Here is what happens when I wanted to take a few days off to rest…..


Rat chewed hole in the liner of the car.

Shower arm is loose – was sent a video on how to fix it – but the escutcheon plate will not slide down the shower arm because it is not the right size and the only way to FIX the problem is to remove that damn plate.

My hosting company double billed me.

Hopefully solved the first issue by spraying peppermint e.oil around the area.

Shower arm – yeah – unless I can find someone to cut it – someone who knows what they’re doing – I don’t know what to do.

Hosting company – contacted them.  After being called “Sir”, the problem was rectified.  They’ve been doing some strange things lately and if I knew how to switch this space over to a new hosting company I’d probably do it.  They used to offer me the option of paying a monthly hosting fee on my own.  After the last 3 months of having to go through chat to do this – I asked why this keeps happening.  Ah they have a new policy – one they didn’t tell me about – I cannot pay one month at a time on my own.  And they also keep auto-enabling the renewal’s – when I clearly uncheck/disable that option every month.  I asked about that – they had no explanation.  Yeah –  perhaps time to look elsewhere.  Went from all of this wonderful service to reduced service and increase in pricing plans.

I was also quite exhausted this morning – lack of restful sleep due to the nasty cold virus plus lack of food (due to the same) and having to deal with unwanted questioning and drama – I get up to make some tea and within a few moments I break out in a sweat, get dizzy and start to see black.  I was clearly in the process of passing out so I turned off the stove, rushed back to the bed and lay down, willing myself to stay alert.

Go to my telegram channel to read more.

So for now I still don’t really know what’s going on out there – I don’t want to – my focus is resting and healing.  Anyone have any ideas on what to do about the shower – aside from my idea to get someone to cut the f’ing thing off – lol – let me know.  And some kind words and empathy sent my way would also be wonderful.  Whatever IS going on out there better be bringing me my financial abundance and affordable cost of living.   Because I’m truly about to lose my sheot now.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Here is what happens when I wanted to take a few days off to rest…..”

  1. A good friend and spiritual ally lent me the David Icke book (published in 2010) “Human Race Get Off Your Knees-The Lion Sleeps No more” and I began reading tonight. Well damn!… It’s all in the book!
    We have been cultivated to provide “energy” to the vampires. Not literal vampires mind you–but vampires nonetheless. We are sucked dry each time we expend energy as we strive to thrive and we are definitely living in a simulacrum/matrix construct. As the little things get us down our energy is harvested. And there’s the wisdom of simpler folk from olden times-in plain sight: “the work of the devil” -and so forth. We have come far, and yet we still have to endure the growing pains. Blessons…R

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