Grounding ~ and a few finds



At the suggestion of seeing someone online say “ditch the phone, go outside and ground – even if it’s cold and wet” (which it is here).  I then saw another post immediately after talking about grounding.  So I got up, took off my shoes and socks, walked outside in the 40-degree temps where it’s lightly raining, stepped into the muddy, cold grass and did my breathing routine for a few minutes.  Talk about refreshing.  So, before you scroll through this post, stop what you’re doing and give it a try.  Or go do it, then do a foot bath and give electronics a break for the rest of the day/eve – depending on where you are.  Of course, for those in the southern hemisphere, it’s much more pleasant in terms of the weather – but that can also be perspective.  I gotta admit – there was something exhilarating about doing this in the cold wet muddy grass.  One for the “good things to do” list.  Just make sure if you have a teenager in the house, give them a heads up or else they may walk outside and ask loudly just what the frig you’re doing and have you completely lost your mind.

Yes, I lost my mind years and years ago and never looked back.

Here’s what I’m seeing tonight.  BTW – gas is $2.89/gallon here now.  On a downward trend too.  Last time we saw this was under a Trump Administration.





Image    Image

now                                                         then











And a personal share – my b-day and the full moon………..

A little personal share on my date of birth/entry: I have always felt it means something. The date in the Q posts are significant – and include HELLO GEORGE and CHECKMATE.  And this one in the image below (which may be alluding to Jan 20th – Inauguration Day): And of note: For the first time in my current lifetime, my b-day falls on a full moon.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.