Greetings on this Tuesday


I had another vision this morning as I held the moldavite stone.  I could feel myself going from this frequency upwards to the space where we don’t think with our brains but rather we BE and KNOW.  I was trying to think of an answer to something and I heard in that left ear “expand higher and Be and Feel within”.  So I did.  And wow ~ did I feel myself in a much lighter frequency.  Really peaceful.  Of course I got too excited over the experience I didn’t stay in it long enough to get the guidance I was seeking but oh well.  That is where we’re going.  The work lands straight on us to practice going there and staying (well with the help of the increasing energy fields coming at us).

Will be working on the Lemuria piece today.  In the meantime, here’s some cool old music to listen to.  I’m intending it to be played at the Reunion Celebration when this 3d gig is up.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.