headlines and other goodies ~ 12/14/19


Video: Adam Schiff Booed By Anti-Impeachment Protesters at Armenian Genocide Meeting

Virginia Democrats Float Idea of Using National Guard to Enforce New Gun Control Laws

BREAKING: Democrat Jeff Van Drew Dumps Democrat Party – Switches to Republican Over Sham Impeachment!

SO LONG! Public Lands Bureaucrats Are Quitting Because Trump Wants to Move the Agency from DC to Colorado

Democrat Calls For McConnell To Recuse Himself In Impeachment Hearing

MUST WATCH: Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out The FBI Over Their Collusion With The DNC

Former CIA Operations Officer: DOJ IG’s FISA Abuse Report Provides Concrete Evidence that Russia Hoax Was a “Deliberate Covert Attempt to Overthrow the Democratic Process”



this one is amazing.  i did not think they used the Q (17) as well.  wow!  as i have been feeling – WE have the power to take all that they manipulated and used for their agenda of control and deception and turn it into something Beautiful.  Love.  Light.  Freedom.  Truth.



so V. Kennedy also spoke of a great place in Brooklyn to get a roast beef and melted cheese sandwich…..people speculating the “roaster” could be “roast her” which could indicate HRC…and of note the media was all over the place today w/the new look for HRC (which is obviously either a clone or double/look alike)…..and also of interest – last night i saw a piece on a group i belong to – C-Vine International News Network – a legit news outlet – and one of the members shared a tweet by someone she follows who claimed that while they could not release the name yet, a big name arrest took place yesterday.  and yet it was later removed – shared below.  so they have said that while it may be true it cannot be verified.  so….. i chose not to share the information last night because i needed more “sauce”….and given the tidbits i share above and below well perhaps this is a little bit more info….still on the fence until we know for sure…..

C-VINE Family… I made an error and I’m sorry.

I went against everything I’ve been teaching and posted news that couldn’t be fact checked because it sounded real. “40 Head” on Twitter apparently did the same and just posted the attached tweet apologizing for his error.

SOOOOOOO….. In effect I posted in C-VINE, information from a reliable source, whose own reliable source turned out to NOT be…so reliable. Therefore, we were both culpable in going against our own rules and being reminded why we have them in the first place.

This was another hard lesson learned for me. We are all looking for justice and the LAST thing I want to do is give false hope.


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.