Here come the Executive Orders…….Signing in front of the crowd at the Capital Arena. Other finds and a Gematria. 1.20.25



Was helping a friend today with some paperwork so really have had no clue what’s going on out there w/the EO’s being signed.  Here is some of what I am seeing atm.  And wow – is he coming back with a vengeance.

First up – check out her body language.  Tell me she is not in charge….















I was just saying over the weekend that incandescent bulbs will be back as Trump said they would be…


There’s some really interesting things he says here – special place, something fantastic can be done there (GAZA) – “other side is weakened” meaning IS RA EL…………..



Excellent – remove that sheot:



Some buzzin’ going on atm:



What if getting out is the DARK TO LIGHT reference?

We Are All Trapped Inside of a Black Hole – And Here’s the Mind-Blowing Proof!






Holding Former Government Officials Accountable For Election Interference And Improper Disclosure Of Sensitive Governmental Information – The White House

Sec. 3.  Implementation.  (a)  Effective immediately, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, shall revoke any current or active clearances held by the following individuals:

(1)  James R. Clapper Jr.

(2)  Michael V. Hayden

(3)  Leon E. Panetta

(4)  John O. Brennan

(5)  C. Thomas Fingar

(6)  Richard H. Ledgett Jr.

(7)  John E. McLaughlin

(8)  Michael J. Morell

(9)  Michael G. Vickers

(10) Douglas H. Wise

(11) Nicholas J. Rasmussen

(12) Russell E. Travers

(13) Andrew Liepman

(14) John H. Moseman

(15) Larry Pfeiffer

(16) Jeremy B. Bash

(17) Rodney Snyder

(18) Glenn S. Gerstell

(19) David B. Buckley

(20) Nada G. Bakos

(21) James B. Bruce

(22) David S. Cariens

(23) Janice Cariens

(24) Paul R. Kolbe

(25) Peter L. Corsell

(26) Roger Z. George

(27) Steven L. Hall

(28) Kent Harrington

(29) Don Hepburn

(30) Timothy D. Kilbourn

(31) Ronald A. Marks

(32) Jonna H. Mendez

(33) Emile Nakhleh

(34) Gerald A. O’Shea

(35) David Priess

(36) Pamela Purcilly

(37) Marc Polymeropoulos

(38) Chris Savos

(39) Nick Shapiro

(40) John Sipher

(41) Stephen B. Slick

(42) Cynthia Strand

(43) Greg Tarbell

(44) David Terry

(45) Gregory F. Treverton

(46) John D. Tullius

(47) David A. Vanell

(48) Winston P. Wiley

(49) Kristin Wood

(50) John R. Bolton


The Point (at Roberts):



Here comes Mars…………..”Manifest Destiny”:


Going Home To Heaven


Checkmate to Remember

XRP to the Moon

Judgment is Coming

Reveal The Truth

Mighty Mouse (remember President Trump saying years ago he was always a fan of Mighty Mouse – which tickled me as when I was 5 and was asked who my hero was I said “Mighty Mouse”)  🥰


Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Here come the Executive Orders…….Signing in front of the crowd at the Capital Arena. Other finds and a Gematria. 1.20.25”

  1. Some years ago I was part of an effort to remove fluoride from the water in my city. I learned very quickly that many “educated” people (like lawyers & doctors) didn’t know that Fluoride was a neurotoxin. Our campaign didn’t last long due to fierce political opposition. So hurrah! for Kennedy’s decree and finally removing this crap from our drinking water. Unfortunately, there are other elements in our drinking water that should also be removed. In a saner realm–vital minerals might be added. However, corruption runs deep in a realm where Money is God. Not to ‘acid-rain’ on anyone’s parade–but I believe the human race is being called upon to grow up spiritually; which means integrity between word and action and authentic accountability are at the top of the list for All of Us. Whimsy or a feeling: Melania is a Pleiadian emissary. (just a wild card hunch). Getting off the WHO agenda is crucial–so Revoking clearances…I’m wondering if the list is even longer–but HELL YEAH!–Clapper, and Brennan…bu-bye deep state stooges! …Outta the Paris Treaty!, a very BIG FU to Macron and his cronies in Davos. Is Klaus even still alive(or is his double just another avatar?) Blessings from the land of smoke and mirrors…and if we are stuck in a black hole–damn! A Matrix is bad enough…

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