was Jesus, a replay of Zeus? Are the repeated stories of the flood from around the world much older than the ones in the Bible. Is archaeology a conspiracy to hurt the Holy Bible? Are we paddling backwards, yet again?

    Well, this is not nearly as long as David’s posts, but I do hope that we can all think with our hearts, not our righteous indignation “emotions”.

    1. thank you for your insightful share, janet. you have given me and hopefully others a different perspective. i am still awaiting a response from david himself as i know many are.

      1. Dear Victoria,

        We are all just moving through this maze towards the light. It was so very sad to discover that so many accusations and comments he made were not the full facts. He wants out and I have confirmed it has been granted.

        It is not what we do, it is how we do it that defines our character. Graham Hancock Robert Bauval, Freddy Silva, Billy Carson, Linda Moulton Howe, (our beloved, greatly missed John Anthony West) an the other great explorers are not Luciferians … As I said, that language was meant for an audience he believes to be the majority of his followers.

        I have had 100% positive response to my post on Facebook. The one thing David needs to grasp is that the spiritual community is opening to their own inner knowing, their intuition is sharpening, and no longer are we just following anyone blindly or trusting their words as ‘the truth’ without checking with our hearts. The age of the guru is over, the age of self awareness and consciousness is exploding. That is what we need to promote among every other being.

        In appreciation for your wonderful work, Jan

        1. absolutely. WE are our own guru’s. we got that heart program going on that guides us and strengthens the more we listen. t/y for taking the time to share your info on this situation.

  6. Whoa people are still wondering if fulford is real… He is not real, People are right for feeling the way they do about Corey Goode, he is lying through he’s teeth. As for David Wilcock this man claims to be a investigative reporter and it takes him 6 years to understand he’s owners are satanist…. come on how gullible can people be???? We need to see this for what it is. He had no intention of leaving Gaia until the whole #GEM thing started to effect his reputation aka he’s access to money, which he has received a lot of, from these same satanist, so he has literally profited from satanist… what more do you need to be able to see what kind of person he is? Just spend 2 mins and think of it like that, makes a lot of sense.

  7. I have never believed a word of Corey Goode but David seems to believe all sorts of stuff from people who appear to me to be dodgy.
    I like David and have read his books but think he is naive.

  8. I have read everyone’s comments and I am like Victoria is waiting to hear exactly from David Wilcock himself as I do not trust anyone like I trust everything from his actual mouth. I know that there are a great many charlatans out there trying to make a buck using other people’s material. Lots of us have to really comb through charlatan’s garbage to find the truth. As for as Corey Goode I believe what he states because I have a personal friend here in Texas that knows him personally and as I know my friend I believe Corey Goode. Like wise I believe Emery Smith is legit too. Until David tells us different I am standing by him and his fellows.

  9. Well, this is a BIG SCORE, whether it’s true or not, for the “dark side.” Disrupting flow, harmony, and spreading chaos and confusion among earnest seekers of knowledge is a total WIN for negative entities that would rather us be scattered, lost in bewilderment instead of focusing on light, love, and truth (and disclosure). I certainly was bewildered with the Ancient Civilizations show when it portrayed God v. Devil as Enki v. Enlil…..and that set me off on an entirely different search for who the flip Enki and Enlil were…..and if it was possible, as that show suggested, that the “reptilian” or serpent in the Garden of Eden was really some kind of savior sneaking knowledge and power to the enslaved man kind beings there in the form of “tools.” Having eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and in danger of eating from the tree of life, mankind was expelled from the Garden, as the show stated. Then later, trying to justify the so-called good Enki, a.k.a. Lucifer, with the Lucifer of historical and modern-day baby eaters and pedophiles with gross rituals tied to power and money, I kept running into a “DOES NOT COMPUTE” brick wall. Still trying to understand. We are told that the answers all of us seek are “within,” but in my case at least, that means….there are no answers.

    1. I was in the same spot. The problem lies in the horrible morbid translation of. You guessed it, the holy Bible. Try researching the Hindu creation myth. Lucifer = Enki = Shiva. Everything made sense after that. Good luck! 👍

  10. I have been a fan of David’s work since 2011 and have read all his books. I am a quite surprised with his silence for 2 weeks after the date on the letter of resignation.
    Why also, is there total silence on Gaia’s site? I have been a subscriber for more than a year and have never even noticed that NOWHERE can a link to “Contact Us” be found.
    In my opinion the fact that GEM even exists is evidence that there is real dissent within. You do not organize your fellow co-workers if every thing is peachy.
    I will wait to hear from divinecosmos.com before making my decision to leave Gaia.
    Thank you for listening, this news has really been upsetting to me.
    Peace and love to all

  11. I remember thinking that the episode David is referring to in his letter was inconsistent from the thought processes in his other episodes. The logic behind the explication of Lucifer really being God wasn’t there, and it didn’t coincide with all the other episodes.
    I have enjoyed watching everything on GAIA, and look forward to watching David’s videos wherever he is next.

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