

putting it all in once space – makes it easier on the in box.  



Breaking– Saudi National Airman Posted Threatening Message on Twitter Minutes before Mass Shooting at Pensacola Air Station (UPDATE)

BREAKING: White House Puts Nadler on Notice – Announces it Will NOT Participate in Sham Impeachment Hearing

Court Denies FBI Effort to Block Release of Secret Records About FBI-Clinton Lawyer Meeting on Russia

RUDY NUKES DEMOCRATS: Ukrainians Find Misuse of $5.3 BILLION in US Aid During Obama Admin



lastly a point-blank comment under LMH’s recent video (one in which i align) – although i do understand the forgiveness element – eventually gotta let it all go to assist in our Freedom:

I don’t at all ascribe to the belief that we CHOSE this nasty evil experiment. I think souls were abducted/stolen/hijacked/trapped, and then brainwashed into believing that everything thats happened has been OUR fault and choice… THAT is precisely the technique used by the the VAT of Cane To mind control people,, so as to get peeps to forgive THE KILLERS AND RAPISTS The evil perpetrators Of women and children have thrived, because they keep getting pardoned, century after century after century…… (Besides, they own and operate the criminal justice system, as it protects the criminals and offers no justice )It’s a massive torture zone of Satan’s , who is the creator , in my opinion, and the father of lies…the mastermind of this death GAME, we wrongly call LIFE… people have been so dumb down and made to believe that they deserve to be tortured… And Let’s be honest, people Even think it’s their fault for all the plastic pollution too… LOL… When are the (dead corps) corporations going to be held responsible? ….And when is the Vatican going to be held responsible for the torture, molestation and death?… I’m not jumping into any more boats, which makes me think I have to hug and kiss the EVIL transgressors… LOL… THAT, in my opinion, is totally psycho pathic, and why they have thrived….. They can not be elevated. They had MORE Then enough chances, in my humble opinion

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.