I almost forgot to share the metaphor I got late late last night


pop up | a ping-pong ball pops out of the water | Hannes ...

Late last night, as in around 2am, I was trying to fall asleep but the inner Me had things to share.  I received the image of a beach ball.  The beach ball can be held under water (i.e. controlled) if it isn’t aware it’s a beach ball.  But once it gets just a teeny little bit of awareness – that first question of “who am i?” – that ball can no longer be totally truly controlled.

That ball then realizes – hey I’m not supposed to be trapped under water. Hey what is this crap keeping me down?  Who is doing this?  Who do you think you are?  The ball then immediately wants to GO UP.  It wants its FREEDOM.

And once that ball gets a taste of not only Who It Is but where it is SUPPOSED TO BE – it only continues to push and push and push and push until it is Free.

That is our exit.  The event.  Like the beach ball we pop up and out and away of ALL energies and away from ALL entities and systems and programs that were systemically and intelligently designed to keep us under water/under control.

Let’s hold hands and get outta here.  It is time.  WE are making this SO.  We are Source and Source says MAKE IT SO.  IT IS DONE.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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