I do a bit of reflecting and sharing of puzzle pieces and disclosure stuff


I can confirm the frequency here has indeed changed for what was once only seen on camera’s can now be seen with the human eyes, or in this case mine.  I saw something last night in a parking lot – out in public – sitting in a car – and the only time I’ve seen something like this was in a movie and on someone’s youtube channel where they were capturing these similar entities on camera.  Eye contact was made – I remained neutral – said some words in my mind and left.

Strange vibes out there at times.  I focus on what I want – staying more private than I usually would in the past.  Best words to follow for these times:  stay online and in the moment.  And that can be a challenge at times for those of us who are absolutely done dumbing down our conversations 99% of the time – done knowing we are absolutely out of our element in this place – done being criticized, disrespected whether passively or aggressively (is there really a difference?) when we DO share what the rest don’t want to see – done doing ANYTHING for ANYONE who doesn’t hold you in the same respect as they would some celebrity or medical professional or one of the big people out on stage who has far more reason to lie to them than I do.

Here’s what I’m seeing out on the world stage.




When I saw T put out the # CHECKMATE symbol yesterday, this is the first thing that came to mind – and I wanted to see it – and it came to me 24 hours later.  *POWER*  As someone said, this is about the only real source of intel that has continuously given me hope.


Police across US given new UFO handbook as they warn craft ‘pose significant safety risks (msn.com)







No surprise here – and yet – is this lawful – to release such a statement?  Those charged with delivering ballots endorsing a candidate?  Wonder how this will play out…..
















Major US banks closed 42 branches in just two weeks – is YOURS affected? | This is Money


One closed up here in the center of town 1, 2 years ago – the place was always packed and yet the other branch just 1.5 miles down the road?  It is still always very quiet.  I have no idea where these customers went.  Kinda odd.

Chase Bank Continues Nationwide Branch Closures: Full List For 2024 (soscip.org)



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “I do a bit of reflecting and sharing of puzzle pieces and disclosure stuff”

  1. Great posts here…uplifting, actually. Child doing goat sound was adorable. Mama cat admonishing baby is truly amazing. Good indicators on the political scale. The DSouza doc-Vindicating Trump, will be promoted on my end! Thx for bringing to our attn. [btw-Bill Cooper’s talks, and this one on black robes- are always insightful. He was a true trailblazer.]

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